The Unit has three transmission electron microscopes, the FEI F20 CRYO FEGTEM, FEI T20 TEM and the FEI Osiris FEGTEM, available for staff and student use. These instruments are suitable for high-end work in both the biological (proteins, vesicles, viruses, bacteria, phages, DNA, thin sections of plant, animal tissue and inorganic material, etc) and material sciences (nanoparticles, metal alloys, polymers, ceramics etc). Specialist techniques: cryo-TEM, tomography, EDX, electron diffraction, Atomic Resoultion, STEM, EFTEM and EELS are available.
FEI Tecnai T20 TEM
The T20 uses a 200keV LaB6 filament source and is operational at lower acceleration voltages. It boasts energy filter imaging (EFTEM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Apart from conventional TEM, this microscope is also cryo-enabled with low dose imaging available for the characterisation of beam sensitive samples.
Feature descriptions:
Embedded CCD camera
Gatan Tridiem 863 UHS 200kV GIF for EFTEM
Cryo transfer capability with cryobox

FEI Tecnai F20 TEM
The F20 is a high-performance Field Emission TEM utilised for convention TEM and includes cryo-EM data collection. Special features include cryo-tomography, SA-electron diffraction and EDX analysis. This microscope is also cryo-enabled with low dose imaging available for the characterisation of beam sensitive samples.
Feature descriptions:
DE-16 Direct Detection Camera
Bruker Quanta 200 XFlash 6 - Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis Detector (EDX)
Cryo transfer capability with cryobox

FEI Tecnai Osiris TEM
The advanced analytical Tecnai Osiris is a Field Emission Gun (XFEG) source and is optimised for high sensitivity and a wide range of contrasting Z conditions for STEM measurement and high speed EDX capability. The Gatan GIF equips this instrument with energy filter imaging (EFTEM) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS).
Feature descriptions:
Four windowless Super-X SDD EDX detectors integrated into the pole piece allow detection of up to 200,000 X-ray counts/s over a 0.9 srad solid angle.
11 Mpx Gatan Orius CCD camera

Sample Holders
Gatan 914 high tilt cryo transfer holder and workstation – tilt range +/-80deg
FEI Double tilt holder
Fischione (Model 2040) dual axis tomography holder
Gatan 626 cryoholder and workstation
Single-tilt Gatan 626/60 Cryo-transfer holder and workstation with Smartset controller