- Senior Lecturer
- louie.vanschalkwyk@uct.ac.za
- LLB, University of Stellenbosch (2004)
- LLM, University of Stellenbosch (2007)
- PhD (Law), University of Cape Town (2019)
Professional Affiliations:
- Admitted attorney, notary and conveyancer of the High Court of South Africa
Undergraduate Teaching:
- CON2027F (Real Property Law)
- CON3032W (Applied Contract Law I)
- CON3036W (Property and Construction Law)
Postgraduate Teaching:
- CON4033W (Applied Contract Law II)
- CON4043S (Applied Property Law)
- CON5007Z (Property Law)
Research Affiliations:
- SARChI Research Chair: Mineral Law in Africa (www.mlia.uct.ac.za/)
Publication Profile:
- L van Schalkwyk & J van Wyk “Servitudes and Restrictive Conditions” in E Du Plessis & A Pope (eds) The Principles of The Law of Property in South Africa 2 ed (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2020)
- L van Schalkwyk “Minerals” in E Du Plessis & A Pope (eds) The Principles of The Law of Property in South Africa 2 ed (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2020)
- L van Schalkwyk “Co-ordinating Mineral Regulation and Compliance Across Different Organs of State” in L Van Schalkwyk (ed) Co-ordinating Governance for Mining: Streamlining Systems for Improved Intergovernmental Relations (Juta, 2019) 8
- L van Schalkwyk & R Cramer “Addressing Mining in Municipal Spatial Development Frameworks and Land Use Schemes” in L Van Schalkwyk (ed) Co-ordinating Governance for Mining: Streamlining Systems for Improved Intergovernmental Relations (Juta, 2019) 62
- B Hoops, E Marais, L Van Schalkwyk & N Tagliarino (eds) Rethinking Expropriation Law III: Fair Compensation (Eleven International Publishing & Juta, 2018)
- L van Schalkwyk & H Mostert “Supporting Regulatory Compliance and Governance through Research and Innovation” in C Digby et al (eds) Green Mining: Beyond the Myth – Perspectives on the Future of Mining (Juta, 2018) 76
- H Mostert, LCA Verstappen, J Zevenbergen & L van Schalkwyk (eds) Land Law and Governance: African Perspectives on Land Tenure and Title (Juta, 2017)
- L van Schalkwyk & S Vidima “Involvement of Local Governments and Mine Communities in Addressing Issues of Waste in the Mining Sector” in H Mostert et al (eds) Waste & Wealth: New Views on the Byproducts of Mining (Juta, 2017) 60
- CL van Schalkwyk & CG van der Merwe “A Critical Analysis of the Role of the Developer in Sectional Title Developments” (2008) 2 TSAR 222
- CL van Niekerk “Die Toekoms van die Leerstuk van Inheemsregtelike Titel in Suid-Afrika na die Richtersveld-beslissings: Regsvergelykende Opmerkings” (2004) Responsa Meridiana 5
Research Interests:
- Property law
- Mining law
- Land use planning
- Expropriation law