Research Directory
A listing of researchers by department and their main areas of interest can be found below.
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Full name | Research Focus Areas | Description of research area | Research Group/Unit | Department |
Associate Professor Thorsten Becker | Structural Integrity, Fatigue and fracture, Additive Manufacturing, Digital Image and Volume Correlation | The research area focuses on understanding of the relationships between structure, properties and performance of engineering materials | Centre for Materials Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Professor Tunde Bello-Ochende | Thermal Energy Storage, Renewable Energy Systemal: Solar Thermal Brayton/Stirling Cycles, Heat Exchanger Design for Geothermal Energy Sysems, Solar Collector/Receiver Systems, Thermodynamic Optimisation Of Complex Energy Systems, Thermal Comfort in Building | This research area focuses on thermal energy storage looking at heating or cooling a medium to use the energy when needed later. In its simplest form, this could mean using a water tank for heat storage, where the water is heated at times when there is a lot of energy, and the energy is then stored in the water for use when energy is less plentiful. | Industrial Computational Fluid Dynamics InCFD | Mechanical Engineering |
Professor Steeve Chung Kim Yuen | Blast response of structures, Structural Impact, Crashworthiness | This research area focuses on reducing risk of injury and saving lives through fundamental principles of science and engineering, using experimental, analytical and computational tools and techniques to understand the mechanics and dynamics of blast and impact loads and their effect on people, materials and structures. | Blast Impact and Survivability Research Centre | Mechanical Engineering |
Dr Trevor Cloete | High strain rate testing, dynamic plasticity, ductile damage, bone biomechanics | This research area focuses on investigating high strain rates testing of materials to understand their behaviour both in industrial applications and in fundamental research. Some industrial examples include the impact resistance of ballistic armor, survival of components/devices when dropped, crash testing and metalworking operations. | Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit | Mechanical Engineering |
Professor Brandon Collier-Reed | Student engagement, Use of ICTs in facilitating student learning, Technological literacy, Nature of technology, Phenomenography | This research area focuses on engineering education which integrates engineering research and education to accelerate technological and educational innovation and to improve the quality and diversity of engineering graduates entering the technical workforce. | Centre for Research in Engineering Education | Mechanical Engineering |
Mr Colin du Sart | Thermofluid modelling, systems analysis and design of concentrated solar thermal power plant systems, Financial analysis and portfolio optimisation | This research area focues on Thermofluid process modelling which is the application of experimental and/or modelling techniques with the aim of understanding the interactions between thermodynamics, heat transfer and fluids. | Applied Thermofluid Process Modelling (ATProM) Research Unit | Mechanical Engineering |
Associate Professor Wim Fuls | Dynamic simulation, power plants, systems engineering, turbine modelling | This research area focues on an established tool for evaluating and understanding transient physical and chemical processes. | Applied Thermofluid Process Modelling (ATProM) Research Unit | Mechanical Engineering |
Dr Sarah George | Wrought aluminium processing, Thermomechanical processing, Physical metallurgy, Microstructural characterisation, Mechanical testing, Scanning electron microscopy, Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) | This research focuses on the importance that materials research has on multi-disciplinary approaches towards strengthening manufacturing and product technologies. | Centre for Materials Engineering (CME), Aluminium Research Group | Mechanical Engineering |
Mr Priyesh Gosai | Power plant process condition monitoring | This research area focuses on improving plant availability, reliability, efficiency and safety and thereby to reduce the overall cost of generation. | Applied Thermofluid Process Modelling (ATProM) Research Unit | Mechanical Engineering |
Dr Reuben Govender | High Strain Rate Material Characterisation, Impact Loading, Biological Materials and Tissue Properties, Composite Materials, 3D Printing | This research area focuses on providing a more realistic pressure - time history of a blast event. These involve measuring the blast pressure distribution across the face of a plate that is subjected to blast load by means of both indenters and Hopkinson bar. | Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit (BISRU) | Mechanical Engineering |
Mr James Hepworth | Dimensionality Reduction, Embedded Systems, Mechatronics | This research area focuses on a process of transforming high-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional space that still preserves the essence of the original data. In machine learning, high-dimensional data refers to data with a large number of features or variables. | Mechatronics and Robotics research group | Mechanical Engineering |
Mrs Charmaine Findeis | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering | ||
Mr James Dicks | sustainability and environmental concerns of petroleum-derived plastics through the development of renewable polymers | This research area focuses on the relationship between molecular structure, physical and mechanical properties of these biobased polymers to provide systematic development of mechanically excellent thermosets. | Centre for Materials Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
Mr Ernesto Ismail | Finite element methods, Iso-geometric analysis, Strain-induced crystallisation in polymers, Shear-banding and other localisation effects, Modelling of biological materials, Machine learning for process optimisation | This research area focuses on a computational approach that offers the possibility of integrating finite element analysis (FEA) into conventional NURBS-based CAD design tools. | Centre for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics (CERECAM) | Mechanical Engineering |
Associate Professor Bruce Kloot | Engineering Education, Sociology of Education, Engineering and South African Society | This research area focuses on engineering education which integrates engineering research and education to accelerate technological and educational innovation and to improve the quality and diversity of engineering graduates entering the technical workforce. | Centre for Research in Engineering Education | Mechanical Engineering |
Professor Arnaud Malan | Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Aerodynamics and aerodynamic modelling, Multi-physics computational mechanics modelling, Higher order methods for CFD, Free-surface-modelling | This research area focuses on the analysis of fluid flows using numerical solution methods. Using CFD, you are able to analyse complex problems involving fluid-fluid, fluid-solid or fluid-gas interaction. | Industrial CFD Research Group | Mechanical Engineering |
Dr Leon Malan | Industrial Computational Fluid Dynamics, Two-phase flows, Thermal-Fluid modeling of power generation systems | This research area focuses on the analysis of fluid flows using numerical solution methods. Using CFD, you are able to analyse complex problems involving fluid-fluid, fluid-solid or fluid-gas interaction. | Applied Thermofluid Process Modelling Research Unit (ATProM) | Mechanical Engineering |
Mr Shivasi Mashau | Blast response, Composite materials, Finite Element Methods | This research area focuses on providing a more realistic pressure - time history of a blast event. | Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit (BISRU) | Mechanical Engineering |
Associate Professor Malebogo Ngoepe | Biomechanics | This research area focuses on the broad interplay between mechanics and biological systems, from the nano scale to whole-body systems. Research in biomechanics enhances our understanding of health, function and disease in living systems and can also serve as inspiration for engineering innovations. Biomechanics can inform and improve the design of medical devices, robotics, athletic equipment, and other applications. | Centre for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics (CERECAM) | Mechanical Engineering |
Emeritus Professor Gerald Nurick | Impact and Blast Dynamics, Crashworthiness, Material Properties at High Strain Rates, Metals and Composites, Human Response and Survivability, Impact on Sports Equipment and Communition | This research area focuses on providing a more realistic pressure - time history of a blast event. | Blast Impact and Survivability Research Unit (BISRU) | Mechanical Engineering |
Mr Sa-aadat Parker | Mechanics of Composite Materials | This research area focuses on bimonthly periodical covering results of original experimental and theoretical research on the mechanical properties and behavior of composite materials and their constituents. | International Society for Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization | Mechanical Engineering |
Mr Arnold Pretorius | Control Engineering, State Estimation, Robotics | This research area focuses on determining unknown variables in dynamical systems. In robotics it is paramount to determine the state of a robot (a set of quantities, such as position, orientation, and velocity) because once known it fully describes that robot's motion over time. | Mechatronics Systems Group | Mechanical Engineering |
Ms Leanne Raw | Bio-inspired Engineering, Robotics, Control Systems, Automation, Engineering Design | This research area focuses on bio-inspired robotics which is about studying biological systems, and looking for the mechanisms that may solve a problem in the engineering field. | Robotics and Agents Research Laboratory (RARL) | Mechanical Engineering |
Professor Pieter Rousseau | Modelling, analysis and optimization of thermofluid energy systems using CFD, process modelling and machine learning techniques to evaluate novel technologies, improve efficiency and control, and develop condition monitoring methodologies. | This research area focuses on the development of process models and simulation methodologies for the integrated analysis, design, and optimization of power plants and its components, in order to improve system availability, reliability, and efficiency. | Applied Thermofluid Process Modelling Research Unit (ATProM) | Mechanical Engineering |
Associate Professor Corrinne Shaw | Systems Theory and Practice, Engineering Education, Operations Management | This research area focuses on learning through transitions and systemic mechanisms that influence the navigation of these transitions. | Centre for Research in Engineering Education (CREE), European Society for Engineering Educators (SEFI) | Mechanical Engineering |
Associate Professor Chris Von Klemperer | Fibre reinforced polymeric composites, 3D printing | This research area focuses on fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite systems for repairing and strengthening damaged, deteriorated or structurally deficient concrete structures. | Collaborate with BISRU, Composites Laboratory | Mechanical Engineering |
Dr Paul Amayo | Computer Vision & Robotic Perception | This research area focuses on robotic perception related to many applications in robotics where sensory data and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) techniques are involved. | African Robotics Unit (ARU), Digital Image Processing (DIP) | Electrical Engineering |
Professor Paul Barendse | Electrical Machines and Drives, Condition Monitoring | This research areas focus on monitoring and fault diagnosis of machines, PM machine design, induction motor efficiency estimation, fuel cell emulators and converters, wind turbine emulation and control, grid-tied inverters for renewable energy applications, load balancing converters | Advanced Machines Energy Systems (AMES) group | Electrical Engineering |
Professor Edward Boje | Control Systems, Mechatronics | This research focus area focuses on combinations of electronic and mechanical systems to achieve a desired function. | Control Engineering Group | Electrical Engineering |
Associate Professor Sunetra Chowdhury | Grid Integration of Distributed Generation, Renewable Energy Systems, Microgrids, Energy Storage, Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure | This research area focuses on power system operation and control, fault diagnosis, energy efficiency problems induced by solar weather, rural electrification, network protection and power electronics – all of which have important implications for economic and social development. | Power Systems Research Group | Electrical Engineering |
Associate Professor Olabisi Falowo | Communication Network Engineering | This research area focuses on addressing multiple facets of information processing problems and on improving the support for emerging languages in search engines. | Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Broadband Networks and Applications | Electrical Engineering |
Professor Komla Folly | Power systems stability, control and optimization; intergration of renewable energy; application of arificial intelligence to power systems, smart grid, power system resilience | This research area focuses on power system operation and control, fault diagnosis, energy efficiency problems induced by solar weather, rural electrification, network protection and power electronics – all of which have important implications for economic and social development. | Power Systems Research Group | Electrical Engineering |
Dr Yunus Abdul Gaffar | Radar and Digital Signal Processing | This research area focuses on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) involves the representation, processing, modeling, and analysis of signals, information, and physical phenomena. DSP interprets the captured data and enables visualization, analysis, manipulation, and control. DSP lies at the core of modern artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms. | Radar Remote Sensing Group (RRSG) | Electrical Engineering |
Dr Sampath Jayalath | Power Electronics, Wireless Power Transfer, e-mobility | This research area focuses on monitoring and fault diagnosis of machines, PM machine design, induction motor efficiency estimation, fuel cell emulators and converters, wind turbine emulation and control, grid-tied inverters for renewable energy applications, load balancing converters | Advanced Machines & Energy Systems (AMES) Research Group | Electrical Engineering |
Professor Azeem Khan | Electrical machines, electric drives, power electronics. Applications: Renewable energy, e-Mobility, energy efficient systems. | This research areas focuses on monitoring and fault diagnosis of machines, PM machine design, induction motor efficiency estimation, fuel cell emulators and converters, wind turbine emulation and control, grid-tied inverters for renewable energy applications, load balancing converters. | Advanced Machines & Energy Systems (AMES) Research Group | Electrical Engineering |
Mr Richard Larmour | Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management; Energy efficient systems | This research area focuses on demand-side management which offers great opportunities to use building energy flexibility to significantly reduce building operational costs. Energy efficiency looks at involves reducing the demand for the provision of a service or product. | Advanced Machines & Energy Systems (AMES) Research Group | Electrical Engineering |
Professor Albert Lysko | Wireless Communications and Networking, 5G and Beyond 5G (B5G, 6G), Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA), especially Television White Spaces (TVWS), Smart Antennas | This research area focuses on science and technology concerned with the development of the most efficient means of packaging and transmitting information between nodes. | Electrical Engineering | |
Dr Yaaseen Martin | Software Engineering, Space Science, Signal Processing, Machine Learning | This research area focuses on a range of areas, including communications signal processing, sonar signal processing and digital image processing. | UCT Signal Processing and Inverse Problems research group | Electrical Engineering |
Professor Amit Mishra | Radar Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Expert Systems | This research area focuses on the area of radar theory and technologies, with emphasis on the fundamental aspects of statistical signal processing methods for radar systems and radar remote sensing applications. | Soft Computing Research Group, Radar Remote Sensing Group (RRSG) | Electrical Engineering |
Dr Joyce Mwangama | Computer Networks, Network Applications, Future Internet Technologies | This research area focuses on addressing multiple facets of information processing problems and on improving the support for emerging languages in search engines. | Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Broadband Networks and Applications | Electrical Engineering |
Associate Professor Fred Nicolls | Image & Signal Processing, Computer Vision | This research area focuses on a range of areas, including communications signal processing, sonar signal processing and digital image processing. | UCT Signal Processing and Inverse Problems research group, Digital Image Processing (DIP) | Electrical Engineering |
Associate Professor David Oyedokun | Power systems stability, Distributed generation intergration, Grid flexibility | This research area focuses on power system operation and control, fault diagnosis, energy efficiency problems induced by solar weather, rural electrification, network protection and power electronics – all of which have important implications for economic and social development. | Power Systems Research Group | Electrical Engineering |
Dr Stephen Paine | Radar Remote Sensing | This research area focuses on radar remote sensing that uses electromagnetic energy backscattered from ground targets to extract physical and dielectric behavior. The advantage of radar imaging lies in its capability of all-hour and all-weather imaging. | Radar Remote Sensing Group (RRSG) | Electrical Engineering |
Associate Professor Amir Patel | Bio-Inspired Robotics, Biomechanics | This research area focuses on Bio-inspired robotics which is the study of biological systems, and looking for the mechanisms that may solve a problem in the engineering field. | African Robotics Unit (ARU), Mechatronics and Robotics research group | Electrical Engineering |
Dr Daniel Ramotsoela | Network Security, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Cyber-physical Systems, Intrusion detection | This research area focuses on intrusion detection in the industrial control systems of critical infrastructure applications. The topic brings together the fields of machine learning and network security within various Engineering application environments. | Soft Computing Research Group, Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Broadband Networks and Applications | Electrical Engineering |
Dr Francois Schonken | Passive Radar | This research area focuses on passive radar which is a class of radar systems that detect and track objects by processing reflections from non-cooperative sources of illumination in the environment, such as commercial broadcast and communications signals. | Radar Remote Sensing Group (RRSG) | Electrical Engineering |
Dr Stacey Shield | Bio-inspiration, Legged Manoeuvrability, Rapid deceleration and Gait Termination, Legged Robots | This research area focuses on Bio-inspired robotics which is the study of biological systems, and looking for the mechanisms that may solve a problem in the engineering field. | African Robotics Unit (ARU), Mechatronics and Robotics research group | Electrical Engineering |
Mr Jarryd Son | Mobile Robotics, Artificial Intelligence | This research area focuses on AI which allows articulated robots to perform tasks faster and more accurately. AI technologies infer information from vision sensors, such as 2D/3D cameras, to segment and understand scenes as well as detect and classify objects. | Soft Computing Research Group, Mechatronics and Robotics research group | Electrical Engineering |
Dr Renee Smit | Engineering Education, Philosophy of Engineering & Technology | This research area focuses on engineering education which integrates engineering research and education to accelerate technological and educational innovation and to improve the quality and diversity of engineering graduates entering the technical workforce. | Centre for Research in Engineering Education | Electrical Engineering |
Robyn Verrinder | Robotics, Control & Instrumentation | This research area focuses on enabling systems to exhibit intelligent, goal-oriented behavior, and develop innovative instruments to monitor, manipulate, and control systems. | Control Engineering Group, Mechatronics and Robotics research group | Electrical Engineering |
Professor Andrew Wilkinson | Signals & Image Processing, Radar, Tomography, Bayesian Interference, Inverse Problems, RF Power Amplifiers | This research area focuses on communications signal processing, sonar signal processing and digital image processing. | UCT Signal Processing and Inverse Problems research group, Digital Image Processing (DIP), Radar Remote Sensing Group (RRSG) | Electrical Engineering |
Associate Professor Simon Winberg | Embedded Systems, High performance Computing, FPGAs, Smart Sensor Systems, Software Defined Radio | This research areas focuses on advances in software architecture and tools to support such complex systems, enabling the design of embedded computing devices which are able to deliver high-performance whilst guaranteeing the application required timing bounds. | Radar Remote Sensing Group (RRSG) | Electrical Engineering |
Associate Professor Megan Becker | Process mineralogy and applied mineralogy, geometallurgy | This research area focuses on understanding the effects of mineralogy on minerals processing, metallurgy and the environment, and how best mineralogy information be articulated and communicated to maximise the value of minerals to society. | Centre for Minerals Research, and the Minerals to Metals Initiative | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Paul Bepswa | Comminution, classification, metallurgical accounting | This research area focuses on the design of high-precision metal accounting measurement networks and investigations into the operational performance of tumbling mill comminution circuits. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Sharon Blair | Fuel cell and fuel to hydrogen technologies | This research area focuses on the development of fuel cell and fuel to hydrogen technologies. For both technologies, it focuses on the early part of the value chain, namely materials, components and units. | HySA Catalysis | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Sherry Bremner | Granular flow modelling, Comminution, Horizontal stirred milling | This research area focuses on comminution research on modelling fine grinding technologies using computational and experimental techniques. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Associate Professor Jennifer Broadhurst | Sustainable development of mineral resources with specific focus on environmental issues | This research area focuses on tools and metrics for evaluating environmental and broader sustainability performance of mineral resource development systems; characterisation and management of solid mineral wastes. | Minerals to Metals initiative and Future Water Institute | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Jessica Chamier | Fuel cells; electrocatalysis | This research area focuses on the design, development and electrocatalytic evaluation of novel catalyst support materials as well as methods for catalyst deposition and impregnation. | The Catalysis Institute and HySA Catalysis | Chemical Engineering |
Professor Michael Claeys | Fischer-Tropsch catalysis | This research area focuses on South Africa’s synthetic fuels and chemicals industry and which is playing an increasingly important role in the production of green future fuels via Power-to-X processes. | The Catalysis Institute and HySA Catalysis | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Megan Cole | Measuring the wellbeing of mining communities, developing a national mine closure Atlas for risks and opportunities, ESG risk in mining | This research area focuses on operationalising the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in mining; mining communities and post-closure transitions; water-energy-land nexus; Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) risks in mining; spatial analysis; data for sustainable development; water sensitive cities. | Minerals to Metals initiative and Future Water Institute | Chemical Engineering |
Associate Professor Kirsten Claire Corin | Water in flotation, froth flotation, flotation and grinding chemistry, flotation electrochemistry | This research area fouses on flotation chemistry, flotation cells, flotation froths and circuit simulation. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Professor David Deglon | Computational fluid dynamics and flotation cell modelling | This research area focuses on a modelling environment for researching multiphase and mixing flows in complex geometries, such as cyclones and flotation cells. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Ms Catherine Edward | Minerals Bioprocessing, Process Design | This research area focuses on involves metal mining from ores, concentrates, industrial wastes, overburdens etc. under the impact of microorganisms and/or their metabolites. | Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research (CeBER) | Chemical Engineering |
Assocaite Professor Marijke Fagan-Endres | Fine bioproducts, biominerals, heap bioleaching hydrology and bioflotation | This research area primarily focuses on process development for production of probiotics and pigments. | Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research (CeBER) | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Mohamed Fadlalla | Heterogeneous Catalysis, Material Characterisation, | This researh area focuses on the study and characterisation of heterogeneous catalyst systems for synthesis gas conversion reaction including CO2 activation processes with special focus on the development and application of in situ characterisation techniques. | The Catalysis Institute | Chemical Engineering |
Professor Jack Fletcher | Hydrogen production, fuel processing, hydroprocessing and renewable fuels | This research area focuses on the field of heterogeneous catalysis – encompassing all of molecular modelling, catalyst synthesis, physico-chemical characterisation and performance evaluation for industrially interesting chemical conversions. | The Catalysis Institute | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Thobani Gambu | Dynamic Catalysis, Microkinetic and Molecular Modelling, Heterogeneous Catalysis | This research area focuses on the field of heterogeneous catalysis – encompassing all of molecular modelling, catalyst synthesis, physico-chemical characterisation and performance evaluation for industrially interesting chemical conversions. | The Catalysis Institute | Chemical Engineering |
Mr Stefan Geldenhuys | Flotation plant optimisation, modelling and simulation. Flotation froths. Laboratory measurement and scale-up for model development | This research area focuses on the follow-on operation, after comminution and classification, in the process of liberating and separating minerals by exploiting the differences in physical properties of the different minerals that make up an ore. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Professor Sue Harrison | Bioprocess engineering, Biohydrometallurgy, Resource recovery, Water treatment, Post-mine livelihoods | This research area focuses on the interaction of micro-organisms with the environment; microbial ecology and community dynamics in planktonic and sessile environments; energy-efficient reactor systems; biokinetics, metabolic modelling of biomass and bioproducts; and integrated bioprocess systems. | Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research (CeBER) | Chemical Engineering |
Mr Hilton Heydenrych | Systematic comparison of the effectiveness of water treatment processes | This research area focuses on the development of a systematic approach for the treatment of effluent water streams using multi-criteria evaluations and comparisons of simulated processes to develop new heuristic principles for the design of water-treatment processes. | Crystallisation and Precipitation Research Unit | Chemical Engineering |
Ms Alison Hughes | Energy modelling projects | This research area focuses on energy systems anlaysis, energy systems models, energy efficiency, sustainable energy access and load research. | Energy systems research group | Chemical Engineering |
Professor Adeniyi Isafiade | Environmental and process systems engineering and process modelling and optimisation | This research area focuses on bioenergy supply chain optimisation, process integration for materials, water and energy optimisation and systemic approach to mining accident causality. | Environmental and Process Systems Engineering Group | Chemical Engineering |
Professor Patricia Kooyman | Nanomaterials synthesis, advanced characterisation, and (catalytic) applications | This research area focuses on oxide nanoparticles, (alloyed) metal nanoparticles, (hierarchical) zeolites, sulphides, for use in: preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in hydrogen, water-gas shift, selective methanation of carbon monoxide in hydrogen, Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, hydrocracking/dewaxing, electro catalysis. Operando / in situ advanced transmission electron microscopy. | The Catalysis Institute | Chemical Engineering |
Emeritus Professor JP Fandzidis | Chemical Engineering | |||
Dr Athanasios Kotsiopoulos | Development and advancement of new products through innovative bioprocess technologies from low value streams. | This research area focuses on fundamental design with an emphasis on industrial application using technoeconomic feasibility studies. These investigations contribute to engineering knowledge and help identify potential growth of the bioprocess industry in South Africa. | Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research (CeBER) | Chemical Engineering |
Associate Prof Pieter Levecque | Electrocatalyst, Fuel Cells, Electrochemistry, Catalysis, Characterisation | This research area focuses on the field of heterogeneous catalysis – encompassing all of molecular modelling, catalyst synthesis, physico-chemical characterisation and performance evaluation for industrially interesting chemical conversions. | The Catalysis Institute | Chemical Engineering |
Professor Alison Lewis | Eutectic Freeze Crystallization (EFC); Rare Earth Elements (REEs) | This research area focuses on precipitation and crystallization connected to the minerals industry and to water treatment. | Crystallization and Precipitation Research Unit (CPU) | Chemical Engineering |
Mr Niels Lüchters | Fuel to hydrogen | This research area focsues on fuel to hydrogen activities focus on the development of advanced platinum group metal catalysts for the various stages of a fuel processor, high throughput catalyst experimentation. | The Catalysis Institute and HySA Catalysis | Chemical Engineering |
Professor Aubrey Mainza | Comminution Modelling, Classification Modelling, Mineral Processing Circuit Design, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Discrete Element Methods, Particle Tracking using the Positron Emission Particle Tracking systems | This research area focuses on comminution and classification research; focusing on modelling of comminution and classification unit devices and using these in circuit design and optimisation studies. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Ms Resoketswe Manenzhi | Flotation Chemistry | This research area focuses on optimisation of in-situ surface analysis techniques in mine tailings reprocessing, analysis and optimisation of recycle water systems and their effects on lab-scale metallurgical processes. | Chemical Engineering | |
Dr Cledwyn Mangunda | Minerals to Metals | This research area fouses on mine dust characterization and suppression, iron control in metallurgical wastewater streams, and dewatering behaviour of fine solids. | Minerals to Metals | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Malibongwe Manono | Flotation Reagents, Water within Minerals Processing, Dewatering of Flotation Products | This research area focuses on flotation reagents, flotation chemistry, water within minerals processing, and dewatering of flotation concentrates and tailings. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Professor Jeremy Mann | Geosciences & Exploration, Comminution, Flotation, Hydrometallurgy, Closed Water Concentrator, Ore Sorting & Upgrading, Geometallurgy and Mineralogy | This research area focuses on exploring comminution, flotation, integrated multicomponent circuit simulation, closed water concentrators, ore sorting and upgrading and geometallurgy. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Andrew Marquard | Climtate change mitigation | This research area focuses on energy-related climate change mitigation, as well as South African energy policy and governance, and draws on a wide range of skills, including energy analysis and modelling and policy analysis. | The Energy Systems Research Group | Chemical Engineering |
Mr Bryce McCall | Energy systems modelling, Industrial energy and emissions pathways, power systems modelling, climate change in developing country contexts | This research area focuses on new statistical energy modelling techniques, City energy modelling energy efficiency in industry. | The Energy Systems Research Group | Chemical Engineering |
Associate Professor Belinda McFadzean | Platinum beneficiation process - namely flotation concentrators | This research area focuses on all aspects of flotation from interfacial interactions and chemistry to froths and full-scale optimization. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Mr Bruno Merven | Energy systems modelling and planning | This research area focuses on using various platforms such as TIMES, LEAP, MESSAGE, GAMS, various scales (e.g. power-pools, national, regional, city, site), covering all energy commodities (electricity, liquid fuels, hydrogen, etc...). Linked Energy-Economy wide (Computable General Equilibrium) modelling. Energy Systems and Linked Energy-Economy wide modelling done in support of energy systems planning and policy making. | The Energy Systems Research Group | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Rhiyaad Mohamed | Catalysis | This research area focuses on research and development of materials and components for low-temperature PEM electrolyser applications. | The Catalysis Institute | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Thebe Mokone | Hydrometallurgy | This research area focuses on metal extraction from secondary mineral ores and processdevelopment for industrial wastewater treatment. | Chemical Engineering | |
Professor Klaus Möller | Multi-species multi-phase simulation methodology for process innovation, energy minimisation and environmental assessment. | This research area focuses on using novel implementations of open source simulation tools to develop custom simulations and analyses of industrial and conceptual processes. | Process Modelling and Optimisation Group | Chemical Engineering |
Ms Lerato Motsepe | Industrial water treatment, Water treatment technologies, Design and optimization of water treatment processes, Water management strategies | This research area focuses on industrial crystallization for the recovery of valuable products from effluent streams, wastewater treatment using eutectic freeze crystallization for water recovery. | Crystallization and Precipitation Unit (CPU) | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Thandazile Moyo | Hydrometallurgy | This research area focuses on urban mining, electronic waste recycling, artisanal and smallscale mining (ASM) and sustainable development. | Chemical Engineering | |
Mr Muven Naidoo | Bioprocess engineering: bioreactor technology, fermentations, separations technology | This research area focuses on the process rechnologies for the recovery of biobutanol via in situ and ex situ Separation with a focus on optimising energy use and improving productivity. | Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research (CeBER) | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Thulani Nyathi | Preparation, characterisation and evaluation of supported heterogeneous catalysts | This research area focuses on synthesis and evaluation of heterogeneous catalysts for carbon monoxide- and carbon dioxide-conversion reactions. | The Catalysis Institute | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Lisa October | Flotation Chemistry, Water Quality in Froth Flotation, Interfacial Interactions | This research area focuses on developing an understanding of the chemical aspects of flotation and to explain the roles and interactions of the various chemical factors to establish their influence on the overall process. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Elaine Govender-Opitz | Biohydrometallurgical processes for the treatment of primary and secondary resources | This research area focuses on application and modelling of biohydrometallurgical processes for the treatment of primary and secondary resources. Recovery of economic value from waste streams towards a circular economy model. Assessment of the impact of post-mining transformation strategies on water-energy-food nexus. | Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research | Chemical Engineering |
Professor Jochen Petersen | Hydrometallurgy, Heap Leaching, Leaching Chemistry, E-waste | This research area focuses on Hydrometallurgy, especially heap (bio)leaching of low-grade minerals, electrochemical study of mineral leaching kinetics in various chemistries (sulphate, ammonia, halides, cyanide), rare earth leaching, iron control, ion exchange and hydrometallurgical process analysis. | Minerals to Metals initiative | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Tokoloho Rampai | Materials Engineering | This research area focuses on both in Antarctic sea ice research and advanced ceramic materials development for application in catalysis processes. | UCT Marine and Antarctic Research centre for Innovation and Sustainability (MARIS) | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Max Richter | PEPT, Comminution | This research area focuses on numerical and analytical modelling of granular flows in comminution and classification, particle tracking applications in granular flow systems. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Mariette Smart | The involvement and influence of microbes on various aspects of industrially operated processes | This research area focuses on the influence of microbes on the environment and non-biologically catalysed industrial processes. | Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Darija Susac | Fuel Cells and Electrolysers | This research area focuses on the development of new electrode structures and structure-property-performance correlations. | The Catalysis Institute and HySA Catalysis | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Siew Tai | Industrial fermentation | This research area focuses on the intricate networking between biotechnology and bioprocess engineering, mainly within the bioproducts, biopharmaceutical, agricultural and the food and beverage industry. | Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research | Chemical Engineering |
Mr André van der Westhuizen | Plant optimisation survey, plant design | This research area focuses on applied and fundamental comminution research, including applied tumbling mill and stirred milling research. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Ms Tracey van Heerden | Molecular modelling for catalysis problems, Metal-support interactions, Fischer-Tropsch catalysis | This research area focuses on investigating metal-support interactions on cobalt Fischer-Tropsch catalysts. | The Catalysis Institute | Chemical Engineering |
Professor Eric van Steen | Fischer-Tropsch catalysis | This research area focuses on – Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, catalytic oxidations, photo-catalysis, molecular modelling of heterogeneous catalytic systems and reaction kinetics. | The Catalysis Institute | Chemical Engineering |
Professor Harro von Blottnitz | Industrial ecology, sustainable development, waste management, renewable energy, systems engineering | This research area focuses on industrial ecology, life cycle assessment, energy transition, material flow analysis, recycling systems, organic waste valorisation with a focus on biogas, all applied to questions of resource-efficient and clean production, also in informal settings; engineering education for sustainable development. | The Energy Systems Research Group | Chemical Engineering |
Mr Jason Waters | Comminution, classification, fine particle processing and rheology | This research area focuses on Comminution and classification (including fine particles processing and rheology. | Centre for Minerals Research | Chemical Engineering |
Dr Nodumo Nokulunga Zulu | Algal Biotechnology, Anaerobic Digestion, Bioremediation and Fermentation Technology | This research area focuses on bacteria, yeast, microalgae and plants as model organisms in developing product and processes with applications in various sectors. | Centre for Bioprocess Engineering Research | Chemical Engineering |
Emeritus Professor Mark Alexander | Science and technology of cemented materials, Characterisation of indigenous concrete materials, Durability of concrete structures in marine and other aggressive environments; improvement of durability, Repair and rehabilitation of concrete construction specifications | This researach area focuses on cement and concrete materials engineering, with experience in fundamental and applied research relating to design and construction. | Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity Research Unit (CoMSIRU) | Civil Engineering |
Professor Neil Armitage | Urban Drainage, Stormwater Harvesting | This research area focuses on using gullies and underground pipe systems designed to convey the water away as quickly as possible. | Future Water Research Institute | Civil Engineering |
Professor Roger Behrens | Paratransit, non-motorised transport, land use – transport systems, travel behaviour, road safety, Evaluation and assessment methods | This research area focuses on improving transportation by regulating paratransit, managing travel demand, optimizing public transport networks, and enhancing pedestrian infrastructure. | Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS) | Civil Engineering |
Professor Hans Beushausen | Concrete technology | This research area focuses on topics related to reinforced concrete structures, including durability, performance assessment, repair systems, bonded concrete overlays, and innovative materials. It also involves studying material aspects, corrosion issues, design considerations, and exploring new approaches to enhance concrete performance. | Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity Research Unit (CoMSIRU) | Civil Engineering |
Associate Professor Kirsty Carden | Integrated urban water management | This research area focuses on urban water management and service provision in South Africa, with an emphasis on sustainability assessment and integrated approaches for sustainable urban development and water-sensitive cities. | Future Water Research Institute | Civil Engineering |
Ms Faridah Chebet | Geotechnical environment | This research area focuses on soil reinforcement, ground improvement, geo-environmental engineering, soil modelling and numerical method. | Geotechnical Engineering Research Group | Civil Engineering |
Associate Professor David Ikumi | Water treatment and management | This research area focuses on the development, refinement, and application of water and resource recovery facility (WRRF) mathematical models towards promoting future systems that are more socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. | Water Research Group | Civil Engineering |
Dr Theo Harding | Domestic wastewater treatment processes ; Industrial wastewater treatment processes | This research area focuses on wastewater treatment, including model integration, tank design, energy optimization, and data reconciliation for improved plant performance. | Water Research Group (WRG) | Civil Engineering |
Associate Professor Denis Kalumba | Geotechnical Engineering | This research area focuses on soil/foundation interaction behaviour, soil reinforcement, geosynthetics, electro-kinetics, waste minimisation. | Geotechnical Engineering Division | Civil Engineering |
Mr Gundo Maswime | Municipal infrastructure management, infrastructure justice, infrastructure implementation science, public infrastructure policy | This research area focuses on municipal infrastructure management, infrastructure justice, infrastructure implementation science, public infrastructure policy. | Inclusive Cities | Civil Engineering |
Ms Teboho Mofokeng | Integrated urban water management and water energy food nexus | This research area focuses on Integrated urban water management, water energy food nexus, water and sanitation. | Future Water Institute (FWI) and Urban Water Management (UWM) | Civil Engineering |
Dr Siddique Motala | Posthumanism, historical mapping, | This research area focuses on historical mapping and digital storytelling, socially just and innovative pedagogies in engineering education, posthumanism and infrastructure planning. | Centre for Research in Engineering Education (CREE) | Civil Engineering |
Professor Pilate Moyo | Structural Health Monitoring and Vibration Engineering | This research area focuses on structural health monitoring, sensors, live load identification, vibration testing, integration with bridge management systems, advanced signal processing, and statistical analysis of structural monitoring data. | Concrete Materials and Structural Integrity Research Unit (CoMSIRU) | Civil Engineering |
Mr Kenny Mudenda | Stability behaviour of non-standard steel sections and structural mechanics | This research area focuses on stability behaviour of non-standard steel sections and structural mechanics. | Structural Engineering and Mechanics Research Group | Civil Engineering |
Dr Obiora Nnene | Transportation engineering, Transportation planning, Transport modelling | This research area focuses on transport planning and engineering, including the design and optimization of public transport networks, advanced transport modeling techniques, agent-based simulations, big data modeling in transportation, and the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the field of transport. | Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS) | Civil Engineering |
Ms Lita Nolutshungu | Geotechnical engineering and numerical modeling | This research area focuses on feotechnical engineering applications in tailings dams and geo-environmental engineering. | Geotechnical Engineering Group | Civil Engineering |
Dr John Okedi | Urban drainage, stormwater harvesting, water resources | This research area focuses on urban drainage, stormwater harvesting, water resources. | Future Water Research Institute | Civil Engineering |
Associate Professor Dyllon Randall | Water treatment and management | This research area focuses on sustainable sanitation, urine stabilization and treatment, resource recovery from wastewater, mine water treatment, freeze crystallization, crystallization and precipitation | Future Water Research Institute | Civil Engineering |
Professor Sebastian Skatulla | Multiscale mechanics, multiphase mechanics, biomechanics, cardiac mechanics, sea ice dynamics | This research area focuses on a range of topics including biomechanics, multiscale methods, smart structures, and meshfree methods. It also explore electro- and magnetomechanical coupling in smart structures, and utilize meshfree methods with high-performance computing. | Computational Continuum Mechanics Research Group and Structural Engineering and Mechanics Research Group | Civil Engineering |
Professor Marianne Vanderschuren | Road Safety, Sustainable and Just Transport, Gender and Transport, Transport Modelling, Transport Assessment | This research area focuses on transport planning and engineering, including land-use/transport comparison, policy evaluation, assessment tool development, transportation modeling, environmental impact studies, fieldwork analysis, travel demand management, road safety, non-motorized transport, public transport, intelligent transport systems, and project management. | Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS) and African Centre of Excellence for Studies in Public and Non-motorised Transport (ACET) | Civil Engineering |
Dr Nicky Wolmarans | The nature of professional knowledge, the form and logic it takes when deployed in practice | This research area focuses on curriculum development aimed at scaffolding student’s learning to translate academic knowledge into a form that is useful in practice. | Civil Engineering | |
Professor Alphose Zingoni | Structural Engineering & Mechanics | This research area focuses on developing analytical methods for shell structures, designing innovative shell forms for roofing and fluid containment, studying the influence of symmetry on vibration and stability, and utilizing group-theoretic formulations in structural mechanics. | Structural Engineering and Mechanics Group | Civil Engineering |
Professor Mark Zuidgeest | Transport planning, traffic engineering, transport geography, transport-related social exclusion, choice modelling | This research area focuses on transport in developing countries, transport modeling, social exclusion, transport geography, choice modeling, transport network design, location-allocation optimization, walkability assessment, and climate change and cities. | Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS) and Choice Modelling Centre, University of Leeds | Civil Engineering |
Dr Frank Ametefe | REITs, Property Finance | This research area focuses on Real Estate alternative financing that can be applied in global property projects. | Urban Real Estate Research Unit | Construction Economics and Management |
Emeritus Professor Paul Bowen | Construction industry, HIV/AIDS Workplace, stress and construction management | This research area focuses on HIV/AIDS in the South African construction industry and workplace stress and wellbeing of South African construction professionals. | Construction Economics and Management | |
Professor Keith Cattell | Workplace stress, well-being and construction professionals | This research area focuses on workplace stress and well-being specifically within the construction industry. It also strives to support and improve the well-being of construction professionals by addressing the challenges associated with workplace stress. | Construction Economics and Management | |
Mrs Elmarie Edwardes | Measurement and Design Appraisal | This research area focuses on applying measurement principles to complex building projects. | Construction Economics and Management | |
Mrs Amanda Filtane | Construction Business Management, virtual & digital construction, Building Information Modelling | This research area focuses on virtual and digital construction management and construction production technology in teaching and learning spaces. | Construction Economics and Management | |
Mrs Karen Le Jeune | Gender diversity, sustainability, innovation | This research area focuses on gender issues impacting on BEP, disruptive Innovation and sustainability in construction, economics and management field. | Construction Economics and Management | |
Mr Mochelo Lefoka | Productivity of construction projects | This research area focuses on assessing the productivity of construction projects by analyzing cost and time components, investigating the factors influencing labor productivity, and addressing cost and time overruns. | Construction Economics and Management | |
Mr Mark Massyn | Project management procurement systems, Digital construction, Health and safety in construction | This research area focuses on directing and organizing each part of the project life cycle, from ideation to completion. | Construction Economics and Management | |
Associate Professor Kathy Michell | Facilities managemen, urban sustainability | This research area focuses on sustainable urban development and management; urban and community-based facilities management and property and facilities management. | Urban Real Estate Research Unit | Construction Economics and Management |
Associate Professor Manya Mooya | Philosophy of science, Real estate valuation, Real estate market analysis, Real estate education | This research area focuses on the principles of scientific inquiry, assess property values, analyze real estate markets, and investigate effective educational approaches in the field. | Construction Economics and Management | |
Dr Elizabeth Musvoto | Affordable housing, planning systems, property markets | This research area focuses on housing markets, examining the interplay between planning systems, property markets, and urban economies, and exploring the relationship between housing and the development of resilient cities. | Construction Economics and Management | |
Dr Saul Nurick | Green Building, Property Finance, Corporate Real Estate, Workplace Productivity | This research area focuses on green building practices, property finance, proptech (property technology), and REITs (real estate investment trusts). | Urban Real Estate Research Unit | Construction Economics and Management |
Mr Uche Ordor | Strategic Urban Management, Urban facilities management | This research area focuses on setting high-level goals and determining desired areas of growth for a city or metropolitan area. | Urban Real Estate Research Unit | Construction Economics and Management |
Dr Krystle Ontong | Higher Education, Curriculum Studies, Environmental Education, Place- and -space theory, E-learning | This research area focuses on curriculum inquiry, higher education, place-space-and-land theory, pedagogy, and cybergogy with a specific focus on e-learning. | Centre for Research in Engineering Education (CREE) | Construction Economics and Management |
Dr Nien-Tsu Tuan | Systems thinking and systems approaches, Value-focused decision making, Qualitative research | Construction Economics and Management | ||
Dr Louie van Schalkwyk | Property law, Mining law, Land use planning, expropriation law | This research area focuses on investigating and analyzing various aspects of property law, mining law, land use planning, and expropriation law. In addition it looks at the legal frameworks, policy implications, and socio-economic impacts of these areas. | Construction Economics and Management | |
Associate Professor Francois Viruly | African real estate, Cities | This research area focuses on urban economics, property economics and portfolio management of the African real estate industry. | Urban Real Estate Research unit | Construction Economics and Management |
Professor Abimbola Olukemi Windapo | Construction business and project management | This research area focuses on the construction industry and housing development. The management of construction business and project organisations from a performance and practice (risk; quality; sustainability; health, safety and environment; use of technology) perspective. | Centre of Excellence in Urbanisation and Sustainable Cities; Construction Business and management research Group | Construction Economics and Management |
Mr Clint Abrahams | Architectural Tectonics, Emerging Cultures, Social engagement, Design, Build | This research area focuses on social engagement in architecture by investigating how architectural interventions can positively impact communities and address societal needs | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Professor Tomá Berlanda | Architectural criticism, Architectural design, Architectural education, Architecture - History, Architecture - Research, Design-build architecture, Social architecture | This research area focuses on the implications that can be drawn from a non-stereotypical reading of the African city and the practice of architecture in non-Western urban settings and landscapes. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Ms Heidi Boulanger | Architecture and design of resilient urban landscapes, Eco-architecture, Indigenous vernacular architecture, Landscape architecture | This research area focuses on the architecture and design of resilient urban landscapes, emphasizing the importance of contextual and vernacular design principles and embracing critical regionalism. | Future Water Institute | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Mr Francis Carter | Architectural Design, Architectural Education | This research area focuses on pedagogic structures of architectural knowledge. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Associate Professor Nic Coetzer | History and Theory of Architecture. History of Cape Town. Garden City Movement. Arts and Crafts. Slums. Architecture, identity, power. | This research area focuses on interpreting architecture as a cultural and social manifestation, exploring the phenomenology of ideas made manifest through physical structures and materials. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Dr Hermie Delport | Architectural education, design-build architecture | This research area focuses on architectural education, curriculum development and community engagement | The Radically Inclusive Studio | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Dr Kathryn Ewing | Urban Design, Architecture, Planning | This research area focuses on creating safe and inclusive cities, employing participative design strategies to enhance public spaces. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Mr Kevin Fellingham | Architecture, Creative Practice | This research area focuses on the creative practice of architecture and the professional practice of architecture. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Mr Clinton Hindes | Landscape architecture | This research area focuses on developing the theoretical foundations of the discipline of landscape architecture. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Dr Simon Hull | Land tenure, cadastre, land administration, GIS4SD | This research area focuses on various aspects of land administration, including cadastral systems, land tenure reform, and the application of geospatial technology for land tenure. Additionally, it explore the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in promoting sustainable development in the context of land management. | GeoInformation Society of South Africa; International Federation of Surveyors Working Group on Land Administration Education | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Mr Fadly Isaacs | Architectural design, History and theory | This research area focuses on investigating the concept of spatial equity within the Cape Town metropolitan area using space syntax analysis as the methodological framework. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Ms Tania Katzschner | Human nature relationships, Urban nature, Ecological questions of care, responsibility and obligation | This research area focuses on the relationships between humans and urban ecology, focusing on the environmental issues related to caring, responsibility, and obligation towards the natural environment in urban settings. | African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Ms Simone Le Grange | Architectural education and urban design | This research area focuses on the ongoing development of appropriate ways of building community and dignity within the Post-Apartheid city through the provision of well-designed and cost effective public buildings and public spaces. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Dr Cecil Madell | Local economic development, spatial transformation, regional development | This research area focuses on effective local economic development through the application of spatial development and regional planning strategies. | Urban Real Estate Research Unit | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Ms Buhle Mathole | Architectural Education, Pedagogy, First Generation | This research area focuses on first-generation architecture graduates agency post university and Architecture and Practice inititatives. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Professor Nancy Odendaal | Urban planning, urban infrastructure, smart cities, technology and planning | This research area focuses on technology and cities, urban Infrastructure and science and technology studies. | Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development FORMAS Programme | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Associate Professor Patroba Odera | Geodesy, Geoscience Spatial Science, Earth Observation | This research area focuses on determining, modelling, and monitoring Earth deformations and plate tectonics movements using geodetic and geophysical techniques. | Geodesy, Geodynamics, Earth Observation and Spatial Modelling | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Ms Stella Papanicolaou | Architecture education, adaptation design | This research area focuses on rhe adaptation of existing buildings as a means of provocation. Modern movement buildings in the Global South, exploring meaning in the production of space with a focus on the role of architecture on the public realm. Developing tools for critical thinking in design through walking and mapping. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Dr Christine Price | Landscape architecture, multimodal social semiotics | This research area focuses on landscape architecture, and design education. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Dr Tom Sanya | Architecture sustainable design, climate smart design, water smart design, sustainable development | This research area focuses on the sustainable design of the built environment, low-energy design, water sensitive design, ecological urbanism for human wellbeing, social justice and ecosystem vitality. | Urban Water Management research unit, Future Water Institute, African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Dr Moreblessings Shoko | UAV's, LiDAR and multi-spectral remote sensing to adress sustainable development goals around Land Administartion, Environment, Planning, Inequality, Climate change | This research area focuses on the development of three-dimensional reconstruction techniques for applications such as virtual reality, building information modeling (BIM), and mapping. It also looks at the transformative impact of disruptive technologies on the professional and social aspects of geospatial sciences. | International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Mr Kaveer Singh | Application of remote sensing and GIS | This research area focuses on the comprehensive modelling of urban settlements, encompassing various aspects such as town planning and zoning, remote sensing, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). | South African Geomatics Institute | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Ms Sonja Spamer | Theory of architecture | This research area focuses on how architects conceptualise the agency of people. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Associate Professor Alta Steenkamp | Local theories in architecture, Spatial practice of South Africa | This research area focuses on the rich history of southern Africa's built environment, aiming to uncover the significant architectural developments and explore their cultural and historical significance. It specifically focuses on understanding the relationship between local theories in architecture and the broader architectural discourse, aiming to shed light on the influences and interactions that have shaped architectural practices in the region. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Mr Sadiq Toffa | Architectural Design, Contemporary Critical Theory | This research area focuses on critical anthropology of modernity and coloniality in contemporary urban Africa. | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics | |
Dr Philippa Tumubweinee | Architecture, Urbanisation, Higher Education, Space Spatial Theory | This research area focuses on architectural education Building & construction materials. | African Centre for Cities | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Professor Jennifer Whittal | Land tenure, cadastral systems, high water mark, coastal cadastre, communal | This research area focuses on various aspects of land tenure and cadastral systems, exploring their implications for sustainable development, resilience in landholding for the poor, historical property boundaries, and addressing cadastral issues specifically in the coastal zone. | International Federation of Surveyors (FIG); South African Geomatics Council; South African Geomatics Institute | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |
Associate Professor Tanja Winkler | Planning theory, ethics, planning education, engaged scholarship, decoloniality | This research area focuses on spatial justice and southern planning theory, planning ethics, planning education and decoloniality. | Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) thematic group | School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics |