International Symposium Catalytic Chemistry of C1 Molecules

Prior to the 2024 International Congress on Catalysis, a number of satellite events took place in different regions in Europe. One such event was the International Symposium: Catalytic Chemistry of C1 molecules (designated as C1-Chem), which was organised by the team of Professor Andrei Khodakhov and the University of Lille. The satellite conference took place in the charming city of Lille, and included a day excursion to the historical city of Brugge in Belgium. South Africa was well represented at the event; Dr Sinqobile Mahlaba and Mr Nicholas Featherstone from the Catalysis Institute presented oral contributions. Dr Denzil Moodley, a long standing collaborator of the Institute from Sasol, gave a keynote presentation, and also participated as a panel member in a discussion about decarbonisation as a strategy to mitigate climate change.