CeBER goes to Finland - IMWA 2017!

10 Jul 2017
10 Jul 2017

Mine water and the Circular Economy – how do we reduce the risks and increase the opportunities by improving recycling and re-use? This was the overarching theme of the 2017 International Mine Water Association conference held in Lappeenranta, Finland from the 25th till 30th of June. This pristine landscape hosted researchers, industry leaders and consultants from around the world who presented over 200 orals and posters. CeBER was represented by Tynan Marais, a PhD student, who presented on the “Effect of operational parameters on the performance of an integrated semi passive bioprocess” for the remediation of high sulphate containing mine waters using sulphate reducing microbes. Tynan’s research was very well received as methods for the removal of sulphate for acid mine drainage remediation was a hot topic covered in many of the sessions. The use of microorganisms for the remediation of mine water placing CeBER’s research in the forefront of discussion at the conference. Dr Mariette Smart, a postdoctoral researcher at CeBER, presented a paper authored by Catherine Edward and Prof Sue Harrison entitled: “Recycling bioremediated cyanidation tailings wastewater within the biooxidation circuit for gold recovery: impact on process performance and water management”. The data presented showed promise in closing the water loop within gold processing thus preventing discharge of low quality water into the environment.