Journal Papers
- JACOB, N, CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, BONORCHIS, D, NURICK, GN, DESAI, SA, & TAIT, D. "Quadrangular plates subjected to localised blast loads - an insight into scaling." International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 30, Issues 8-9, 2004, pp 1179-1208.
- OCHOLA, RO, MARCUS, K, NURICK, GN, & FRANZ,T. "Mechanical behaviour of glass and carbon fibre reinforced composites at varying strain rates." Composite Structures, Volume 63, Issues 3-4, 2004, pp 455-467.
- MARAIS, S. T., TAIT, R.B., CLOETE, T.J. and NURICK, G.N., "Material testing at high strain rate using the split Hopkinson pressure bar", Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 1, N. 3, June 2004, pp319-338.
- STRETCH, RA, NURICK, GN, BALDEN, VH, McKELLAR, DK., "The position of impact of a ball striking a cricket bat: assisting coaches with performance analysis of cricket technique and skill levels", International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport. Vol.4, No. 2. pp 74-8, 2004.
Published/Presented Conference Proceedings
- CLOETE, TJ, PALMER, RN, & NURICK, GN. "An experimental investigation of shear failure in peripherally clamped centrally supported blast loaded circular plates." Accepted for presentation at Fifth International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE), University of Cambridge , UK. July 2004.
- BALDEN VH, & NURICK,GN. "Prediction of post failure damage of thin steel plates to localized blast loading" Accepted for presentation at Fifth International Symposium on Impact Engineering (ISIE), University of Cambridge , UK. July 2004.
- LANGDON, GS , CANTWELL, WJ & NURICK, GN. "The blast performance of novel fibre-metal laminates.", Structures Under Shock and Impact (SUSI VIII), Greece, 2004, pp. 455-464.
- MARCUS, K, NETANGAHENI, PT & NURICK, GN., "A study of the failure mechanisms of thermoplastic composites at various rates of strain and temperatures"' Proceeding 2nd Biennial International Composites Africa, Johannesburg, August 2004.