Two Rivers platinum mine near the town of Steelpoort in the province of Mpumalanga, South Africa

Mining for the future

How can the mining industry continue to provide the materials that are essential to our lives while also becoming more people- and planet-centred? The Minerals to Metals Initiative at the University of Cape Town (UCT) aims to answer this question th
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Mining Profile: Democratic Republic of Congo

Whilst many stories coming from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in recent years have focussed on the political issues that country has faced, many are now seeing that the case for investing in the country is stronger than ever. The DRC contains
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Mining for the future

How can the mining industry continue to provide the materials that are essential to our lives while also becoming more people- and planet-centred? The Minerals to Metals Initiative at the University of Cape Town (UCT) aims to answer this question th

Mining Profile: Democratic Republic of Congo

Whilst many stories coming from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in recent years have focussed on the political issues that country has faced, many are now seeing that the case for investing in the country is stronger than ever. The DRC contains

Mine Closures: Addressing the fallout

South Africa’s economy was built on the mining industry. But the sector has been in decline for decades. Mining contributed R312 billion, or 6.8%, to South Africa’s GDP and 464 667 direct jobs in 2017, a far cry from the 21% contribution to

Restoring Land Productivity

Many people argue that the mining industry cannot be sustainable, says master’s student Nontobeko Gule. “I think this is probably because once you start mining a mineral resource you deplete it and cannot replenish it,” she

Think tank tackles myth of green mining

Sustainability is key to the survival of the mining sector worldwide. But is green mining a pipe dream, or can the industry shift into a transformed and more sustainable paradigm? These questions absorbed participants during a recent one-day interactiv

Mining for sustainable development

The African Development Bank (AfDB) has sponsored a project dedicated to education for sustainable development in natural mineral resources management. The selected students’ research has a focus on gender equity.