CPRU delegates attend ISIC19 in France
Welcome back, Marcos Rodriguez Pascual, Derek Ndoro, Prof Alison Lewis and Hilton Heydenrych. For more information on the conference, visit http://www.isic19.fr/
Congratulatory announcements
Congratulations to Mr D Ndoro on receiving a Outotec Travel Grant Valued at R25 000 towards the cost of attending the International Symposium on Industrial Crystallisation Conference 2014 in Toulouse, France.
Congratulatory announcements
Congratulations to Mr E M Peters on receiving a Outotec Travel Grant valued at R10 000 towards the cost of attending the International Symposium on Industrial Crystallisation Conference 2014 in Toulouse, France.
Edward Peters awarded Research Associateship

Edward Peters, a Master’s student in the Crystallisation and Precipitation Unit in the Chemical Engineering Department, received a Research Associateship award presented by the Vice Chancellor, Dr. Max Price, on the 12th of August 2014. He is currently researching on effect of antiscalants on thermodynamics and crystallisation kinetics in eutectic freeze crystallisation.
CPRU student Edward Peters featured in winning photograph

A photo of Edward Peters, a student in the Crystallisation and Precipitation Research Unit (CPRU), submitted by Cullinan Nicholas of Bishops College, won first prize in the International year of Water Co-operation category at the SA Science Lens competition, hosted by the South African Agency for Science and Technology Advancement (SAASTA).
Understanding Crystallisation & Precipitation Processes workshop – March 2014
Registration for Understanding Crystallisation & Precipitation Processes is now open. Download the announcement for more information.

Dr Marcos Rodriguez Pascual has been promoted to Senior Research Officer – well done Marcos, you make us proud!
Prof Lewis visits LUT in Finland
The Lappeenranta University of Technology’s Department of Chemistry recently invited Professor Alison Lewis to give lectures on their crystallisation course. Watch Prof Lewis talk about her visions for chemical engineeringand the employment of men and women in this field.
Michael Kapembwa wins Outotec award

Michael Kapembwa won the The Outotec “Sustainability in Mineral Industry” best paper presentation award at the Southern Africa Institute of Mining and Metallurgy-SAIMM MinProc 2012 workshop, held in Cape Town last year. The paper titled “Ice growth mechanisms in electrolyte aqueous solutions” was part of the Eutectic Freeze Crystallisation segment of the conference under a deliverable called “Factors affecting the purity of ice in Eutectic Freeze Crystallisation”.
Visit the SAIMM website for more information on the award.
Swanky new water lab in NEB
Monday Paper recently spoke to Professor Alison Lewis about the new one-stop water laboratory opening soon in the the New Engineering Building (NEB). Read the full article.