With regard to entrance requirements, each application is evaluated on its own merits, however broadly speaking a four-year Bachelor's or an Honour’s degree are needed in order to be considered for a Master’s degree. Kindly remember however that the decision to accept an applicant is at the discretion of the potential supervisor and Head of Department, and factors such as the academic record, the tertiary institution, work experience and research proposal amongst other things are all considered in making a decision. As part of your application, you will need to provide a CV, letter of motivation and a research proposal/outline.
According to the University’s rules, applicants may qualify for admission to the PhD programme if they have a master's degree at NQF level 9. In addition, you will be required to submit the following for selection purposes:
- your academic transcript;
- a 300- to 500-word statement of purpose describing your purpose and rationale in undertaking a PhD in engineering education. Note that this statement need not be long but it must be well-organised, grammatically correct and engaging and should clearly communicate your understanding of what a PhD in engineering education entails. You may also explain any irregularities or special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on special abilities and achievements;
- Email contact with a potential supervisor is strongly advised before the application process, since the name of a potential supervisor is required on the application.