Journal Papers
- GOVENDER, I, POWELL, MS, & NURICK, GN. "3D Particle tracking in a mill: A vigorous technique for verifying DEM predictions". Minerals Engineering, 2001, Vol.14. No. 10:1329-1340.
- JOST, R & NURICK, GN. "Finite Element simulation of biomechanical response of the human body subjected to lateral impact". International Journal of Crashworthiness 2001. Vol.6, No.1:123-134.
Published Conference Proceedings
- BALDEN, V, SCHEELE, F, & NURICK, GN. "Discontinuous deformation analysis in ball milling". 4th International Conference on Analysis of Discontinuous Deformation, (ICASDD-4), 6-8 June,2001, Glasgow, Scotland, UK: 337-348.
- CHUNG KIM YUEN, S & NURICK, GN. "Deformation and tearing of uniformly blast-loaded quadrangular stiffened plates". International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, (SEMC), 2-4 April 2001. Cape Town, South Africa: 1029-1036.
- OCHOLA, R. MARCUS, K & NURICK, GN. "The effect of strain rate on the fibre failure modes for polymer matrix composites." Microscopy Society of Southern Africa - Volume 31, p15. 2001.
- FRANZ, T, BALDEN, V & NURICK, GN. "Numerical investigation into the elastic impact response of carbon-fibre epoxy plates validated with experimental data". Proceedings (CD-Rom) of the 13th International Conference of Composite Materials (ICCM-13), June 25-29, 2001, Beijing, China, Paper ID 1156.
- FRANZ, T, WILL, MA, & NURICK, GN, "Damage in CFRP tubes subjected to projectile impact". Proceedings (CD-Rom) of the 13th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-13), June 25-29, 2001, Beijing, China, Paper ID 1596.
- GOVENDER, I, BALDEN, V, POWELL, MS, & NURICK, GN, 2001. "Validated DEM - Potential major improvements to SAG mill modeling". Proceedings of SAG'01 Conference, Vancouver, Sept 30th - Oct 3rd 2001.
- JOST, R, & NURICK , GN, 2001. "Finite Element simulation of the biomedical response of the human body". Proceedings of 2001 International IRCOBI Conference on the Biomechanics of impact, October 10-12, 2001, Isle of Man, United Kingdom: 255- 268.