Postdoctoral Fellows | Postgraduate Students
Post-Doctoral Research Fellows
- Theobald, MD (PhD University of Cape Town, 2007). 2008-2010
- Chung Kim Yuen, S (PhD University of Cape Town, 2006). 2007-2008
- Langdon, GS (PhD University of Liverpool, 2003). 2004-2006
- Lemanski, SL (PhD University of Bristol, 2004). 2004-2006
- Franz, T (PhD University of Bremen, 1998). 1999-2001
Postgraduate Students
| 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 |
| 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1993 |
- Gabriel, Sherlyn The effect of blast loading on composites which contain sustainable materials, 2022. [download thesis]
- Osman, Muhsin Extending the annular in-plane torsional shear test specimen to applications at high strain rates, 2021. [download thesis]
- Lawrence, Claire V. Performance of microstructural finite element models in predicting the effective modulus of trabecular bone, 2020. [download thesis]
- Kang, Gi Ah Response of a structural target to an explosive charge incorporating foreign objects: A numerical study, 2020. [download thesis]
- Qi, Ruixuan The influence of cylindrical charge geometry on the velocity of blast-driven projectiles in one dimension, 2020. [download thesis]
- Fischer, Dustin Ashley The Design and Construction of a Bulge Testing Device Platform for Human Skin Tissue Applications, 2020. [download thesis]
- Graham, Aaron Michael Design and Implementation of a High Strain Rate Biaxial Tension Test for Elastomeric Materials and Soft Biological Tissue, 2020. [download thesis]
- Curry, Andrew Michael Design, manufacture and commissioning of a low-pressure quasistatic bulge tester for skin and membrane tissue, 2020. [download thesis]
- Blignaut, Caitlyn Louise A non-linear visco-elastic model for dynamic Finite Element simulation of bovine cortical bone, 2020. [download thesis]
- Harnekar, Abraar The response of concave singly curved fibre reinforced moulded sandwich and laminated composite panels to blast loading, 2019. [download dissertation]
- Kriek, Shaun The effect of venting configuration on the blast response of an aircraft unit load device 2019. [download dissertation]
- Ghoor, I. The response of concave singly curved fibre reinforced moulded sandwich and laminated composite panels to blast loading, 2018. [download dissertation]
- Hilton, K. The effect of boundary conditions and architecture on the response of cancellous bone, 2018. [download dissertation]
- Moore, K. A numerical assessment of architectural parameters for anisotropic behavior in idealised trabecular structures, 2018. [download dissertation]
- Welgemoed, L. An interspecies comparison of the dynamic properties of cortical bone, 2018.
- Curry, R. Response of plates subjected to air-blast and buried explosions, 2017. [download thesis]
- Roginsky, A. An experimental investigation into the anisotropic behaviour of bovine femoral cortical bone, 2017. [download dissertation]
- Shangase, TP. Changes in material characteristics of AISI 430 stainless steel plates subjected to repeated blast loading, 2017. [download dissertation]
- Warncke, D. The response of quadrangular plates to buried encased charges, 2017. [download dissertation]
- Davids, S. The influence of charge geometry on the response of cylinders to internal air blasting, 2016. [download dissertation]
- Long, C. Analysis of a car door subjected to side impact, 2016. [download dissertation]
- Weyer, M. An experimental and theoretical study on the effect of strain rate on ductile damage, 2016. [download dissertation]
- Mathew, TJ. SCARAB: development of a rugged, low cost, inspection-class robotic platform, 2015. [download dissertation]
- Paul, G. Properties of cortical bone at intermediate strain rates, 2014.
- Ranwaha, N., The use of cellular materials to alleviate the damage from blast-induced fragments, 2014. [download dissertation]
- Stander, M. Development of an intermediate strain rate compression testing machine, 2014. [download dissertation]
- Henchie, T., The response of circular plates to repeated uniform blast loads: an experimental and numerical study, 2013. [download dissertation]
- Opperman, CJ. Study of a simplified bumper system subjected to offset impact loading, 2013. [download dissertation]
- Ozinsky, A. The Response of Partially-confined Right-circular Cylinders to Internal Blast Loading, 2013. [download dissertation]
- Geretto, V. The effect of different degrees of confinement on the deformation of square plates subjected to blast loading, 2012. [download thesis]
- Ahmad, MS. Study of dynamic behaviour of multi-layered structures subjected to blast loading, 2012. [download thesis]
- Lee, WC. Response of Different Materials to Blast Loading, 2012. [download dissertation]
- Govender, RA. Characterisation of Glass Fibre Polypropylene and GFPP based Fibre Metal Laminates at high strain rates, 2011. [download thesis]
- Curry, R. Implementation of viscoelastic Hopkinson bars, 2011. [download dissertation]
- Husemeyer, P. Theoretical and numerical investigation of multiple-mode dispersion in Hopkinson bars, 2011.
- Merrett, RP. Dynamic response of aluminium foams, 2011. [download dissertation]
- Pickering, EG. Response of quadrangular plates to buried charges, 2011. [download dissertation]
- Bowden, AS. Experimental and Numerical Study on the effect of Strain Rate to Ductile Damage, 2009. [download dissertation]
- Downey, M. Design, build and commission a shock tube apparatus for autoignition research, 2009. [download dissertation]
- Iyer, YL. The development and validation of a geometrically simplified and an accurate finite element model of the wrist joint, 2009. [download dissertation]
- Smith, PM. A parametric analysis of the BISRU sled tester's dynamic response, 2009. [download dissertation]
- Van der Westhuizen, A. The Strain Rate Dependent Properties and Modelling of Bovine Cortical Bone in Compression, 2008. [download thesis]
- Beetge, FJ. Impulse Loading of Near-field Shallow-buried Explosions, 2008. [download dissertation]
- Chi, Y. The Response of Honeycomb Sandwich Panels to Blast Loads, 2008. [download dissertation]
- Higgins, S. Strain Rate and Density Dependent Behaviour of Bovine Cancellous Bones in Compression, 2008. [download dissertation]
- Ronchietto, FFP. Crushing Characteristics of Axially Stacked Square Tubes, 2008. [download dissertation]
- Rossiter, IB. Performance of Mild Steel Perforated Plate as a Blast Wave Mitigation Technique, 2008. [download dissertation]
- Ungerer, D. Investigating the Use of rubber to Attenuate the Effect of Blast Load Applied to a Surrogate Lower Leg, 2008. [download dissertation]
- Vara, AR. Determination of Material Properties of Mild Steel at Different Temperatures and Strain Rates, 2008. [download dissertation]
- Bonorchis, D. Analysis and Simulation of Welded Plates Subjected to Blast Loading, 2007.
- Theobald, MD. Blast loading of sandwich panels with thin-walled tube cores, 2007. [download thesis]
- Roux, A. Protection of electronics in submerged enclosures against underwater explosions, 2007. [download dissertation]
- Strydom, KR. The design of an impulse meter to characterise vertical blast loads, University of Stellenbosch, 2007.
- Whyte, T. Investigation of factors affecting surrogate limb measurements in the testing of landmine protected vehicles, 2007. [download dissertation]
- Chung Kim Yuen, S. The Effects of Blast-induced Imperfections of the Energy Absorption Characteristics of Square Tubes, 2006. [download thesis]
- Mahoi, S. Influence of Shape of Solid Explosives On Circular Steel Plates, 2006. [download thesis]
- Bbosa, L. An investigation of impact breakage of rocks using the split Hopkinson pressure bar, 2006. [download dissertation]
- Govender, RA. Numerical Investigations of Dispersion in Hopkinson Pressure Bars, 2005. [download dissertation]
- Jacob, N. The Effect of Stand-Off Distance on the Failure of Thin Plates Subjected to Blast Loads, 2005.
- Ochola, RO. Investigation of Strain Rate Sensitivity of Polymer Matrix Composites, 2004. [download thesis]
- Hartley, R. Assessing the effect of friction on compression split hopkinson pressure bar tests, 2004. [download dissertation]
- Bonorchis, D. Implementation of Material Models for High Strain Rate Applications as User-subroutines in ABAQUS/Explicit, 2003. [download dissertation]
- Netanhageni, PT. An investigation of the failure mechanisms of thermoplastic composites at various rates of strain and temperature, 2003. [download dissertation]
- Williams, J. Identification of PDC Cutter Spalling Mechanisms, 2002.
- Daykin, LA. Numerical modelling of explosively loaded steel V plates using the Jones-Wilkins-Lee equation of estate, 2001. [download dissertation]
- Marais, ST. Development and proving of a split Hopkinson Bar used for high strain rate materials testing, 2001. [download dissertation]
- Muluh, ET. Analysis of Deformation and Tearing of Uniformly Blast-Loaded Circular and Square plates, Rectangular Beams and T-Beams, 2001. [download dissertation]
- Sonn, L. An Assessment of Software Packages as Applied to Particles in A Rotating Mill, 2001. [download dissertation]
- Jost, R. The Modelling of the Human Body subjected to a Side Impact, 2001. [download thesis]
- Chung Kim Yuen, S. Deformation and tearing of uniformly blast-loaded quadrangular stiffened plates, 2000. [download dissertation]
- Wiehahn, M. Circular plates subjected to localised blast load - some insights into the mechanism of tearing and the energy required, 2000. [download dissertation]
- Will, M. Projectile impact damage in filament wound CFRP tubes - Effect of stacking sequence on projectile kinetic energy dissipation, 2000. [download dissertation]
- Grobbelaar, WP. An investigation of structures subjected to blast loads incorporating an equation of state to model the material behaviour of the explosive, 1999.
- Levin, A. Modelling Mechanical Systems, 1999. [download dissertation]
- Nannucci, PR. A computational investigation of the progressive buckling of square tubes with geometric imperfections, 1999.
- Smith, M. Microstructural analysis of plates with large strains as a result of central localised blast loading, 1999. [download dissertation]
- Tyabashe, L. Determination of the power losses on a tyre-mounted ore-grinding mill, 1998. [download dissertation]
- Balden, VH. The identification of structural modal parameters, as an alternative in-vivo diagnosis for osteoporosis, 1997. [download dissertation]
- Kotze, J. A concept model for a multi-fingered prosthetic hand, 1997. [download dissertation]
- Milner, A. The prediction of outermost trajectory of media in a grinding mill for the lifter bars with rounded or worn profiles, 1997. [download dissertation]
- Tollner, ME. Designing and Modelling an Automated Packaging system, 1997. [download dissertation]
- Bimha, RE. Response of thin circular plates to central blast loading, 1996. [download dissertation]
- Clarke, MP. An In-Shoe gait analysis device to measure the maximum shear stresses at the first metatarsal head, 1996. [download dissertation]
- Gelman, ME. A numerical study of the response of blast loaded thin circular plates, with both clamped and integral boundary conditions, 1996. [download dissertation]
- Farrow, GH. The Response of Impulsively Loaded Sandwich Plates, 1995. [download dissertation]
- Jordan, IK. The effects of the slip amplitude and lubricant type on the rate of false brinelling in roller bearings, 1995. [download dissertation]
- Marshall, NS. Active control of passive safety in passenger motor vehicles, 1995. [download dissertation]
- Radford, A. Thin circular metal plates subjected to localised impulsive loads, 1995. [download dissertation]
- Thomas, B. The Effect of Boundary Conditions on Thin Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loads, 1995. [download dissertation]
- Powell, M. The Study of Charge Motion with Particular Reference to the Grinding Action, 1993. [download thesis]
- Breckon, A. An investigation of the morphological and mechanical properties of cancellous bone in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis of the hip, 1993. [download dissertation]
- Lumpp, DM. An experimental investigation of circular plates, beams and stiffened circular plates subjected to impulsive loading, 1991. [download dissertation]
- Von Bentheim, K. An Investigation into the Parameters Affecting the Performance of Tube Mills -The Behaviour of a Single Particle on a Corrugated Liner Inside a Rotating Cylinder, 1991. [download dissertation]
- Teeling-Smith, G. The Deformation and Tearing of Plates Subjected to Impulsive Loads, 1990. [download dissertation]
- Nates, M. An Investigation into the Parameters Affecting the Performance of Tube Mills -The Behaviour of a Single Particle on the Inside of a Rotating Cylinder, 1989. [download dissertation]