- Associate Professor
- Room 4.31, Level 4, New Engineering Building
- MScEng, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife (2004)
- PhD Chemical Engineering, University of Cape Town (2008)
Professional Affiliations:
- Associate member (Institution of Chemical Engineers)
Undergraduate Teaching:
- CHE2005W (Chemical Engineering II)
- CHE3007S (Non-Ideal Systems)
- CHE3070S (Numerical Methods)
- CHE4070F (Numerical Optimisation for Chemical Engineers)
- CHE4036Z (Chemical Engineering Design)
Research Affiliations:
- Environmental and Process Systems Engineering Group
- Process Modelling and Optimisation Group
Publication Profile:
Research Interests:
- Process synthesis, integration and optimisation, for sustainable development: The use of mathematical programming methods for the design and optimisation of integrated renewable energy supply chain networks. The use of conceptual (pinch) and mathematical programming techniques for materials, water and energy recovery/integration to optimise energy usage and achieve pollution reduction in chemical and allied plants.
- Safety and environmental engineering: Systemic approach to mining accident causality.