Big data analytics and transport (CIV5164Z) Course description
Integrated land use – transport planning (CIV5038Z) Course description
The taught Master of Philosophy specialising in Transport Studies (EM027CIV06) requires the completion of three core courses totalling 60 credits, approved elective courses totalling a minimum of 60 credits, and an approved 60-credit minor dissertation (CIV5037Z). Progression to the research project is conditional on the candidate attaining a weighted mean mark of 55% in core coursework.
Credits: 20 credits per course
It is also possible to undertake the Master of Philosophy specialising in Transport Studies as a research degree (EM026CIV06), either requiring the completion of three of the Centre’s courses totalling 60 credits (the selection of which will require the approval of the responsible supervisor) and a 120-credit part dissertation (CIV5041W), or a full 180-credit dissertation (CIV5040W) without any coursework.
Elective courses can be chosen to suit students’ area of specialisation.
Big data analytics and transport (CIV5164Z) Course description
Big data analytics and transport (CIV5164Z) Course description |
Transport systems simulations (CIV5165Z) Course description |
Credits: 20 credits per course