A joint project between UCT and the Academy of Sport (University of Port Elizabeth) resulted in the instrumentation of a cricket bat that allowed the location of the ball strike to be identified. This has been used for training purposes. According to the literature this is a first in the world of cricket. This research has featured on the BBC Programme "Tomorrow's World" in May 2002 and also exhibited in the London Science Museum during the Cricket World Cup 2003.
List of most recent publications
- NURICK, GN, BALDEN, VH, McKELLAR, DK, STRETCH, RA. "Measuring the position of impact of a ball striking a cricket bat." Science and Medicine in Cricket - A collection of papers from the Second World Congress of Science and Medicine in Cricket, (Eds. Stretch RA, Noakes T, Vaughan CL.), ComPress, Cape Town (ISBN 1-919833-62-5), pp119-120, 2003.
- NURICK, GN, BALDEN, VH, CHUNG KIM YUEN, S, WILLIAMS, J, STRETCH, RA. "Measuring the position of impact of a ball striking a cricket bat - Results of three elite cricketers." Science and Medicine in Cricket - A collection of papers from the Second World Congress of Science and Medicine in Cricket, (Eds. Stretch RA, Noakes T, Vaughan CL.), ComPress, Cape Town (ISBN 1-919833-62-5), pp121-140,2003.
- STRETCH, RA, BARNARD,G, NURICK, GN. "Improving the accuracy and consistency of shot reproduction in cricket batting through a vision training programme." Science and Medicine in Cricket - A collection of papers from the Second World Congress of Science and Medicine in Cricket, (Eds. Stretch RA, Noakes T, Vaughan CL.), ComPress, Cape Town (ISBN 1-919833-62-5), 219-232, 2003.
Any Queries?!?
Why don't you contact Prof Nurick for more information.