CeBER publishes four cover stories in Quest Magazine Volume 12.3

10 Nov 2016
10 Nov 2016

Quest: Science for South Africa is a quarterly popular science magazine directed at learners, educators and the general public.  It is a publication of the Academy of Science in South Africa (ASSAf) and publishes articles on the country’s foremost scientific work in an accessible way.  In the latest issue of Quest (Volume 12.3), the four cover stories are all written by members of CeBER.  Congratulations to Bronwyn White, Jennifer Couperthwaite, Rajesh Sharma and Sarah Jones for these articles and to Candice Mazzolini for the beautiful photos that supported them.  To write your scientific research in accessible language so that it is draws interest is an exciting challenge.  It brings together your deep understanding of your research topic and your ability to find the story line in the science.  CeBER aims to do get more of its research in the public space, through the CeBER Science Communication initiative.