Ethics Applications

If you are planning to undertake research in the Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment you will need to ensure that you have read the latest revision of the EBE EiR Handbook

EBE staff, students, as well as external persons or parties linked to EBE - planning to undertake research, must apply for ethics clearance.

Note: When applying for ethics clearance, researchers and students should first complete the PSQ (Pre-screening Questionnaire - see EBE PSQ manual below). This mainly consists of answering “Yes” or “No” to approximately 12 questions. The outcome of the PSQ will determine if a student needs to submit a full ethics application or not. 

Ethics clearance applications must be submitted via UCT’s electronic research administration (eRA) system.

-        eRA login

-        For guidance and eRA system-related support, see here or log a call

Guides for EBE Ethics Management

Research involving UCT students and staff

For research involving UCT students as research subjects, you will need additional approval from the Executive Director, Department of Student Affairs, Mr Pura Mgolombane

For research involving UCT staff as research subjects, you will need to contact the office of the Executive Director, Human Resources, Miss Zoe Cosmopoulos

Four types of research are considered:

  1. Research that does not involve humans or animals.
  2. Research that involves interviews of human participants.
  3. Research that involves the performance of clinical tests on humans. (Please consult the Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee)
  4. Research that uses or involves animals. (Please consult the Health Sciences Animal Ethics Committee)

2024 EBE Departmental Administrators and Departmental Authorities


Admin Team
(PSQs not to be routed to the Administrator)

Department Authority
(PSQs need to be routed to the relevant Departmental Authority)


(Full Ethics Applications need to be routed to the relevant Reviewer)

Landscape Architecture,
Urban Design & Conservation
Mcebisi Mdluli Dr Anna Selmeczi
Dr Mercy Brown-Luthango
Dr Anna Selmeczi
Dr Mercy Brown-Luthango
Planning & Architecture Shakeelah Lottering 
Dr Moreblessings Shoko (Geomatics) Dr Moreblessings Shoko (Geomatics)
Geomatics Junita Abrahams Dr Cecil Madell
(City & Regional Planning)
Dr Cecil Madell
(City & Regional Planning)
African Centre for Cities Faranaaz Bennett Stella Papanicolaou (ACC) Stella Papanicolaou (ACC)
Chemical Engineering Postgrad: Belinda Davids
Undergrad: Bridgette Cloete
A/Prof Belinda McFadzean (alt Dr Caitlin Courtney) A/Prof Belinda McFadzean (alt Dr Caitlin Courtney)
Civil Engineering Postgrad: Rowen Geswindt  
 Undergrad: Lorenzo Plat

Prof Dyllon Randall (2023 S2) PG PSQs
(Prof Roger Behrens alt for PG PSQs supervised by Prof Dyllon Randall)

Mr Gundo Maswime
(Prof Roger Behrens alt for PG full reviews supervised by Mr Gundo Maswime)

Construction Economics & Management Hon & Undergrad: 
Postgrad: Mareldia Fagodien
Dr Elizabeth Musvoto (alt Dr Rolien Terblanche Dr Elizabeth Musvoto (alt Dr Rolien Terblanche)
Electrical Engineering Postgrad: Nicole Moodley
Undergrad: Verona Langenhoven
Dr Paul Amayo  Dr Sampath Jayalath 
Mechanical Engineering Postgrad: Denise Botha
Undergrad: Rosalind Maree
Prof Thorsten Becker (alt Prof Tunde Bello Ochende) Prof Thorsten Becker (alt Prof Tunde Bello Ochende)
Servicing Officers - Ethics in Research Committee Zita JemaarTalisa Fisher and Lumka Johannes  EBE Faculty Office