Journal Papers
- THEOBALD, MD and NURICK, GN, "Numerical investigation of the response of sandwich-type panels using thin-walled tubes subject to blast loads", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol 34, Issue 1, 2007, p134-156
- SCHLEYER, GK, LOWAK, MJ, POLCYN, MA and LANGDON, GS, "Experimental investigation of blast wall panels under shock pressure loading", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol 34, Issue 6, 2007, p1095-1118
- LANGDON, GS, LEMANSKI, SL, NURICK, GN, SIMMONS, MC, CANTWELL, WJ and SCHLEYER GK, "Behaviour of fibre-metal laminates subjected to localised blast loading: Part I – experimental observations and failure analysis", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol 34, Issue 7, 2007, p1202-1222
- LEMANSKI, SL, NURICK, GN, LANGDON, GS, SIMMONS, MC, CANTWELL, WJ and SCHLEYER, GK, "Behaviour of fibre-metal laminates subjected to localised blast loading: Part II – quantitative analysis", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol 34, Issue 7, 2007, p1223-1245
- HARTLEY, RS, CLOETE, TJ and NURICK, GN, "An experimental assessment of friction effects in the split hopkinson pressure bar using the ring compression test", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol 34, Issue 10, 2007, p1705-1728
- BONORCHIS, D and NURICK, GN, "The effect of welded boundaries on the response of hot rolled rectangular mild steel plates subjected to localised blast loads", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol 34, Issue 11, 2007, p1729-1738
- JACOB, N, NURICK, GN and LANGDON, GS, "The effect of stand-off distance on the failure of fully clamped circular mild steel plates subjected to blast loads", Engineering Structures, Vol 29, 2007, p2723-2736
- LANGDON, GS, NURICK, GN, LEMANSKI, SL, SIMMONS, MC, CANTWELL, WJ and SCHLEYER, GK, "Failure characterisation of blast-loaded fibre-metal laminate panels based on aluminium and glass-fibre reinforced polypropylene", Composite Science and Technology, Vol 67, Issue 7-8, 2007, p1385-1405
- LANGDON, GS, NURICK, GN and CANTWELL, WJ, "Localised blast loading of fibre-metal laminates with a polyamide matrix", Composites Partt B: Engineering, Vol 38, Issue 7-8, 2007, p902-913.
- LANGDON, GS and SCHLEYER, GK, "Response of statically loaded corrugated panels with partially restrained boundaries", Experimental Mechanics, Vol 47, 2007, p251-261
Published/Presented Conference Proceedings
- NURICK, GN, LANGDON, GS, CHI, Y and JACOB, N. "Response of blast loaded honeycomb sandwich plates – preliminary experiments", 6th International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, Durban, South Africa, January 2007 [CD-ROM]
- KARAGIOZOVA, D., NURICK, GN and LANGDON, GS, "Behaviour of sandwich panels subject to intense air blasts", 6th International Conference on Composite Science and Technology, Durban, South Africa, January 2007 [CD-ROM].
- CHUNG KIM YUEN, S and NURICK, GN, "Modelling of axial loading of square tubes with blast-induced imperfections" – 9th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics (IMPLAST 2007), Bochum, Germany , pp 553-560., 2007
- LANGDON, GS, NURICK, GN and ROSSITER, IB, "Insights into the response of fibre reinforced polymer and fibre-metal laminate panels to blast loading " – 9th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics (IMPLAST 2007), Bochum, Germany, pp 183-190, 2007
- KARAGIOZOVA, D, NURICK, GN, LANGDON, GS, CHUNG KIM YUEN,S , CHI, Y and BARTLE, S, "Response of flexible sandwich panels to blast loading", 16th International Conference on Composite Materials, Japan, July 2007