Book Chapter
- CHUNG KIM YUEN S and NURICK GN, Chapter: The use of tubular structures as cores for sandwich panels subjected to dynamic and blast loading, Blast Mitigation: Experimental and Numerical Studies, Editors: A. SHUKLA, Y. RAJAPAKSE, and M.E. HYNES, Publisher: Springer, ISBN 978-1-4614-7266-7
- YAHYA MY, CANTWELL WJ, LANGDON GS and NURICK GN, "The blast response of sandwich structures, Damage and Fracture of Composite Materials and Structures", In series: Advanced structured materials (Volume 20) Ed: MNN. Tamin, Springer, pp. 189-217, 2012. ISSN 1869-8433.
Journal Papers
- PICKERING EG,CHUNG KIM YUEN S, NURICK GN, HAW P, The response of quadrangular plates to buried charges, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 49 pg 103-114
- HASSAN M, GUAN Z, CANTWELL W, LANGDON GS, NURICK GN, The influence of core density on the blast resistance of foam-based sandwich structures, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 50, pg. 9-16
- JAMA H, NURICK GN,BAMBACH M, GRZEBIETA R, ZHAO X, Steel square hollow sections subjected to transverse blast loads, Thin-Walled Structures, pg. 109-122
- KARAGIOZOVA D, LANGDON GS, NURICK GN, Propagation of compaction waves in metal foams exhibiting strain hardening, International Journal of Solids and Structures, pg. 2763-2777
- NURICK GN, GOVENDER RA, LOUCA L,FALLAH A, PULLEN A, Journal of Composite Materials, pg. 1219-1228
- LANGDON GS, VON KLEMPERER CJ, ROWLAND B, NURICK GN, The response of sandwich structures with composite face sheets and polymer foam cores to air blasting loading, Preliminary experiments, Engineering Structures, pg. 104-112
- CHUNG KIM YUEN S, LANGDON GS, NURICK GN, PICKERING EG and BALDEN VH, Response of V-shape plates subjected to localised blast load: Experiments and numerical simulation, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol 46, pg. 97-109
Published/Presented Conference Proceedings
- CLOETE TJ, STANDLER M, Refinement of the wedge bar technique for compression tests at intermediate strain rates, 10th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour on Materials under Dynamic Loading(DYMAT 2012)
- CLOETE TJ, GOVENDER RA, CURRY R, Implementation of viscoelastic Hopkinson bars, 10th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour on Materials under Dynamic Loading(DYMAT 2012)
- GOVENDER RA, LANGDON GS, CLOETE TJ, NURICK GN, High strain rate compression testing of glass fibre reinforced polypropylene, 10th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour on Materials under Dynamic Loading(DYMAT 2012)
- CLOETE TJ,PROT MARIANNE, PATTOFATTO S, Dynamic compression and recovery of cancellous bone for microstructural investigation, (DYMAT 2012)
- 2012, PICKERING EG, CHUNG KIM YUEN S and NURICK GN, Numerical simulation of the response of quadrangular plates to buried charges, 22nd International Symposium on Military Aspects of Blast and Shock (MABS22), Bourges, France
- 2012, PICKERING EG, CHUNG KIM YUEN S, NURICK GN and HAW P, Experiments on the response of quadrangular plates to buried charges, 4th International Conference on Design and Analysis of Protective Structures, (DAPS 2012), Jeju, Korea, (CD-ROM).
- 2012, CHUNG KIM YUEN S, NURICK GN, RANWAHA N and HENCHIE T, The response of circular plates to repeated uniform blast loads, 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering Plasticity and its Application (AEPA 2012), Singapore, 5-7 December
Abstract for Conferences
- 2012, GERETTO C, CHUNG KIM YUEN S and NURICK GN, Square mild steel plates subjected to blast loads under different degrees of confinement – an experimental study, South African Ballistics Organisation (SABO) Blast and Impact Conference, Bredasdrop, South Africa, 22-25 October.
- 2012, PICKERING EG, CHUNG KIM YUEN S and NURICK GN, The influence of height of burial of buried charges, South African Ballistics Organisation (SABO) Blast and Impact Conference, Bredasdrop, South Africa, 22-25 October.
- 2012, HENCHIE T, CHUNG KIM YUEN S, NURICK GN, BALDEN VH and RANWAHA N, Investigation into the effects of repeated uniform blast loads on circular steel plates, South African Ballistics Organisation (SABO) Blast and Impact Conference, Bredasdrop, South Africa, 22-25 October.
- 2012, OZINSKY A, LANGDON GS and CHUNG KIM YUEN S, The response of right-circular cylinders subjected to internal blast loading, South African Ballistics Organisation (SABO) Blast and Impact Conference, Bredasdrop, South Africa, 22-25 October.
- 2012, CHUNG KIM YUEN S, Research on Buried Charges, USA-SA Science and Technology Meeting on Light-weight Materials and Extreme Environments, Belmont Conference Centre, Rondebosch, South Africa, 25-28 September.
- 2012, GERETTO C, CHUNG KIM YUEN S and NURICK GN, The effects of degrees of confinement on the response of square mild steel plates subjected to blast loading, Mechanical, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Conference 2012, Bellville, South Africa, 20-21 June, pp 10 – 11. repeated blast loads, Mechanical, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Conference 2012, Bellville, South Africa, 20-21 June, pp 20 – 21.