The Unit has two scanning electron microscopes available for staff and student use: The FEI NovaNano SEM and the Tescan MIRA3 RISE SEM. The instruments can be booked in advance for as long as is required for a particular experiment subject to user demand at that particular time. The Unit offers training in the operation of these instruments.
Please contact Miranda Waldron for any queries regarding our scanning electron microscopes: (021) 650 2818, or
The Tescan MIRA 3 SEM is a high-performance system which features a high brightness Schottky emitter for high resolution and low noise imaging. Special features include EBSD crystal orientation imaging, correlative Raman spectroscopy, and electron beam lithography. The extended low-vacuum mode (chamber pressures up to 500 Pa) allows imaging of non-conductive samples including biological specimens.
Feature descriptions:
- Conventional SE detector and powerful In-Beam SE detector enabling high resolution imaging at very short working distances.
- Retractable annular BSE detector and In-Beam BSE detector for enhanced composition contrast.
- Oxford Instruments NordlysNano EBSD detector with Aztec acquisition system.
- Integrated E-beam lithography DrawBeam control software and electrostatic Beam Blanker.
- Adaptor for coupling the WiTec Confocal Raman Microscope for correlative SEM and Raman spectroscopy.

NovaNano 230 SEM
The FEI NovaNano 230 SEM is a high-resolution Field Emission SEM which operates in the conventional range up to 30kV. It is also able to combine low kV imaging and analytical capabilities with unique low vacuum performance. Special features include EDS composition analysis, EBSD crystal orientation imaging, and scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) mode.
Feature descriptions:
Conventional SE detector and a through-the-lens (TLD) SE detector enabling high resolution imaging at very short working distances.
Low voltage annular BSE detector. Good imaging of charging samples when used with low kV in combination with the beam deceleration mode.
Low vacuum SE detector.
Solid state STEM detector with options for bright-field, dark-field and annular dark-field imaging.
Oxford Instruments XMax (20mm2) energy dispersive X-ray detector with Inca acquisition system.
Oxford Instruments Nordlys EBSD detector with HKL Flamenco acquisition system.