The response of structures to blast loads has been investigated since the Second World War. Despite major advances with regard to the large inelastic response - it is only in the last decade that a major thrust into the investigation of material failure has taken place. The experimental results, which have been observed in the UCT laboratory, are being used to identify the mechanics of the response of the structure so that computational techniques can be improved and validated
The response of thin-walled structures subjected to axial impact load has also been investigated.
List of most recent publications
- CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, & NURICK, GN. " Experimental and numerical studies on the response of quadrangular stiffened plates - Part I: uniform blast loading. " International Journal of Impact Engineering. Volume 31, Issue 1, 2005, pp 55-83.
- LANGDON, GS, CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, & NURICK, GN. " Experimental and numerical studies on the response of quadrangular stiffened plates - Part II: localised blast loading. " International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 31, Issue 1, 2005, pp 85-111.
- CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, & NURICK, GN. "Modelling the deformation and tearing of thin and thick plates subjected to localised blast loads." Plasticity and Impact Mechanics. IMPLAST 2003. (Ed. Gupta, NK.) Phoenix Publishing House, New Delhi.2003. pp 729 - 739.