CeBER attend 22nd IBS

29 Sep 2017
29 Sep 2017

September 2017 saw a group of CeBER researchers travelling to Germany for the 22nd International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium (IBS) held in Freiberg, Saxon. This biannual conference is a hub for both academia and industry who are involved in the fields of biomining, bioleaching and bioremediation. Prof Sue Harrison delivered two talks: “Inhibition kinetics of iron oxidation by Leptospirillum ferriphilum in the presence of thiocyanate in bioremediated cyanidation tailings waste water” (authored by Catherine Edward) and “Analysis of microbial communities associated with bioremediation systems for thiocyanate-laden mine water effluents” (given on behalf of Dr Robert Huddy). These were complemented by a total of seven posters presented by the other CeBER members in attendance, namely Emmanuel Ngoma, Tomas Hessler, Dr Marriette Smart and Dr Marijke Fagan-Endres. An additional highlight of the visit was a post-conference trip 150m underground to see the in-situ bioleaching test-facility at the Reiche Zeche mine.