Dr Juarez Amaral-Filho

Scientific Officer

Integrating ARD Prevention and Mine Waste Minimisation through the circular economy:
Re-purposing pyrite
Fabricated soils from South African coal processing waste
Preventing ARD from Coal Waste Rock

My research interests include environmental issues related to characterization, processing, discard and disposal of minerals processing wastes and effluents; mineral processing for recovery value from mine wastes; mineral wastes characterization and sustainable water management; sustainability through resources recycling and conservation; acid rock drainage characterization, control and mitigation; applications of interfacial phenomena in processing liquid effluents, ores and wastes.

Current Supervision Doctorate                   1                                  Graduated Supervision Doctorate              1             
Current Supervision Masters                      2                                 Graduated Supervision Masters                  1             
In refereed Journals                                   11                                In refereed Books                                       n/a         
In refereed Conference Proceedings        25                               Presented at International Conferences      4             
Technical Reports                                      4                                 Patents                                                      n/a         

Professional History

2021-present           Scientific Officer, CeBER, UCT
2015-2020               Post-doctoral Research Fellow, CeBER UCT
2014-2015               Post-doctoral Research Fellow, UFRGS


2014                        DSc Mineral and Environmental Technology
                               MSc Mineral and Environmental Technology
2008                       BSc Environmental Engineering