ATProM Academic Output

  1. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG, Malan L, De Villiers E; Thermofluid process simulation of wet biomass and ammonia co-firing in an industrial watertube boiler; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, December 14, 2024;
  2. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG, van der Spuy, S.J, du Sart CF, Pretorius, JP; Development of a 1D network-based momentum equation incorporating pseudo advection terms for real gas sCO2 centrifugal compressors which addresses the influence of the polytropic path shape; Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Volume 55, October 2024;
  3. du Sart CF, Rousseau PG, Laubscher R; Comparing the partial cooling and recompression cycles for a 50 MWe sCO2 CSP plant using detailed recuperator models; Renewable Energy, Volume 222, February 2024;
  4. Rawlins BT, Laubscher R, Rousseau PG; An integrated data-driven surrogate model and thermofluid network-based model of a 620 MWe utility-scale boiler; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Volume 237, Issue 5,August 2023;
  5. Laugksch K, Rousseau PG, Laubscher R; A pinn surrogate modeling methodology for steady-state integrated thermofluid systems modelling; Mathematical and Computational Applications, Volume 28(2), 52, March 2023;
  6. Rousseau PG, Laubscher R, Rawlins BT; Heat Transfer Analysis Using Thermofluid Network Models for Industrial Biomass and Utility Scale Coal-Fired Boilers; Energies 16 (4), 1741, February 2023,
  7. Rawlins BT, Laubscher R, Rousseau PG; Application of Computational Fluid Dynamics and Process Modeling to Investigate Low-Load Operation of a Subcritical Utility-Scale Boiler; Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Volume 14, Issue 10, Article 101008, April 22;
  8. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG; Application of a mixed variable physics-informed neural network to solve the incompressible steady-state and transient mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations for flow over in-line heated tubes; Applied Soft Computing, Volume 114, January 2022, Article 108050;
  9. Laubscher R; Simulation of multi-species flow and heat transfer using physics-informed neural networks; Physics of Fluids, Volume 33, 2 August 2021, Article 087101; https://doi: 10.1063/5.0058529
  10. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG; An integrated approach to predict scalar fields of a simulated turbulent jet diffusion flame using multiple fully connected variational autoencoders and MLP networks; Applied Soft Computing, Volume 101, March 2021, Article 107074;
  11. Haffejee RA, Laubscher R; Application of machine learning to develop a real-time air-cooled condenser monitoring platform using thermofluid simulation data; Energy and AI, Volume 3, March 2021, Article 100048;
  12. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG; An enhanced model of particle radiation properties in high ash gas-particle dispersion flow through industrial gas-to-steam heat exchangers; Fuel, Volume 285, 1 February 2021, Article 119153;
  13. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG; Application of generative deep learning to predict temperature, flow and species distributions using simulation data of a methane combustor; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 163, December 2020, Article 120417;
  14. Leon C. Malan, Arnaud G. Malan, Stéphane Zaleski, Pieter G. Rousseau; A geometric VOF method for interface resolved phase change and conservative thermal energy advection; Journal of Computational Physics, 16 October 2020, 109920;
  15. De Klerk GB, Rousseau PG; Dynamic modelling of once-through boiler heat exchangers during shutdown with level tracking as a tool to investigate quenching; Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2020;
  16. Haffejee RA, Laubscher R; Development of a thermofluid network modeling methodology for double-row air-cooled condensers; Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Volume 19, 1 October 2020, Article 100646;
  17. Rousseau PG, Laubscher R; A thermofluid network-based model for heat transfer in membrane walls of pulverized coal boiler furnaces; Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Volume 18, August 2020, Article 100547;
  18. Laubscher R, Roussea PG; Coupled simulation and validation of a utility-scale pulverized coal-fired boiler radiant final-stage superheater; Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Volume 18, August 2020, Article 100512;
  19. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG; Analysis of the impact of coal quality on the heat transfer distribution in a high-ash pulverised coal boiler using co-simulation; Journal of Energy, Volume 198, 1 May 2020, 117343;
  20. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG; Numerical investigation on the impact of variable particle radiation properties on the heat transfer in high ash pulverized coal boiler through cosimulation; Journal of Energy, Volume 195, 15 March 2020, 117006;  
  21. De Klerk G, Rousseau PG, Jestin L; A Dynamic Modeling Methodology to Estimate the Magnitude of Unwanted Liquid Flows in High Temperature Boiler Components; Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, Volume 12, 13 March 2020, Article 051015;
  22. Laubscher R; Time-series forecasting of coal-fired power plant reheater metal temperatures using encoder-decoder recurrent neural networks; Journal of Energy, Volume 189, 15 December 2019, 116187;
  23. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG; CFD study of pulverized coal-fired boiler evaporator and radiant superheaters at varying loads; Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 160, September 2019, 114057;
  24. Akpan PU, Fuls WF; Application and limits of a constant effectiveness model for predicting the pressure of steam condensers at off-design loads and cooling fluid temperatures. Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 158, 25 July 2019, 113779;
  25. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG; Numerical investigation into the effect of burner swirl direction on furnace and superheater heat absorption for a 620 MWe opposing wall-fired pulverized coal boiler; International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 137, July 2019, Pages 506-522;
  26. Van der Meer WA, Rousseau PG, Naidoo R; A thermofluid network-based methodology for integrated system simulation of heat transfer and combustion in a coal-fired furnace. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, Volume 10, May 2019, Pages 253-267;
  27. De Beer M, Du Toit CG, Rousseau PG; Experimental study of the effective thermal conductivity in the near-wall region of a packed pebble bed; Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 339, December 2018, Pages 253 -268;   
  28. Akpan PU, Fuls WF; Generic approach for estimating final feed water temperature and extraction pressures in pulverised coal power plants; Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 141, August 2018, Pages 257-268;
  29. De Beer M, Rousseau PG, Du Toit CG; A review of methods to predict the effective thermal conductivity of packed pebble beds, with emphasis on the near-wall region; Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 331, May 2018, Pages 248 - 262;
  30. Rousseau PG, Gwebu EZ; Modelling of a Superheater Heat Exchanger with Complex Flow Arrangement Including Flow and Temperature Maldistribution; Journal of Heat Transfer Engineering, Volume 40, Issue 11, 22 Mar March 2018, Pages 862-878;
  31. Fuls WF; Enhancement to the Traditional Ellipse Law for More Accurate Modeling of a Turbine with a Finite Number of Stages; Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 139, Issue 11, November 2017, 112603 (12 pages);
  32. De Beer M, Du Toit CG, Rousseau PG; A methodology to investigate the contribution of conduction and radiation heat transfer to the effective thermal conductivity of packed graphite pebble beds, including the wall effect; Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 314, 1 April 2017, Pages 67-81;
  33. Fuls WF; Accurate stage-by-stage modelling of axial turbines using an appropriate nozzle analogy with minimal geometric data; Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 116, April 2017, Pages 134-146;
  1. du Sart CF, Rousseau PG, Laubscher R; A Method to Develop Radial Inflow Turbine Performance Maps for Off-Design and Dynamic Simulation Studies of sCO2 Cycles; ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, London, United Kingdom, June 24–28, 2024;
  2. du Sart CF, Rousseau PG, Laubscher R; A method to develop centrifugal compressor performance maps for off-design and dynamic simulation studies of sCO2 cycles; Conference: The 8th International Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles SymposiumAt: San Antonio, Texas, USA; March 2024;
  3. Heydenrych J, Rousseau PG, du Sart CF; A reduced order modelling methodology for concentrated solar power external cylindrical receivers; International Heat Transfer Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 17 August, 14-18, 2023;
  4. Haffejee RA, Rousseau PG, Laubscher R; Impact of integrating a supercritical-co2 heat exchanger within an existing biomass-fired boiler of a heat and power steam cycle; Digital Library, International Heat Transfer Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 14-18 August 2023;
  5. Basson N, Rousseau PG, Rohlfs W; An integrated pedagogical framework for teaching thermofluid systems analysis; International Heat Transfer Conference; Digital Library, Cape Town, 14-18 August 2023,
  6. Heydenrych JM, Rousseau PG, du Sart CF; Reduced-order modelling of central solar tower receivers using an equivalent thermal resistance network; 16th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics; Amsterdam 8 - 10 August 2022.
  7. Abrahams L, du Sart CF, Laubscher R; Design of an air-cooled heat rejection system for a SCO2 concentrated solar power plant; 16th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics; Amsterdam 8 - 10 August 2022.
  8. Feng K, Rousseau PG, Laubscher R; Calibration and validation of an integrated thermofluid model of a utility-scale once-through boiler at full- and part-load; 16th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics; Amsterdam 8 - 10 August 2022.
  9. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG, Meyer C; Modeling of inviscid flow shock formation in a wedge-shaped domain using a physics-informed neural network-based partial differential equation solver; ASME Turbo Expo 2022, Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Rotterdam, June 13-17 2022.
  10. Rousseau PG, Laubscher R, De Villiers E; Evaluation of zero-dimensional process modelling approaches for biomass and pulverized fuel-fired furnaces using CFD; INFUB-13 Conference, Portugal, 19-22 April 2022.
  11. Rawlins BT, Laubscher R, Rousseau PG;  A fast thermal non-equilibrium Eulerian-Eulerian numerical simulation methodology of a pulverized fuel combustor; INFUB-13 Conference, Portugal, 19-22 April 2022.
  12. Rawlins BT, Laubscher R, Rousseau PG; Validation of a thermal non-equilibrium Eulerian-Eulerian multiphase model of a 620 MWe pulverized fuel power boiler; MATEC Web of Conferences, Volume 347, Article 0004, 24 November 2021, 12th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM2020);
  13. Marx A, Rousseau PG, Laubscher R; Development and validation of a robust integrated thermal power plant model for load loss analysis and identification; MATEC Web of Conferences, Volume 347, Article 00011, 24 November 2021, 12th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics SACAM2020);
  14. du Sart CF, Rousseau PG, Laubscher R; Cycle selection and system-level optimisation of a 50 MWe (sCO2) CSP plant; 15th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics; 26 - 28 July 2021.
  15. Engelbrecht R, Laubscher R, Van Der Spuy J, Meyer C; A Co-simulation approach to modelling air-cooled condensers win windy conditions; ASME Turbo Expo, Virtual Event 21-25 September 2020.
  16. Fuls WF; Accurate lumped convective and radiative heat exchanger model for performance-based modelling; International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT) 2019, Rome, Italy, 3-6 September 2019.
  17. Rousseau PG, Laubscher R; Analysis of the impact of coal quality on the heat transfer distribution in a high ash pulverized coal boiler using co-simulation; International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT) 2019, Rome, Italy, 3-6 September 2019;
  18. Laubscher R, Rousseau PG, Numerical investigation of the impact of variable particle radiation properties on the heat transfer in a high ash pulverised coal boiler through co-simulation, International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT) 2019, Rome, Italy, 3-6 September 2019.
  19. Fuls WF, Clark JS, Marx AC; Application of the Nozzle Analogy to Easily Predict Steam Turbine Performance with Minimal Geometric Input; ASME Turbo Expo 2019, Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Digital Collection, June 17–21, 2019; 
  20. Rousseau PG, Vilakazi LN, Alugongo A; Analysis of measured process parameters and metal temperatures on a coal fired boiler final superheater at different loads; 13th International Conference on Boiler Technology, 23-26 October 2018, Syzyk, Poland.
  21. Prinsloo GT, Gosai P, Rousseau PG; Application of data analysis algorithms for performance monitoring of boiler heat exchangers; 13th International Conference on Boiler Technology, 23-26 October 2018, Syzyk, Poland.
  22. Khobo RYB, Rousseau PG, Gosai P; An integrated model to study the root causes of ID fan capacity limitations in coal fired power plants; 11th South African conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics, 17-19 September 2018, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa.
  23. Temlett R, Rousseau PG; One dimensional dynamic modelling of the HPS2 CSP molten salt through test facility; 11th South African conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics, 17-19 September 2018, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa;
  24. Vilakazi LN, Rousseau PG; Mass and energy balance and associated uncertainty analysis of superheater process parameters at 100% boiler maximum continuous rating; 11th South African conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics, 17-19 September 2018, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa.
  25. Le Grange WL, Fuls W F; Feedwater heater component development using Flownex SE, 11th South African conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics, 17-19 September 2018, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa.
  26. Fuls WF, Allie N; A method to model the effect if excess superheat on the performance of a feedwater heater, 11th South African conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics, 17-19 September 2018, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa.
  27. De Klerk G, Rousseau PG; Dynamic modelling of once-through boiler heat exchangers during shutdown with level tracking as a tool to investigate quenching; 11th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2018), Vanderbijlpark, South Africa, 17-19 September 2018.
  28. Clark JS, Fuls WF; Modelling of a steam turbine stage-by stage using a nozzle model with minimal geometric inputs; August 2018, Fifth EPPEI Student Workshop, Midrand, South Africa.
  29. Gwebu EZ, Rousseau PG; Development and Validation of a Process Model for a Superheater Heat Exchanger in a Coal Fired Power Plant Boiler; Proceedings of the 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 2018, Beijing, China; pages 452-534;,11a67ae211c8baf5,71b0d8873cc40329.html
  30. Gosai P, Khobo RYB, Rousseau PG; A methodology for quantifying anomalies which lead to capacity limitations on induced draught fans, Power-Gen Africa, July 2018, Sandton, South Africa.
  31. Prinsloo GT, Rousseau PG, Gosai P; Online performance monitoring of discrete legs in a convective heat exchanger of a coal fired power plant boiler; Proceedings of the 31st International Congress and Exhibition on Condition Monitoring and Diagnostic Engineering Management, 2-5 July 2018, Sun City, Rustenburg, South Africa.
  32. Temlett R, Rousseau PG; Dynamic modelling of the HPS2 CSP molten salt parabolic trough test facility, Southern African Solar Energy Conference, 25-27 June 2018, Durban, South Africa.
  33. Akpan PU, Fuls WF; Understanding heat rate and emissions of coal fired plants operating due to renewable energy power generation induced cycling; Conference on Sustainable Development of South Africa’s Energy Resources, 29 November 2017 – 1 December 2017, Johannesburg, South Africa.
  34. Gwebu EZ, Rousseau PG; A network approach applied in modelling the heat transfer and fluid flow in a superheater heat exchanger; Modelling, Simulation and Identification (MSI 2017), Calgary, Canada, 19-21 July 2017.
  35. Temlett R, Rousseau PG; Dynamic modelling of the steam generation system in the HPS2 CSP molten salt trough test facility; Proceedings - 2017 8th renewable energy postgraduate symposium and 5th Annual STERG SolarPACES symposium, 13 July 2017, Stellenbosch, South Africa. 
  36. Fuls WF; Development of Simple Rankine Cycle Components to Easily Model a Complete Cycle in Flownex, EEC2017 ESTEQ Engineering Conference, 18 May 2017 Pretoria, South Africa.
  37. Fuls WF; Enhancement to the traditional ellipse law for more accurate modelling of a turbine with a finite number of stages; ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power, May 2017.
  38. Du Toit CG, Rousseau PG, Jun JS and Kim MH; Numerical simulation of break flows occurring in the Reactor Cavity Cooling System of a very High Temperature Reactor using a system CFD approach”, 8th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology (HTR 2016), Las Vegas, United States, 6-10 November 2016;
  39. Du Toit CG, Rousseau PG, Jun JS and Kim MH; A system CFD simulation of the effect of a pressure pulse on the performance of a reactor cavity cooling system of a very high temperature reactor; 10th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2016), Potchefstroom, South Africa, 3-5 October 2016;
  40. Khoza SN, Du Toit CG and Rousseau PG; Formulation of a unit cell for a thermal-hydraulic systems model of a prismatic fuel block of a high temperature gas-cooled reactor; 10th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2016), Potchefstroom, South Africa, 3-5 October 2016;
  41. Pottas R, Rousseau PG; A row-by-row axial turbine process model based on a one-dimensional thermofluid network approach; 10th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2016), Potchefstroom, South Africa, 3-5 October 2016;
  42. Monnaemang WO, Rousseau PG, Jestin LM; A systematic comparison of two direct exchange area smoothing techniques for modelling radiation heat transfer in three dimensional enclosures using the zonal method; 10th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2016), Potchefstroom, South Africa, 3-5 October 2016.
  43. Van der Meer W, Rousseau PG; A methodology for the integrated system simulation of the heat transfer and combustion in a coal fired boiler furnace; 10th South African Conference on Computational and Applied Mechanics (SACAM 2016), Potchefstroom, South Africa, 3-5 October 2016.
  44. Van der Meer W, Rousseau PG, Jestin LM; A system level modelling approach for combustion and radiative heat transfer in a single burner furnace based on a zonal method; 4th International Conference on Contemporary Problems of Thermal Engineering (CPOTE 2016), Katowice, Poland, 14-16 September 2016.
  45. Kellerman A, Gorlach IA; Modelling of boiler fireside control in flownex software environment; Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa and Robotics and Mechatronics International Conference (PRASA-RobMech) (pp. 1-6). IEEE, 26-27 November 2015;   
  46. Kippie M, Fuls WF; Thermal-Hydraulic Modeling of Pumped Storage Waterway and Simulation of Guide Vane Movement for Realization of Non-Minimum Phase Phenomenon; Proceedings - Africomp 2015 - Fourth African Conference on Computational Mechanics, 7-9 January 2015, Marrakech, Morocco.
  47. Fuls WF, Rousseau PG, Jestin L, Monnaemang WO, Britz V; Progress on the Development of a Transient Power Plant Simulator Using a 1-D Thermal-Hydraulic Code; Proceedings - Africomp 2015 - Fourth African Conference on Computational Mechanics, 7-9 January 2015, Marrakech, Morocco.
  48. Gwebu EZ, Jestin LM, Rousseau PG; Analytical and Numerical Methods applied to Transient Conduction Heat Transfer. Proceedings - Africomp 2015 - Fourth African Conference on Computational Mechanics, 7-9 January 2015, Marrakech, Morocco.
  49. Fuls WF, Rousseau PG; Progress on the Development of a High Fidelity Transient Boiler Model Using a 1D Thermal-Hydraulic Network Solver; Proceedings – ICBT2014 – 12th International Conference on Boiler Technology, 21–24 October 2014, Szczyrk, Poland.
  50. Meyburgh PLD, Vicatos G, Van der Westhuizen W; Variable Speed Pumping; Proceedings - EEC2014 ESTEQ Engineering Conference, 16 October 2014, Pretoria, South Africa.
  51. Gosai P, Malan A, Pretorius J; Cooling system augmentation to enable power plants to meet peak demand in adverse atmospheric conditions; Proceedings – POWER-GEN Africa Conference 2014, 17-19 March 2014, Cape Town, South Africa.
  52. Gosai P, Malan A, Pretorius J; Numerical model that predicts the thermal response of a large cooling pond; Proceedings - Africomp 2013 - Third African Conference on Computational Mechanics, 30 July – 2 August 2013, Livingstone, Zambia.
  1. Rousseau PG, Du Toit CG, Van Antwerpen H J; CFD and Systems Thermal hydraulic Analysis in the Design and Safety Assessment of High Temperature Reactors; Advances of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Nuclear Reactor Design and Safety Assessment, Joshi JB and Nayak A, eds., Elsevier, 2019 , ISBN 9780081023372;
  1. Rawlins B. 2023. An integrated furnace co-simulation methodology based on a reduced order CFD approach.
  2. De Klerk G. 2020. A methodology to investigate the cause of quenching in once-through tower type power plant boilers.
  3. van Der Meer W. 2020. A thermofluid network-based methodology for integrated simulation of heat transfer and combustion in a pulverized coal-fired furnace.
  4. Gwebu E. 2019. A methodology for integrated thermofluid modelling of radiant superheaters in steady state and transient operations.
  5. Akpan P. 2019. Impact on heat rate and subsequent emissions due to varying operation of coal fired power plants.
  1. Barlin D. 2023. Developing a minimal-input one-dimensional methodology for modelling axial compressors using a diffuser analogy.
  2. Heydenrych J. 2023. A reduced order modelling methodology for external cylindrical concentrated solar power central receivers.
  3. Feng K. 2022. Integrated network-based thermofluid model of a once-through boiler at full- and part-load.
  4. Ross M. 2022. Dynamic clearance modelling of steam turbines.
  5. Raidoo R. 2022 Application of probabilistic deep learning models to simulate thermal power plant processes.
  6. Heerlall H. 2021. Power Station Thermal Efficiency Performance Method Evaluation.
  7. Rwezuva O. 2021. Solar Augmentation of Process Steam Boilers for Cogeneration.
  8. Sewlall P. 2021. A methodology for implementing a water balance of ESKOM power stations using the online condition monitoring software EtaPRO.
  9. Haffejee R. 2021. Development of a process modelling methodology and condition monitoring platform for air-cooled condensers.
  10. Kohrs C. 2020. Performance-based quantification of natural draught wet cooling tower fill fouling.
  11. Polton C. 2020. Detailed model for robust feedback design of main steam temperatures in coal fired boilers.
  12. van Tonder D. 2020. Boiler feed pump low load – leak off recirculation study.
  13. du Preez JP. 2020. Steam temperature and flow maldistribution in superheater headers.
  14. Rosslee P. 2020. Integrated process and control modelling of water recirculation in once-through boilers during low load and transient operation.
  15. Khobo R. 2020. A modelling methodology to quantify the impact of plant anomalies on ID fan capacity in coal fired power plants.
  16. Naidu R. 2020. The Off-Design Modelling of a Combined-Cycle Power Plant.
  17. Marx A. 2019. Determining appropriate loss coefficients for use in the nozzle-model of a stage-by-stage turbine model.
  18. Clark J. 2019. Low load operation of turbine-driven boiler feed pumps.
  19. Hallatt N. 2019. The development of a test rig to determine fouling factors of feedwater heaters.
  20. Maharajh Y. 2019. Advanced analytics for process analysis of turbine plant and components.
  21. Raikes G. 2018. Temperature reconstruction and acoustic time of flight determination for boiler furnace exit temperature measurement.
  22. Prinsloo G. 2018. Online boiler convective heat exchanger monitoring: a comparison of soft sensing and data-driven approaches.
  23. Basson N. 2018. Studying water-wedging as a cause for short term overheating in the boiler of a coal-fired power plant.
  24. Temlett R. 2018. Dynamic process modelling of the HPS2 solar thermal molten salt parabolic trough test facility.
  25. Le Grange W. 2018. Component development for a high fidelity transient simulation of a coal-fired power plant using Flownex SE.
  26. Mathebula C. 2017. Application of process data reconciliation in power plants.
  27. Du Sart CF. 2017. Design and prototyping of a test facility to investigate the transport properties of dilute phase gas-particle flows applicable to coal-fired power plants.
  28. Rossouw A. 2016. Boiler system modelling using Flownex®.
  29. Tootla N. 2016. Investigation into methods for the calculation and measurement of pulverised coal boiler flue gas furnace exit temperature.
  30. Allie MN. 2016. Thermal modelling of feedwater heaters.
  31. Pottas R. 2016. A row-by-row axial turbine process model based on a one-dimensional thermofluid network approach.
  32. Banda R. 2015. Modelling of the deaerator system in Flownex.
  33. Mutshinya R. 2015. Asymmetric flow measurement in space constrained cooling water ducts using a traversing probe.
  34. Bapeekee S. 2015. Determining internal leakages of high pressure and temperature steam valves.
  35. Monnaemang W. 2015. A zonal model for radiation heat transfer in coal-fired boiler furnaces.
  36. Govender A. 2014. Techno-economic feasibility of a solar assisted coal power plant.
  37. Gwebu E. 2014. Transient boiler heat exchanger thermal behaviour analysis.
  38. Meyburgh P. 2014. Simulation of a power station's condensate pumping system in view of improving its efficiency.
  39. Thakaso M. 2014. Development of a performance-based high pressure feed water heater model for Flownex SE.
  40. Kippie M. 2014. Improvements to a key contributor of frequency control : the co-ordination of guide vane operation in a pumped storage plant.
  41. Gosai P. 2014. Viability assessment of enhancing dry cooling systems using thermal storage ponds.
  42. Neerputh R. 2014. Development of appropriate steam turbine models in Flownex.
  43. Mortlock G. 2014. Optimum time to refurbish a boiler feed pump at Eskom's power stations.