Dr Marijke Fagan-Endres visits the University of Western Australia

05 May 2015
05 May 2015

At the start of this year Dr Marijke Fagan-Endres, a lecturer in CeBER, spent a month abroad on a research visit to the University of Western Australia (UWA) in Perth. The trip kicked off a new collaborative project with Professor Michael Johns, Marijke’s former PhD supervisor, and Dr Sarah Vogt.

Prof Johns’ research group is based at the Australian Resources Research Centre and is focussed on the use of a range of magnetic resonance techniques in various engineering applications, including the characterisation of emulsions (oilfield, food and agrochemicals), biofouling of reverse osmosis membranes and rock core characterisation and flooding.

In this project a combination of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and X-ray μCT is used to study the influence of liquid flow characteristics on the unsaturated leaching of low grade ore. The MRI, performed using UWA’s 12 MHz permanent magnet Oxford Instrument, permits the acquisition of 3D images of liquid flow in constructed ore beds. This low field magnet and the application of specialist magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques designed for low grade ore imaging (Fagan et al, 2012) ensure that accurate images are obtained, despite the presence of metals in the ore. The MRI data is then combined with complementary higher spatial resolution X-ray μCT images, which provide detailed 3D maps of the ore bed structures and the position of the mineral grains therein.

The project is funded by the National Research Foundation (NRF) and a Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) UWA Research Collaboration Award.