Journal Papers
- THEOBALD, MD, LANGDON, GS, NURICK, GN, PILLAY, S, HEYNS, A and MERRETT, RP, "Large inelastic response of unbonded metallic foam and honeycomb core sandwich panels to blast loading", Composite Structures, Vol. 92, No. 10, pp 2465-2475, 2010
- KARAGIOZOVA, D, LANGDON, GS and NURICK, GN, "Blast attenuation in Cymat foam core sacrificial claddings", International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp 758-776, 2010
- CHI, Y, LANGDON, GS and NURICK, GN, "The influence of core height and face plate thickness on the response of honeycomb sandwich panels subjected to blast loading", Materials & Design, Vol. 31, No. 4, pp 1887-1899, 2010
- BONORCHIS, D and NURICK, GN, "The analysis and simulation of welded stiffener plates subjected to localised blast loading", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp 260-273, 2010
- ZHU, F, WANG, Z, Lu, G and NURICK, GN, "Some theoretical considerations on the dynamic response of sandwich structures under impulsive loading", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp 625-637, 2010
- LANGDON, GS, KARAGIOZOVA, D, THEOBALD, MD, NURICK, GN, LU, G and MERRETT, RP, "Fracture of aluminium foam core sacrificial cladding subjected to air-blast loading", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp 638-651, 2010
- KARAGIOZOVA, D, LANGDON, GS, NURICK GN and CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, "Simulation of the response of fibre–metal laminates to localised blast loading", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 37, No. 6, pp 766-782, 2010
- LANGDON GS, ROSSITER IB, BALDEN VH and NURICK GN, "Performance of Mild Steel Perforated Plates as a Blast Wave Mitigation Technique: Experimental and Numerical Investigation", International Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 37, pp 1021-1036, 2010
- LUCCIONNI BM, AMBROSINI, D, CHUNG KIM YUEN, S and NURICK, GN, "Effects of large and spread explosives loads", International Journal of Protective Structures, ISSN 2041-4196, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp 319-344, 2010
- LANGDON GS, BALCHIN KJ and MUFAMADI PG, "Evaluating risk awareness in undergraduate students studying mechanical engineering", European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp 553-562, 2010
- THEOBALD MD, LANGDON GS, NURICK GN, PILLAY S, HEYNS A, and MERRETT RP, "Response of metallic foams and aluminium honeycomb sandwich panels to blast loading", Composite Structures, Vol. 92, No. 10, pp 2465-2475, 2010
- LANGDON GS, YAHYA MY, CANTWELL WJ and NURICK GN, "Response of honeycomb core sandwich panels, with aluminium and composite facesheets, to blast loading}, Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials, Vol. 12, pp 733-754, 2010
- CHI Y, LANGDON GS, and NURICK GN, "Influence of core height and faceplate thickness on the response of honeycomb sandwich panels subjected to blast loading", Journal of Material Design, Vol. 31, pp 1887-1899, 2010
Published/Presented Conference Proceedings
- CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, LANGDON, GS, NURICK, GN and PICKERING, EG, Response of V shape plates to localised blast load, Proceedings of International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, (IMPLAST 2010), 12-14 October 2010, SEM: Society for Experimental Mechanics Inc, ISBN 9781935116066, Providence, Rhode Island USA.
- CLOETE TJ and NURICK, GN, “Blast Tube Loading of Plates using an Instrumented Ballistic Pendulum”, Proceedings of International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, (IMPLAST 2010), 12-14 October 2010, SEM: Society for Experimental Mechanics Inc, ISBN 9781935116066, Providence, Rhode Island USA.
- CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, LANGDON, GS, NURICK, GN, PICKERING, EG and BALDEN, VH, Numerical Simulation of V shape plates subjected to localised blast load, 21st International Symposium on Military Aspects of Blast and Shock (MABS21), Jerusalem, Israel.