Assoc Prof Simon Winberg

Embedded Systems, High performance Computing, FPGAs, Smart Sensor Systems, Software Defined Radio

My research and interest areas:

My areas of expertise and interest are generally related to Computer Engineering, with a direction towards Smart Sensor systems and High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC). I have taught courses in computer architecture, embedded systems, software engineering, digital systems, and programming in various languages (including C, C++, Python, Java and MATLAB as well as HDLs Verilog and VHDL) and taught various topics of electrical/electronic engineering fundamentals.

My current research areas involve FPGA-based reconfigurable computing, embedded systems, high performance computing (HPC) and high performance embedded computing (HPEC), and using these platforms for applications related to sensor fusion, smart sensor design, image processing, software-defined radio (SDR), Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) mitigation, radio astronomy and radar system digital backed processing. I am particularly excited about the new technologies and approaches in the design and development of HPEC systems, and I am delighted to be involved in training students in these techniques within the context of postgraduate work and in an undergraduate course on this topic, specifically, the High Performance Embedded Systems EEE4120F course for which training and learning materials for this course are provided as open courseware resources. The Elec Eng department has a number of other course materials offered as open courseware, which can be explored at:

If you are a UCT student in the EE department going into 4th year soon, and are looking for BSc project topics - i.e. a Final Year Project (FYP), you're welcome to have a look at the types of topics I supervise listed on EEE4022/Final Year Projects.

I'm an academic member of the Embedded Smart Systems Engineering (ESSE) and the Radar and Remote Sensing Group (RRSG) and an affiliate member of the Scientific Computing Research Unit (SCRU).


Curriculum Vitae

If you are looking for my curriculum vitae, please visit my profile on LinkedIn for a summarised version.