Chapters in Textbooks
- NURICK, GN & RADFORD, AM, "Deformation and tearing of clamped circular plates subjected to localised central blast loads". In Reddy, B.D. (ed). Recent developments in computational and applied mechanics: a volume in honour of John B. Martin; 276-301. Barcelona, Spain: International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), 1997.
Journal Papers
- JOST, R, & NURICK, GN, "Finite Element Modelling of the Human Body in Vehicle Side Impact". International Journal of Crashworthiness, Vol. 4, No.1, pp 31-37, 1999.
- NURICK, GN, & TOLLNER, ME, "Predictions of stiffened circular plates subjected to impulsive loads." Structures Under Extreme Loading Conditions, Fluid Structural Interaction, and Structural Mechanics Problems in Reactor Safety", The American Society of Mechanical Engineering,(Ed) DM Jerome, 394: pp 137-150, 1999.
- STRETCH, RA, NURICK, GN & MCKELLAR, D, "Improving the accuracy and consistency of shot reproduction in cricket batting". South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation. 1998/1999 / Vol. 21, No.2, pp 77-88, 1999.
- BALDEN, VH, & NURICK, GN, "Experiences with the Eigensystem Realisation Algorithm", Research & Development Journal, Vol. 14, No.2, pp 23 -29, 1998.
- POWELL, MS & NURICK, GN, "Comminution Research at the University of Cape Town". South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Journal, Vol. 98, pp 175-177, 1998.
- NURICK, GN GELMAN, ME & MARSHALL, NS, "Tearing of blast loaded plates with clamped boundary conditions". International Journal of Impact Engineering 18: pp 803-827, 1996.
- NURICK, GN & SHAVE, GC, "The deformation and tearing of thin square plates subjected to impulsive loads-an experimental study". International Journal of Impact Engineering 18: pp 99-116, 1996.
- POWELL, MS & NURICK, GN, "A study of charge motion in rotary mills part 1-extension of the theory". Minerals Engineering 9: pp 259-268, 1996.
- POWELL, MS & NURICK, GN, "A study of charge motion in rotary mills part 2-experimental work". Minerals Engineering 9: pp 343-350, 1996.
- POWELL, MS & NURICK, GN, "A study of charge motion in rotary mills part 3-analysis of results". Minerals Engineering 9: pp 399-418, 1996.
- WIERZBICKI, T & NURICK, GN, "Large deformation of thin plates under localised impulsive loading". International Journal of Impact Engineering 18: pp 899-918, 1996.
- NURICK, GN, & GC SHAVE, "The Deformation and Tearing of Thin Square Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loads-An Experimental Study, Int. J. Impact Engng. Vol.18, No.1, pp 99-116, 1995.
- NURICK, GN, OSLON, MB*, MB, FAGNAN, JR*& LEVIN, A, "Deformation and Tearing of Blast Loaded Stiffened Square Plates" Int.J. Impact Engng Vol 16, No.2, pp 273-292. (*University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada), 1995.
- OLSON, MD*, NURICK, GN & FAGNAN, JR*"Deformation and Rupture of Blast Loaded Square Plates-Predictions and Experiments." Int.J. Impact Engng. 13 (2), pp 279-291 (* University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada), 1993.
- NATES, MB, NURICK, GN & REDDY. BD, "The Slip of a Single Particle on the Inside of a Rotating Cylinder -Part I -Theoretical Analysis". Int. J. Mineral Process, 38, pp 67-79, 1993..
- NATES, MB, NURICK, GN & REDDY, BD, "The Slip of a Single Particle on the Inside of a Rotating Cylinder-Part II-Experimental Investigation". Int. J. Mineral Process 38, pp 81-91, 1993.
- TEELING-SMITH, RG & NURICK, GN, "The Deformation and Tearing of Circular Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loads". Int. J. Impact Engng. 11(1), pp 77-92, 1991.
- NURICK, GN, "An Empirical Solution for Predicting Maximum Central Deflections of Impulsively Loaded Plates". Mechanical Properties at High Rates of Strain, (Ed. J. Harding). Published by the Institute of Physics, pp 457-464, 1989.
- NURICK, GN & MARTIN, JB, "Deformations of Thin Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loading-a Review; Part I- Theoretical Consideration". Int. J. Impact Engng. 8 (2), pp 159-170, 1989.
- NURICK, GN & MARTIN, JB, "Deformation of Thin Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loading-A Review; Part II -Experimental Studies". Int. J. Impact Engng. 8 (2), pp 170-186,1989.
- NURICK, GN, PEARCE, HT & MARTIN, JB, "Predictions of Transverse Deflections and In Plane Strains in Impulsively Loaded Thin Plates". Int. J. of Mech.Sci. 29(6), pp 435-442, 1987.
- NURICK, GN, PEARCE, HT & MARTIN, JB, "The Deformation of Thin Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loading". Inelastic Behaviour of Plates and Shells (Ed. L. Bevilacqua) Springer Verlag, 1986, pp 597-616.
- NURICK, GN, "A New Technique to Measure the Deflection Time History of a Material Subjected to High Strain Rates". Int.J. Impact Engng. 3(1), 1985, pp 17-26.
- NURICK, GN & MARTIN, JB, "The Measurement of the Response of Clamped Circular Plates to Impulsive Loading". Mechanical Properties at High Rates of Strain, (Ed. J. Harding) Published by the Institute of Physics, pp 495-500, 1984.
- DUTKIEWICZ, RK, & NURICK, GN, "Attitudes towards University Training of Mechanical Engineers". The South African Mechanical Engineer, 30(4), 140-146, 1980.
- NURICK, GN & DUTKIEWICZ, RK, "Small Scale Power Generation Utilizing Wave Energy". Alternative Energy Sources. (Ed. T.N. Veziroglu) McGraw Hill, pp 1751-1760, 1979.
- NURICK, GN, "A Review of South Africa's Prospects for Power from the Ocean". The South African Mechanical Engineer, 28(7), pp 274-282, 1978.
Published Conference Proceedings/Presentations
- NANNUCCI, PR, MARSHALL, NS & NURICK, GN, "A Computational Investigation of the Progressive Buckling of Square tubes with Geometric Imperfections". Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Shock & Impact Loads on Structures, Singapore, pp. 335-342, November 1999.
- JOST, R & NURICK, GN, "Finite element modelling of the human body in vehicle side impact". Proceedings of the International Crashworthiness Conference, (IJCRASH '98), Michigan, USA, , pp 278-284, 9 - 11 September 1998.
- MCKELLAR, DK, NURICK, GN & STRETCH, RA, "The measurement of the position of a ball striking a cricket bat". Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering of Sport, University of Sheffield, , pp 275-282, 13 - 17 July 1998.
- MARSHALL, NS & NURICK, GN, "The effect of induced deformations on the formation of the first lobe of symmetric progressive buckling of thin walled square tubes. Structures under shock and impact (SUSI 98), (Eds. N Jones, DG Talaslidis, CA Brebbia, GD Manolis), Thessaloniki, Greece, pp 155-168, 24 - 26 June 1998.
- RADFORD, AM & NURICK, GN, "Circular plates subjected to localised central blast loads. Transient loading and response of structures". An International Symposium honouring Arnfinn Jenssen, (Eds. M Langseth, T Krauthammer), Trondheim, pp 503 - 548, Norway, 25 - 27 May 1998.
- STRETCH, RA, NURICK, GN & MCKELLAR, DK, "Improving the accuracy and consistency of shot reproduction in cricket batting". Third Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Manchester, England, p182, 15-18 July, 1998.
- NURICK,GN, & BRYANT, MW. "Fragmentation damage as a result of an explosion" Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, (Ed NK Gupta) pp 484-498.New Delhi, India 1996.
- BIMHA, RE, NURICK, GN & MITCHELL, GP, "Modelling the deformation of blast-loaded stiffened square plates". Proceedings of the First South African Conference on Applied Mechanics, Volume 4, Eskom Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa: pp 260-267, 1996.
- NURICK, GN & LUMPP, DM,"Deflection and tearing of clamped stiffened circular plates subjected to uniform impulsive blast loads". (Eds. Jones, N, Brebbia, CA & Watson, AJ ). Structures under Shock and Impact IV: pp 393-404, Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, Boston, 1996.
- GELMAN, ME, NURICK, GN & MITCHELL, GP, "A numerical study of inelastic failure of impulsively loaded circular plates, with various boundary conditions". Proceedings of the First South African Conference on Applied Mechanics 1996, Volume 4, Eskom Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa: pp 223-234, 1996.
- NURICK, GN, "Structural components subjected to blast loads resulting in large inelastic deformation and subsequent material failure". Proceedings of Workshop Precision Testing in Support of Computer Code Validation and Verification, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway: pp 121-127, 1996.
- FARROW, GH, NURICK, GN, & MITCHELL, GP, "Modelling of Impulsively Loaded Circular Plates using the ABAQUS Finite Element Code", Proc. 13th Symposium Finite element methods in South Africa, Stellenbosch, South Africa, Jan. 18-20 1995.
- NURICK, GN & GELMAN, M. "Report on Underwater Tests" Presented to MARICH SA , Stellenbosch, October 1995.
- NURICK, GN & JONES, N*, "Prediction of Large Inelastic Deformations of T-Beams Subjected to Uniform Impulsive Loading", ASME Winter Meeting, San Francisco, (*University of Liverpool), November1995.
- THOMAS, BM, & NURICK, GN, "The Effect of Boundary Conditions on Thin Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loads", Plasticity 1995-The 5th International Symposium on Plasticity and its Current Application. Osaka, Japan, pp 85-88, July 1995.
- NURICK, GN, JONES, N*, & VON ALTEN-REUSS, GV, "Large Inelastic Deformation of T-Beams Subjected to Impulsive Loads" Third International Conference on Structures Under Shock and Impact, Madrid, Spain (*University of Liverpool, UK.), pp 191-206, June, 1994.
- NURICK, GN, & CONNOLLY, AG, "Response of Clamped Single and Double Stiffened Rectangular Plates Subjected to Blast Loads". Third International Conference on Structures under Shock and Impact. Madrid, Spain, pp 207-220, June, 1994.NURICK, GN & CROWTHER, BG, "The Measurement of the Residual Velocity and Deflection of a Profectile Passing through a Thin Plate". Third International Conference on Structures under Shock and Impact. Madrid, Spain, pp 261-272, June, 1994.
- OLSON, MD*, NURICK, GN, & FAGNAN, JR*, "Response and Failure of Blast Loaded Square Plates" Second Canadian Marine Dynamics Conference, Vancouver, BC Canada,. (*University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.), pp 117-124, August 9-11 1993.
- OLSON, MD*, NURICK, GN, & FAGNAN, JR* , "Deformation and Rupture of Blast Loaded Square Plates-Predictions and Experiments" Third International Symposium on Structural Crashworthiness and Failure. University of Liverpool UK (*University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.), April 14-16 1993
- NURICK, GN, & TEELING SMITH, RG, "Predicting the Onset of Necking and Hence Tearing of Thin Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loads - An Experimental View". Second International Conference on Structures under Shock and Impact. Portsmouth, UK , pp 431-445, June 1992.
- NURICK, GN & CROWTHER, B, "Projectile Perforation of Thin Plates-Post Perforation Energy and Deflection". Fourth International Symposium on Explosives Technology and Ballistics. (NIXT '92) CSIR, Pretoria, October 1992.
- NURICK, GN, LUMPP, DM & CONNOLLY, AG, "Stiffened Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loading". Fourth International Symposium on Explosives Technology and Ballistics (NIXT '92) CSIR, Pretoria, October 1992.
- NATES, MB, NURICK, GN & REDDY, BD, "Analysis of the Motion of a Single Particle on the Inside of a Rotating Cylinder". International Communition Research Association Symposium -Communition R & D : Current Status, Univ. of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Session 2, Paper 5, October, 1991.
- NURICK, GN & CRAWCOUR, SR, "Penetration of Thin Fibreglass Plates by High Velocity Projectiles". First South African Colloquium-The Engineering Development and Application of Composite Materials-SAIMM, Paper 15, July 1990.
- NURICK, GN & WALTERS, CE, "The Ballistic Penetration of Multiple Thin Plates Separated by an Air Gap". SEM Spring Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Albuquerque, USA., pp 631-637, June 1990.
- NURICK, GN, "An Empirical Solution for Predicting Maximum Central Deflections of Impulsively Loading Plates" 4th Oxford Conference on Mechanical Properties of Materials at High Rates of Strain, Oxford, England, pp 457-464, March 1989.
- NURICK, GN, "Using Photo Voltaic Diodes to Measure the Deformation Response of a Structure Subjected to an Explosive Load". 17th Int. Congress on High Speed Photography and Photonics, CSIR, Pretoria, pp 215-226, September 1986.
- NURICK, GN, "Ocean Energy Potential of South Africa". Renewable Energy Potential in South Africa Conference, University of Cape Town, pp 4.1-4.27, September 1986.
- NURICK, GN, HAMILTON, RS & PENNINGTON, D, "A Simple Method to Predict the Initial and Subsequent Small Deflection of a Clamped Circular Plate Subjected to Repeated Impacts". SEM Spring Conference on Experimental Mechanics, New Orleans, U.S.A, pp 568-579., June 1986.
- NURICK, GN, "The Measurement of the Deformation Response of a Structure Subjected to an Explosive Load Using a Light Interference Technique." SEM Spring Conference on Experimental Mechanics, New Orleans, U.S.A, pp 105-114., June 1986.
- NURICK, GN, PEARCE, HT & MARTIN, JB, "The Permanent Deformation of Thin Plates Subjected for Uniform Impulsive Loading". FEMSA 86 University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, February 1986.
- NURICK, GN, PEARCE, HT & MARTIN, JB, "The Deformation of Thin Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loading". IUTAM Symposium on Inelastic Behaviour of Plates and Shells, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp 597-616, August 1985.
- NURICK, GN & MARTIN, JB, "The Measurement of the Response of Clamped Circular Plates to Impulsive Loading". 3rd Oxford Conference on Mechanical Properties of Materials at High Rates of Strain, Oxford, England, pp 495-502, April 1984.
- NURICK, GN & DUTKIEWICZ, RK, "Small Scale Power Generation Utilizing Wave Energy". 2nd Miami Int. Conference. on Alternative Energy Sources, Miami Beach, Florida, pp 1751 -1760, December 1979.
- DUTKIEWICZ, RK & NURICK, GN, "Wave Energy off the Coast of Southern Africa". Int. Symposium on Wave and Tidal Energy, Canterbury, England, Paper F1, September 1978.
Published Conference Abstracts/Presentations
- NURICK, GN & LOCKLEY, JP, "Experimental Investigation to Evaluate the Effect of the Included Angle of a Folded "V" Shape Plate for Blast Resistance". Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Integrity, Reliability and Failure, Porto, Portugal: p 46, July.1999.
- MILNER, AL & NURICK, GN, "The prediction of the outermost trajectory of media in a grinding mill with arbitrary lifter bar profiles". Proceedings of an International Conference Minerals Processing. pp 127-134, 1996.
- NURICK, GN, JONES, N*, & VON ALTEN-REUSS, GV, "Predictions of Large Inelastic Deformations of Beams Subjected to Uniform Impulsive Loads". EUROMECH Second European Solid Mechanics Conference, Genoa, Italy.(*University of Liverpool, UK.), September 1994.
- NURICK, GN. "Structural Components Subjected to Blast Loads Resulting in Large Deformation and Subsequent Material Failure" First Ballistics and Warheads Symposium,Pretoria, 16-18 November 1994.
- ORRELL, CM. NURICK, GN. & PEARCE, HT. "Impact and Penetration of Honeycomb Aluminium Plate" First Ballistic and Warheads Symposium, Pretoria, 16-18 November 1994.
- DAVIS, BL, NURICK, GN, BRIDGES, RS & ROWLES, S "Load Transmission Through the Foot For Varying Heel Elevations". South African Biomedical Engineering Society Congress, Cape Town, March 1988.
- NURICK, GN & BL DAVIS, BL, "The Human Body-Man or Machine?". South African Biomedical Engineering Society Congress, Cape Town, March 1988.
- VON BENTHEIM, K, NURICK, GN, REDDY, BD & MILNER, AL.," The Slip of a Single Particle on a Corrugate Liner Inside a Rotating Cylinder "Poster Presentation at 13th Annual Mineral Processing Symposium, Gordon's Bay, Cape, August 1994.
- NURICK, GN, & WILSON, K, "Indentation of Honeycomb Sandwich Panels Due to Dynamic Loading Effects". Poster Presentation at Fourth Int. Symposium on Explosives Technology and Ballistics. (NIXT '92) CSIR, Pretoria, October 1992.
- NATES, MB, NURICK, GN, & REDDY, BD, "An Investigation into the Parameters Affecting the Performance of Tube Mills". Poster Presentation at Tribology '90, CSIR, Pretoria, March 1990.
- Produced three videos for the purpose of educating school children about careers in Engineering and in particular Mechanical Engineering.
- "ENGINEERING YOUR FUTURE" Presenter Mr. J Pulvermacher, Script GN Nurick. 25 minutes, 1985.
- "ME - AN ENGINEER" Presenter Mr. T. Setiloane, Script GN Nurick. 13 minutes, 1986.
- "MECHANICAL ENGINEERING - THE CAREER FOR ME" Presenter Mr. T. Setiloane, Script GN Nurick. 20 minutes, 1986.