Please find listed below the titles of Internal Reports. The reports are available to group members on request. Please contact Prof Nurick to obtain a copy.
Sponsor's report
- Cloete, T. and Nurick, G.N., "Overview of the Results of BISRU related Final Year Projects in High Strain Rate Testing of Materials"
- Vara, A., "Determination of Material Properties at Different Temperatures and Strain Rates"
- Mbete, S., "An investigation of the charge stand-off distance of a structure subjected to a blast load"
- Bwalya, K.D., "The Response of Steel Plates to Repeated Blast Loads"
- Pitterman, M., "Correlation Between an Artificial Leg and a FE Model"
- Oerder, S., "Overview of the Results of BISRU related Final Year Projects in Biomechanics"
- Jacob, N., "Blast wave Characterisation - Using an instrumented Ballistic Pendulum"
- Mahoi, S., "Effect of Solid-Shaped Explosive on Circular Plate Deformation"
- Strydom, K., "The Design of an Apparatus for the Characterization of Vertical Blast Loads"
- Govender, R., "Split Hopkinson Pressure Bars in High Strain Rate Testing"
- Hartley, R., "Assessing the Effect of Friction on Split Hopkinson Bar Test Results"
- Watermeyer, G., "Tensile Split Hopkinson Bar (with Momentum Trapping)"
- Everzard, G.,"Development of a Shear Rig for High Strain Rate Material Characterisation using the Split Hopkinson Bar"
- Taylor, H., "Desing, Build and Commission an Intrumented Taylor Test Rig"
- Versfeld, A., "Design and Build an Intermediate Strain-Rate Tester"
- Fewell, S., "Towards an Understanding of the Effects of Strain Rate and Temperature on the Microstructure of Steel Subjected to Blast Loads"
- Vara, A., "Determination of Material Properties at Different Temperatures and Strain Rates"
- Cloete, T., "An Experimental Investigation of Shear Failure in Peripherally Clamped Centrally Supported Blast Loaded Circular Plates"
- Balden, V., "Numerical Simulation of the Post Failure Motion of Steel Plates subjected to Blast Loading"
- Theobald, M., "Investigation of the Response of Sandwich Type Structures using Thin-Walled Tubes Subject to Blast Loads"
- Chung Kim Yuen, S., "The effects of material property changes on the energy absorption characteristics of square tubes"
- Bonorchis, D., "Analysis and Simulation of Welded Plates Subjected to Blast Loading"
- Bwalya, K.D., "Investigation into the Effects of Repeated Blasts on Mild Steel Plates"
- Mbete, S., "An investigation of the charge stand-off distance of a structure subjected to a blast load"
- Lemanski, S., "Behaviour of Fibre Metal Laminates subjected to Blast Loading"
- Van der Westhuizen, K., "Finite Element Modelling Considerations:Blast Response of Fibre-Metal Laminates"
- Oerder, S., "Biomechanics"
- Van der Westhuizen, A., "The development of an ankle injury criterion for the lower extremity during landmine blasts"
- Pitterman, M., "Initial Development of a Finite Element Model of the Lower Leg"
- Balchin, K., "Drop Tester Hazard and Operability Study"
- Malan, D., "Empirical prediction of underwater blast"
- Roux, A., "Damage Effect on Electronics"
- Watermeyer, G., and Everzard, G.,"Dynamic Material Testing using the Direct Impact Hopkinson Bar"
- Hartley, R., "Assessing the Effect of Friction and Lateral Inertia on Split Hopkinson Bar Test Results"
- Govender, R., "Re-evaluation of Data Processing for the Hopkinson Pressure Bar"
- Fewell, S., "Towards an Understanding of the Effects of Strain Rate and Temperature on the Microstructure of Steel Subjected to Blast Loads "
- Cloete, T., "An Experimental Investigation of Shear Failure in Peripherally Clamped Centrally Supported Blast Loaded Circular Plates"
- Jacob, N., "Blast wave Characterisation - Using an instrumented Ballistic Pendulum"
- Mahoi, S., "An Investigation of the Influence of Shape of Solid Explosiveson Impact incorporating the JWL (EOS)"
- Balchin, K., "Drop Tester Design"
- Chung Kim Yuen, S., "The effects of material property changes on the energy absorption characteristics of square tubes"
- Theobald, M., "Investigation of Sandwich Plate Structures (Using Thin - Walled Tubes) Under Blast Loads"
- Balden, V., "Numeric Simulation of Experiment"
- Strydom, K., "The Design of an Apparatus to Characterise Vertical Blast Loads"
- Bonorchis, D., "Analysis of Welds Subjected to Blast Loads- PhD Introduction"
- Oerder, S., "Biomechanics"
- Van der Westhuizen, K., "Impact and Blast Resistance of Composite Laminates and Sandwich Panels"
- Lemanski, S., "Optimisation of Prismatic Structure as applied to Helicopter Rotor Blades"
- Langdon, G., "The Blast Performance of Novel Fibre-Metal Laminates"
- Tait, R. B., "A Perspective of Fracture Mechanics and its Applications: Relevant Research and Industrial "
- LANGDON, G.S., LEMANSKI, S. and NURICK, G. N., "Localised Blast testing of Fibre-Metal Laminate Panels", March 2004
- LANGDON, G.S., BALDEN, V. and NURICK, G. N., "Finite Element Modelling of a ΒΌ Scale Hull Section Subjected to Underwater Blast Loading", February 2005
- CHUNG KIM YUEN, S., JACOB, N. and NURICK, G. N., "Underwater Blast Tests", November 2004
- NURICK, G.N. and GELMAN, "UNDEX Testing", 1995