Book Chapter
- YAHYA MY, CANTWELL WJ, LANGDON GS and NURICK GN, "The blast response of sandwich structures, Damage and Fracture of Composite Materials and Structures", In series: Advanced structured materials (Volume 20) Ed: MNN. Tamin, Springer, pp. 189-217, 2012. ISSN 1869-8433.
Journal Papers
- JAMA HH, NURICK GN, BAMBACH MR, GRZEBIETA RH and ZHAO XL, "Steel square hollow sections subjected to transverse blast loads", Thin-walled Structures, Vol 53, pp109-122, 2012
- LANGDON GS, VON KLEMPERER CJ, ROWLAND BK and NURICK GN, "The response of sandwich panels with composite facehseets and polymer foam cores to blast loading", Engineering Structures, Vol36, pp104-112, 2012.
- CHUNG KIM YUEN S, LANGDON GS, NURICK GN, PICKERING EG and BALDEN VH, "Response of V-shape plates subjected to localised blast load: Experiments and numerical simulation", International Journal of Impact Engineering, pp 97-109, doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2012.02.007, 2012
- GOVENDER RA, LOUCA LA, FALLAH AS, PULLEN A and NURICK GN, "Determining the through-thickness properties of thick glass fibre reinforced polymers at high strain rates", Journal of Composite Materials, doi:10.1177/0021998311415444, Volume 46 Issue 10 May 2012 pp. 68 - 77, 2012
Published/Presented Conference Proceedings
- LANGDON GS, HASSAN MZ, CANTWELL WJ and NURICK GN, "Response of blast loaded foam core sandwich panels", Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures, Torino, Italy, June 2012
- GOVENDER RA, LANGDON GS, CLOETE TJ and NURICK GN, "High strain rate compression testing of glass fibre reinforced polypropylene", 10th International DYMAT Conference, Freiburg, Germany, 2012.