Candidate Postgraduate Degree Supervisor Research Topic

Ms Dianah Abeho

Ms Dianah Abeho



Dr Moreblessings Shoko

Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Patroba Odera

Automated cadastral mapping of customary land using unmanned aerial vehicle imagery in Uganda
Ms Melissa Akoue Mve
Melissa Akoue Mve
MPhil Professor Jennifer Whittal

Preliminary topic:

The suitability of the New Zealand e-cadastral reform for the South African context.

Mr Ernest Akum

Mr Ernest Akum


Dr Siphiwe Mphuthi Integrated Water Resource Management for River Basin/Agricultural Watersheds Considering Climate Change Impacts. A Case Study: The Limpopo River Basin, South Africa
Mr Azeez Alade
Mr Azeez Alade


PhD Associate Professor Patroba Odera Towards establishment of a vertical datum for Nigeria based on a precise gravimetric geoid model
Mr Garner Brown
Mr Garner Brown
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Associate Professor Patroba Odera

Co-supervisor: Dr Moreblessings Shoko

Understanding surface dynamics of the Fimbul ice shelf using Geospatial techniques
Mr Brighton Chamunorwa
Mr Brighton Chamunorwa
PhD Dr Moreblessings Shoko Coupling machine learning-based mapping and simulation models for evaluating the mediating role of informal settlements between runoff and stormwater quality
Mr Mboyonga Kaputula
Mr Mboyonga Kaputula
PhD Professor Jennifer Whittal Assessing the impact of fit for purpose tools on traditional cadastral methods and systems: A Case of Lusaka, Zambia
Mr Jacques Lombaard
Mr Jacques Lombaard
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Dr Moreblessings Shoko Integration of Geomatics and Geotechnical methods for hazard monitoring
Ms Relebohile Mabathoana
Ms Relebohile Mabathoana
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Mr Kaveer Singh Enhancing urban stormwater management in the City Of Cape Town: Integrating aesthetic features and green infrastructure for sustainable water management and socioeconomic impact
Mr Hassan Mahomedy
Mr Hasan Mahomedy
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Associate Professor Patroba Odera An assessment of the spatial-temporal land use/cover dynamics and related impacts in major mining areas, South Africa
Mr Medupi Malema
Mr Medupi Malema
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Dr Siphiwe Mphuthi Site selection and feasibility analysis for the development of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) plants in South Africa 
Ms Sinelizwi Malindi
Ms Sinelizwi Malindi
MPhil Dr Siphiwe Mphuthi Cape Town's future population growth to project the needs for public services

Mr Thobani Maluleka


MSc Engineering (Geomatics)

Dr Siphiwe Mphuthi

inSAR time-series analysis and susceptibility mapping for land subsidence monitoring in Cape Town, South Africa

Ms Pamela Masiko-Kambala
Ms Pamela Masiko-Kambala
PhD Associate Professor Simon Hull The persistence of informal property sales in Cape Town’s state-subsidised housing sector: causes and consequences
Ms Nokubonga Mfeka
Ms Nokubonga Mfeka
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Dr Siphiwe Mphuthi Investigating innovative methods and mechanisms for updating topographic features
Ms Flassie Mpanza
Ms Flassie Mpanza
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Dr Siphiwe Mphuthi GIS Analysis of school distribution in Eastern Cape
Mr Sanele Mteshane
Mr Sanele Mteshane
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Associate Professor Simon Hull Optimal Site Selection for Renewable Energy Plants in Ugu District Municipality Using Geospatial Techniques
Ms Itumeleng Musa
Ms Ithumuleng Musa
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Associate Professor Warren Smit Monitoring the physical form of informal settlements formed during the Covid-19 pandemic using remote sensing: The case study of Spine Road informal settlement, Khayelitsha
Mr Elly Ngailo
Mr Elly Ngailo
PhD Associate Professor Patroba Odera

Co-supervisor: Associate Professor D. Sarah Stamps

Crustal deformation monitoring of Victoria, Masai and Rovuma micro-plates in Tanzania using geodetic and geophysical techniques
Mr Simphiwe Ngubane
Mr Simphiwe Ngubane
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Associate Professor Simon Hull The locational potential of offshore wind renewable energy and the role that coastal Special Economic Zones (SEZs) play as drivers or restrictors to its adoption
Mr Epie Njume
Mr Epie Njume
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Associate Professor Simon Hull Detecting and predicting land cover and land use change in the Cross-Sanaga-Bioko Coatal Forest Region for sustainable forest management
Mr Siphesihle Radebe
Mr Siphesihle Radebe
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Dr Siphiwe Mphuthi Quality Assessment of UAVs-Based Topographic Mapping
Mr Richard Ribbans
Mr Richard Ribbans
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Dr Moreblessings Shoko

Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Patroba Odera

3D modelling of the Fimbul Ice Shelf face - An internal and external geometry perspective
Mr Abdulganiy Ola Shittu
Mr Abdulganiy Ola Shittu
PhD Associate Professor Patroba Odera

Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Walyeldeen Godah

Integrated determination and analysis of crustal deformation using GNSS, InSAR and gravity data. A case study of Ifewara/Zungeru faultline in Nigeria.
Mr Kaveer Singh
Mr Kaveer Singh
PhD Associate Professor Warren Smit

Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Patroba Odera

Modelling land use change in townships of Cape Town
Mr Sydney Togarepi
Mr Sydney Togarepi
PhD Associate Professor Patroba Odera

Co-supervisor: Dr David Siriba

Developing quality assessment tools for Volunteered Geographic Information data
Ms Simone Vieira
Ms Simone Vieira
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Dr Simon Hull (Geomatics)

Professor Roger Behrens (Civil Engineering)

A spatio-temporal and association analysis of road traffic crashes at road intersections in the City of Cape Town Municipality
Mr Alex Yumbu
Mr Alex Yumbu
PhD Associate Professor Patroba Odera

Co-supervisor: Professor Sebastian Skatulla

The spatial dynamics of Fimbul Ice Shelf from integrated terrestrial and space geodetic data
Ms Kumbirai Zingore
Kumbirai Zingore
PhD Professor Nancy Odendaal and Dr George Sithole Modelling the spatial distribution and spread of the invasive peach fruit fly Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) (Diptera: Tephritidae) under changing climate regimes
Mr Sphamandla Zungu
Mr Sphamandla Zungu
MSc Engineering (Geomatics) Dr Siphiwe Mphuti

Co-supervisor: Dr Anita Campbell

Identifying Spatial Disparities in University Success - A GIS and Remote Sensing Approach for 1st year students entering Engineering Mathematics at UCT