And it’s holiday time!

As the end of the academic year approaches, the CoMSIRU team, students and laboratory staff got together for a braai. (For our international readers: “braai” is the local South African term for a barbeque).
It was a great opportunity to look back at the year and recap on highlights, events and milestones of 2018. There were welcomes to new staff and students. And there were good-buys to and from students who, having submitted their final papers, reached the end of their journey with CoMSIRU and will be pursuing their careers. One of the students will be leaving abroad for Germany to get international experience, another student will take up his job at a large engineering and infrastructure advisory in Kenya. To all - we wish you the best of success!
It was also time to wrap up the year. There were a few housekeeping notes on clearing the lab of research samples not required anymore and using the lab over the holidays. This was followed by a banter negotiation between profs and students as to when to return in the new year, which was settled for the 2nd of February 2019. Of course, there were also well-wishes for the upcoming festive season. Prof. Pilate Moyo encouraged the students to take the holidays to read a book. “Not an academic book, not one for a paper, just a BOOK. It will do you good to get some balance after the exams and submission of papers.”, he said.
So we are off for the holidays. We wish you a wonderful festive season and look forward to being back, balanced and recharged, in the new year!