CeBER and MtM Represent UCT at ICARD 2018

From the 10th-14th September 2018, representatives from CeBER and MtM left UCT for Pretoria to join 350 experts at the 11th International conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD). Three main subjects were covered on the theme - including mitigation, remediation and responsible mine water management - as participants endeavoured to confront the issue of “risk to opportunity” and all that entails. Of the 25 students who presented their work at ICARD this year, CeBER Student Donald Mjonono was the one to claim the second-prize certificate and €500 which was awarded for the excellent quality of his written paper and oral presentation. Congratulations to Donald and the team on the high-calibre of work presented on behalf of their research groups and UCT.
CeBER representatives: Prof Sue Harrison, Kudzai Chiodza, Tomas Hessler, Thabo Mabuka, Tynan Marais, Donald Mjonono
MtM representatives: A/Prof Jenny Broadhurst, Dr Megan Becker, Alex Opitz, Olga Guseva, Prof Sue Harrison