Journal Papers
- DOWNEY MS, CLOETE TJ and YATES ADB, “A rapid opening sleeve valve for a diaphragmless shock tube”, Shock Waves, Vol. 21, pp.315–319, 2011
- KROON RE, CRONJE S, ROOS WD and CLOETE TJ, “Annealing-Induced Softening of Copper and Molybdenum for High Strain Rate Deformation”, Metals and Materials International, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 671-677, 2011
- CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, NURICK, GN and WITBEEN, HL, "The response of sandwich panels made of thin-walled tubes subjected to axial load", International Journal of Protective Structures, ISSN 2041-4196, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp 477-498, 2011
- SMITH M, CANTWELL WJ, GUAN Z, TSOPANOS S, THEOBALD MD, NURICK GN and LANGDON GS, "The quasi-static and blast response of steel lattice structures", Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, Vol. 13 No.4, pp479-501, 2011
- LANGDON GS, NURICK GN and DU PLESSIS NJ, "The influence of separation distance on the performance of perforated plates as a blast wave shielding technique", Engineering Structures, Vol. 33, No. 12, pp 3537-3545, 2011
- LANGDON, GS and ROWE LA, "The response of steel-based fibre-metal laminates to localised blast loading", ICE Procedings of Engineering & Computational Mechanics, Vol. 164, No. 3, pp 139-146, 2011
- YAHYA MY, CANTWELL WJ, LANGDON GS and NURICK GN, "The blast resistance of woven carbon fiber-reinforced epoxy composite", Journal of Composite Material, Vol. 45, No. 7, pp 789-801, 2011
Published/Presented Conference Proceedings
- KARAGIOZOVA D, LANGDON GS and NURICK GN, "Propagation of compaction waves in metal foams exhibiting strain hardening", International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposium: mechanics of liquid and solid foams, Texas, US, May 2011
- VON KLEMPERER, LANGDON GS, ROWLAND BK, OZINSKY A and NURICK GN, "Response of polymer composite sandwich panels subjected to air-blast loading", 6th International Conference on Composite Structures, Portugal, June 2011
- CHUNG KIM YUEN S, OPPERMAN, CJ, ALTENHOF W and NURICK GN, "Axial splitting of circular tubes by means of blast load", 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures, Valenciennes, France (28th June – 1st July)
- CHUNG KIM YUEN S, NURICK GN, KARAGIOZOVA, D and BRINCKMANN, HB, "Response of cylindrical shells to lateral blast load", 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures, Valenciennes, France (28th June – 1st July)
- LANGDON GS, VON KLEMPERER CJ, OZINSKY A, ROWLAND BK and NURICK GN, "Air-blast loading of sandwich panels with PVC foam cores and glass fibre vinyl ester face sheets", 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures, Valenciennes, France (28th June – 1st July)
- LANGDON GS, NURICK GN, DU PLESSIS NJ, and ROSSITER IB, "Using perforated plates as a blast shielding technique for application to tunnels", PROTECT Conference, Switzerland, September 2011
- GOVENDER RA, LANGDON GS, CLOETE TJ and NURICK GN, "High rate delamination testing of fibre reinforced composites, using a Hopkinson Pressure Bar", 6th International Conference on the Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, September 2011.
- LANGDON GS, "Blast loading of lightweight materials – overview of research", Land Systems Summit, Germany, November 2011, (invited speaker)