Our thanks to the following individuals who have agreed to be part of the ESSE advisory board. The operation of procedures concerning the advisory board is outlined further below on this page. Should you be interested in providing input to ESSE or to play a more formal part in becoming a member of the advisory board please you are welcome to contact us.

Advisory board members 2023

Prof. Flavius Gruian Computer Science, LTH Lund University, Sweden

Advisory board operation

The advisory board members meet annually to provide formal input concerning the direction and field of focus for the ESSE group. Prior to this meeting, the board members are sent a report on the ESSE group that documents projects that have been worked on, the students that have joined, those who have graduated, training that has been provided. This is used to plan the agenda for the advisory board meeting and as documentation that can be referred to during the meetings. We aim to have between three and six collaborators at the board meeting, comprising industry and academic partners, together with ESSE academic staff members. Advisory board members can attend either in person or online. After the advisory board meeting, a short report will be prepared that described the strategy going further for ESSE in consideration for the input and guidelines provided by the advisory board. We understand the time limits that our professional and academic partners have, therefore we have tried to design the advisory board system so as to save time for our partners.