Prof. Malan visits the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering
Prof Arnaud Malan (left) & Prof Roland Lewis (right)
Prof. Arnaud Malan visited the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering in April'17. Keeping to its legacy, the Centre remains one of the premier post-graduate schools in computational mechanics. It boasts state-of-the-art modelling technology being developed by top researchers, with Prof. Perumal Nithiarasu serving as Head. The continued presence of the Emeritus Professors who did so much to make the finite element method what it is today was also a very welcome site. A prominent member of these, Prof. Roland Lewis (photo insert), was Prof. Malan's Ph.D. supervisor and continues to contribute actively to the field. Prof. Malan was also honoured to give a lecture to staff and students on recent work done by the InCFD group.