Journal Articles:
- Mjonono, D., Harrison, S.T.L., Kotsiopoulos, A. 2019. Supplementing structural integrity of waste rock piles through improved packing protocols to aid acid rock drainage prevention strategies. Minerals Engineering, 135, pp. 13-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2019.02.029
- Kotsiopoulos, A; Harrison, STL. 2018. Co-disposal of benign desulfurised tailings with sulfidic waste rock to mitigate ARD generation: Influence of flow and contact surface. Minerals Engineering, Volume 116, Pages 62-71, ISSN 0892-6875, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2017.03.003
- Kotsiopoulos, A. & Harrison, S.T.L. 2017. Application of fine desulfurised coal tailings as neutralising barriers in the prevention of acid rock drainage. Hydrometallurgy, vol. 168, pp. 159-166. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2016.10.004
- Do Amaral Filho, J.R., Weiler, J., Broadhurst, J.L. & Schneider, I.A.H. 2017, "The Use of Static and Humidity Cell Tests to Assess the Effectiveness of Coal Waste Desulfurization on Acid Rock Drainage Risk", Mine Water and the Environment, 25 February 2017 , pp. 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10230-017-0435-7
- Kotsiopoulos, A. & Harrison, S.T.L. 2017, "Application of fine desulfurised coal tailings as neutralising barriers in the prevention of acid rock drainage", Hydrometallurgy, vol. 168, pp. 159-166. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hydromet.2016.10.004
- Becker M, Dyantyi N, Broadhurst JL, Harrison STL, Franzidis J-P, 2015, A mineralogical approach to evaluating laboratory scale acid rock drainage characterisation tests, Minerals Engineering, Volume 80, September 2015, Pages 33-36, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2015.06.015
- Mbamba CK, Franzidis J-P, Harrison STL and Broadhurst JL. (2013). Flotation of coal and sulphur from South African ultrafine colliery wastes. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (May 2013) 113:5: 399-405.
- Chimbganda T, Becker M, Broadhurst JL, Harrison STL and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. A comparison of pyrrhotite rejection and passivation in two nickel ores. Minerals Engineering (2013) 46-47: 38-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2013.03.031
- Mbamba C. Kazadi; Harrison S. T. L.; Franzidis J-P.; Broadhurst J.L. (2012). Mitigating acid rock drainage risks while recovering low-sulfur coal from ultrafine colliery wastes using froth flotation. Minerals Engineering, Volume 29, March 2012, Pages 13-21. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mineng.2012.02.001
- Oyekola OO, Harrison STL and Van Hille RP. 2012. Effect of culture conditions on the competition between lactate oxidisers and fermenters in a biological sulfate reduction system. Bioresource Technology (January 2012) 104: 616-621. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2011.11.052
- Hesketh A H, Broadhurst J L and Harrison S T L (2010). Mitigating the generation of acid mine drainage from copper sulphide tailings impoundments in perpetuity: A case study for an integrated management strategy. Minerals Engineering23, 225-229.
- Hesketh A. H., Broadhurst J. L., Bryan C. G., van Hille R. P. and Harrison S. T. L. (2010). Biokinetic test for the characterisation of AMD generation potential of sulfide mineral wastes. Hydrometallurgy 104, 459-464.
- Oyekola O O, van Hille R P and Harrison S.T L (2010). Kinetic analysis of biological sulphate reduction using lactate as carbon source and electron donor across a range of sulphate concentrations. Chemical Engineering Science, 65 (16), 4771-4781. [Impact factor 2.136].
- Harrison S T L, Hesketh A.H., van Hille R P and Broadhurst J.L. (2009). Process decisions focused on the prevention of AMD formation on beneficiating sulphide minerals. Proceedings of the 18th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium(Eds. Donati ER, Viera MR, Tavani EL, Giaveno MA, Lavalle TL and Chiacchiarini). Trans Tech Publications. pp345 – 348.
- Oyekola O.O., van Hille R P and Harrison S T L (2009). Competition between lactate oxidisers and fermenters under biosulphidogenic conditions: implications in the biological treatment of AMD. Proceedings of the 18th International Biohydrometallkurgy Symposium (Eds. Donati ER, Viera MR, Tavani EL, Giaveno MA, Lavalle TL and Chiacchiarini). Trans Tech Publications. pp689 – 692.
- Oyekola O O, van Hille R P and Harrison S T L. (2009). Study of anaerobic lactate metabolism under biosulphidogenic conditions. Water Research 43, 3345-3354.
- Oyekola O O, van Hille R and Harrison S T L (2007). Effect of sulphate concentration on the community structure and activity of sulphate reducing bacteria. Advanced Materials Research, 20-21, 513-515.
- Icgen B, Moosa S and Harrison STL (2007). A study of the relative dominance of selected anaerobic sulphate-reducing bacteria in a continuous bioreactor revealed by fluorescence in situ hybridisation. Microbial Ecology 53, (1), 43-52.
- Icgen B and Harrison STL (2006). Identification of population dynamics in sulfate-reducing consortia on exposure to sulphate. Research in Microbiology, 157 (10), 922-927
- Icgen B and Harrison S T L (2006). Exposure to sulfide causes population shifts in sulfate-reducing consortia. Research in Microbiology, 157 (8), 784-791.
- Moosa S. and Harrison S.T.L. (2006). Product Inhibition by Sulphide Species on Biological Sulphate Reduction for the Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage. Hydrometallurgy 83, 214-222. [Impact factor 1.324].
- Moosa S, Nemati M and Harrison S T L. (2005). A kinetic study on anaerobic reduction of sulphate. Part II: Incorporation of temperature effects in the kinetic model. Chemical Engineering Science, 60, 3517-3524
- Moosa S, Nemati M and Harrison STL (2002). A kinetic study on anaerobic reduction of sulphate, Part I: Effect of sulphate concentration. Chemical Engineering Science, 57, 2773-2780.
- Harrison STL, Nemati M, Moosa S (2001) A kinetic study on anaerobic sulphate reduction – effect of temperature.Proceedings of International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (ed. V S T Ciminelli, O Garcio), Part B, pp417-432
- Moosa S, Nemati M and Harrison S T L (1999). Kinetic studies on anaerobic reduction of sulphate. Process Metallurgy 9 (2), 697-706.
Conference Proceedings:
- Opitz, Alexander; Becker, Megan; Harrison, Susan T.L.; Broadhurst, Jennifer L. 2016. Characterising Environmental Risks Associated with Sulfide-bearing Gold Wastes. In: Drebenstedt, C; Paul, M (Eds). IMWA 2016: Mining Meets Water – Conflicts and Solutions. Pages 1050–1057 https://www.imwa.info/docs/imwa_2016/IMWA2016_Opitz_271.pdf
- Opitz, AKB; Becker, M; Broadhurst, JL; Bradshaw, D; Harrison, STL. 2016. The Biokinetic Test as a Geometallurgical Indicator for Acid Rock Drainage Potentials. In: Dominy, SC; O’Connor, L (Eds). GeoMet 2016: Third AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference 2016. Pages 183-192
- van Hille, R; Mooruth, N; Marais, T; Naidoo, N; Moss, G; Harrison, S; Muhlbauer, R. 2016. Development of a pilot-scale semi-passive system for the bioremediation of ARD. In: Drebenstedt, C; Paul, M (Eds). IMWA 2016: Mining Meets Water – Conflicts and Solutions. Pages 957-964 https://www.imwa.info/docs/imwa_2016/IMWA2016_Hille_247.pdf
- Broadhurst J.L. and Harrison, S. T. L. (2015). A desulfurization flotation approach for the integrated management of sulfide wastes and acid rock drainage risks. In: A Brown, C Bucknam, M Carballo et al. (eds), 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage & IMWA Annual Conference, Chapter 2: Applied Mineralogy and Geoenvironmental Units, Santiago, Chile, 20-25 April 2015, Gecamin
- Van Hille R.P., Marais T. and Harrison S.T.L. (2015). Biomass retention and recycling to enhance sulfate reduction kinetics. In: A Brown, C Bucknam, M Carballo et al. (eds), 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage & IMWA Annual Conference: Applied Mineralogy and Geoenvironmental Units, Santiago, Chile, 20-25 April 2015, Gecamin
- Kotsiopoulos A and Harrison S. T. L. (2015). Enhancing ARD mitigation by application of benign tailings to reduce the permeability of waste rock dumps. International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, October 2015, Bali
- Opitz A. K. B., Broadhurst J. L. and Harrison S. T. L. (2015). Assessing environmental risks associated with ultrafine coal wastes using laboratory-scale tests. International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium, October 2015, Bali