Edited Books
- "Advances in Dynamics and Impact Mechanics" A volume in honour of Professor Norman Jones. Co-edited with CA Brebbia. WIT Press , pp1-293,2002
Journal Papers
- WALTERS, J, NURICK, GN, BALDEN, VH, & CLARKE M. "Tensile testing of a tension band for fixation of proximal tibial osteotomy." South African Orthopaedic Journal. Vol 1 No.1. August 2002, pp 39-43.
- STRETCH, RA, BARNARD, G, & NURICK, GN. "Improving the accuracy and consistency of shot reproduction in cricket batting through a vision training programme." South African Optomotrist Vol. 61, No.4 December 2002, pp145-150.
- WILL, MA. FRANZ,T. NURICK, GN. "The effect of laminate stacking sequence of CFR filament wound tubes subjected to projectile impact." Composite Structures. 58; 2002, 259-270.
- FRANZ, T, NURICK, GN, & PERRY MJ, "Experimental investigation into the response of chopped strand mat glass-fibre laminates to blast loading". International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2002 Vol. 27; 639-667.
- GOVENDER, I, POWELL, MS, & NURICK, GN, "Automated imaging technique to track the 3D motion of particles". Experimental Mechanics. 2002, Vol .42. No.2. 153-160.
Published Conference Proceedings
- LANGDON, GS, CHUNG KIM YUEN S, & NURICK, GN "The response of stiffened square plates subjected to localised blast loading" Structures Under Shock and Impact (SUSI) VII May, 2002. Montreal,Canada.pp 3-12.
News Media
- Featured on the BBC Programme "To-morrows World" in May 2002.This programme demonstrated the instrumented cricket bat.