CeBER Research Day 2015

03 Nov 2015
03 Nov 2015

CeBER Research Day, in its 6 years of existence, has become much more than a progressive platform to showcase research. It is a unique opportunity in the CeBER calendar for postgraduate students and staff to engage in cross-disciplinary discussion and relax cohesively outside of UCT. This year the event was hosted on the 16th September at the Park Inn Radisson, Claremont, by organisers Durgaprasad Madras Iyer, Caryn Hobbs, Muven Naidoo and Edith Mshoperi on behalf of CeBER Director, Prof Sue Harrison. The program, consisting of presentation and poster sessions, ran flawlessly and included an address by two guest speakers: Ben Durham, the Chief Director of Bio-Innovation at the National Department of Science and Technology; as well as UCT’s deputy vice-chancellor, Prof Danie Visser. PhD Student, Marc Brighton, became a third-time recipient of the Best Speaker prize with Muven Naidoo and Alex Opitz taking up the Best Poster and Best Questions prizes for 2015 respectively. The Centre continued celebrations after the proceedings, by raising a glass to their champion Brewing Team, who supplied a sample of their SAB-award-winning beverages for all to enjoy. Many thanks to the organising committee for yet another engaging Research Day and to all those who contributed towards the success of the day.