Book Chapter
- LANGDON GS, NURICK, GN, KARAGIOZOVA, D and CANTWELL, WJ, "Chapter 9: Fiber-metal laminate panels subjected to blast loading", Editors: A. SHUKLA, Y. RAVICHANDRAN and Y. RAJAPAKSE, Publisher: Springer, pp 269-296, ISBN 97814419 04454
- CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, NURICK, GN, THEOBALD, MD and LANGDON GS, "Chapter 10: Sandwich panels subjected to blast loading, Dynamic failure of Materials and Structures", Editors: A. SHUKLA, Y. RAVICHANDRAN and Y. RAJAPAKSE, Publisher: Springer, pp 297-325, ISBN 97814419 04454
Journal Papers
- LANGDON, GS, CHI, Y, NURICK, GN and HAUPT, P, "Response of GLARE© panels to blast loading", Engineering Structures, Volume 31, Issue 12, December 2009, Pages 3116-3120.
- NURICK, GN, LANGDON, GS,CHI, Y, and JACOB, N, "Behaviour of sandwich panels subjected to intense air-blast - Part 1: experiments", Composite Structures, Volume 91, Issue 4, December 2009, Pages 433-441
- KARAGIOZOVA, D, NURICK, GN, and LANGDON GS, "Behaviour of sandwich panels subjected to intense air-blast - Part 2: numerical simulation", Composite Structures, Volume 91, Issue 4, December 2009, Pages 442-450.
- JAMA, HH, BAMBACH, MR, NURICK, GN, GRZEBIETA, RH and ZHAO, XL, "Numerical modelling of square tubular steel beams subjected to transverse blast loads", Thin-Walled Structures, Volume 47, Issue 12, December 2009, Pages 1523-1534.
- RONCHIETTO, F, CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, and NURICK, GN, "Response of axially stacked square tubes to axial impact loads", Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 6, Issue 4, pp 413-440, ISSN 1679-7817
- LUCCIONNI, B, AMBROSINI, D, NURICK, GN, and SNYMAN, I, "Craters produced by underground explosions", Computers & Structures, Volume 87, Issues 21-22, November 2009, Pages 1366-1373.
- BONORCHIS, D and NURICK, GN, "The influence of boundary conditions on the loading of rectangular plates subjected to localised blast loading – Importance in numerical simulations", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 36, Issue 1, January 2009, Pages 40-52.
- KARAGIOZOVA D, NURICK, GN, LANGDON, GS, CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, CHI, Y and BARTLE, S, "Response of flexible sandwich-type panels to blast loading", Composites Science and Technology, Volume 69, Issue 6, pp 754-763, doi:10.1016/j.compscitech.2007.12.005.
- CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, and NURICK, GN, "The crushing characteristics of square tubes with blast-induced imperfections: Part I – Experiments", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Volume 76, Issue 5, pp 051308-1 - 051308-16, doi: 10.1115/1.3005977
- CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, and NURICK, GN, "The crushing characteristics of square tubes with blast-induced imperfections: Part II – Numerical Simulations", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Volume 76, Issue 5, pp 051309-1 -051309-14, doi: 10.1115/1.3005980
- BODLANI, S, CHUNG KIM YUEN, S and NURICK, GN, "The energy absorption chatacteristics of square mild steel tubes with multiple induced circular hole discontinuities: Part I – Experiments", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Volume 76, Issue 4, pp 041012-1-041012-11, doi: 10.1115/1.3114971
- BODLANI, S, CHUNG KIM YUEN, S and NURICK, GN, "The energy absorption chatacteristics of square mild steel tubes with multiple induced circular hole discontinuities: Part II – Numerical Simulations", Journal of Applied Mechanics, Volume 76, Issue 4, pp 041013-1-041013-10, doi:10.1115/1.3114967
Published/Presented Conference Proceedings
- LUCCIONNI BM, AMBROSINI, D, CHUNG KIM YUEN, S and NURICK, GN, "Effects of large and spread explosives loads, International Workshop on Structures Response to Impact and Blast", (IWSRIB 2009), Haifa, Israel, (CD-ROM)
- LUCCIONNI BM, AMBROSINI, D, CHUNG KIM YUEN, S and NURICK, GN, "Evaluating the effect of large and spread explosives loads, XVIII Congress on Numerical Methods and their Applications", (ENIEF 2009), Tandil, Argentina, Mecánica Computacional, Volume XXVIII, Number 8, Structural Dynamics (C), ISSN 1666-6070, pp 529-552
- CLOETE, T.J. and OXTOBY, S., "A new technique for compression tests at intermediate strain rates: Prototype results", In G. Dyckmans (ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International DYMAT conference on the mechanical and physical behaviour of materials under dynamic loading, 7-11 September 2009, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium. France: Edp Sciences S.A. ISBN 9782759804733.
- CLOETE, T.J., VAN der WESTHUIZEN, A., KOK, S. and NURICK, G.N., "A tapered striker pulse shaping technique for uniform strain rate dynamic compression of bovine bone", In G. Dyckmans (ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International DYMAT conference on the mechanical and physical behaviour of materials under dynamic loading, 7-11 September 2009, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium. France: EDP Sciences S.A. ISBN 9782759804733.
- KAKOGIANNIS, DA, VAN HEMELRIJCK, D, WASTIELS, J, VAN ACKEREN, J, PALANIVELU, S, VAN PAEPEGEM, W, VANTOMME, J, NURICK, GN, and CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, "Experimental and numerical study of pultruded composite tubes under blast loading", In G. Dyckmans (ed.), Proceedings of the 9th International DYMAT conference on the mechanical and physical behaviour of materials under dynamic loading (DYMAT 2009), 7-11 September 2009, Royal Military Academy, Brussels, Belgium. France: EDP Sciences S.A., ISBN 9782 7598 04726, pp 1677-1683
- KAKOGIANNIS, DA, VAN HEMELRIJCK, D, WASTIELS, J, VAN ACKEREN, J, PALANIVELU, S, VAN PAEPEGEM, W, VANTOMME, J, NURICK, GN, and CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, "Numerical simulations of progressive crushing of pultruded composite tubes under axial blast load", 17th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-17), Edinburgh, UK, (CD-ROM).
- KAKOGIANNIS, DA, VAN HEMELRIJCK, D, WASTIELS, J, VAN ACKEREN, J, PALANIVELU, S, VAN PAEPEGEM, W, VANTOMME, J, NURICK, GN, and CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, "Experimental and numerical study of the energy absorption capacity of pultruded tubes under blast load", SEM Annual Conference & Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, (CD-ROM), ISBN 9781 935 116 035