Working together to promote premier, multi-disciplinary research and development in the area of minerals beneficiation
About us
The Minerals to Metals initiative is an interdisciplinary research, education and engagement platform which aims to play a leading role in the global minerals industry. We aim to contribute to Africa’s sustainable development through minerals beneficiation research, nurturing the future leaders of the minerals industry as well as bridging the gap between academia and industry via partnerships and collaboration.

Mining for the future

Mining Profile: Democratic Republic of Congo

Mining Indaba Day 4: The Democratic Republic of Congo – poised for mining success?

Putting the African Mining Vision into practice: UCT Takes the LEAD
Vacancy: Junior Research Fellow
MTM has a vacancy for a Junior Research Fellow for two years for research in the areas of impacts of, and metal recovery from, mineral and consumer waste materials. We invite applications from suitable candidates for this fixed two-year contract post available from 1st of February 2024 or at the earliest date thereafter.
For more info, see advert.
The MTM Forum
The MTM Forum has now moved online (to SAIMM) on Wednesdays at 14:00. To join, please register here.To see past recordings of the online forum on our YouTube page click here.
To see the upcoming online forum topic click here.
PLEASE NOTE: The forum is mandatory for MTM students, an attendance register will be taken.
Resilient Futures Community of Practice project (CoP)
The policy briefs and working paper outputs arising from the Resilient Futures Community of Practice project are now available on project explored the potential application of fibre-based plants (hemp, kenaf and bamboo) to simultaneously restore degraded mine land and stimulate post-mining economic development, and was conducted as a collaboration between Minerals to Metals, the Centre for Bioprocess Engineering, the Development Policy Research Unit and Mineral Law in Africa.