Thandazile Moyo Thandazile Moyo

Thandazile Moyo
Courses & Training
- Research Communication & Methodology
- Post-graduate Hydrometallurgy course
Projects (2016 - 2019):
Application of electro-analytical tools and electrochemistry to study the dissolution of chalcopyrite in ammonia solution and in organic acid solutions.
Urban mining with a focus on the recycling of metals from electronic waste.
Development and adoption of mercury alternative technologies for artisanal-scale gold mining
Moyo, T., Petersen, J., Nicol, M. J. The electrochemistry and kinetics of the oxidative dissolution of chalcopyrite in ammoniacal solutions: Part II– Cathodic reactions. Hydrometallurgy 2019, Vol 184 pg 67-74
Moyo, T., Petersen, J., Nicol, M. J. The electrochemistry and kinetics of the oxidative dissolution of chalcopyrite in ammoniacal solutions. Part I – Anodic Reactions. Hydrometallurgy 2018 Vol 182 pg 97-103. ISBN 0304-386X
Ilankoon, Ghorbani, Y., Chong, M. N., Herath, G., Moyo, T. and Petersen, J. E-waste in the international context – A review of trade flows, regulations, hazards, waste management strategies and technologies for value recovery. Waste Management 2018, Vol 82 pp 258-275. ISBN 0956-053X
Moyo, T., Chirume, B. H, Petersen, J. Assessing alternative pre-treatment methods to promote metal recovery in the leaching of Printed Circuit Boards. Extraction 2018, 26-29 August 2018, Ottawa, Canada
Sadan, Z., Moyo, T., Peteresen, J. Electronic waste recycling in South Africa – current status and roads to sustainability– Presented at Sustainable Minerals 2018 , (publication pending), Windhoek Country Club Resort, Namibia, June 14-15
Moyo,T and Petersen,J. 2016. A kinetic study of the leaching of chalcopyrite in ammonia-ammonium sulphate solutions. The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Hydrometallurgy Conference 2016. Sustainable Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Metals. Symposium Series S89. Pg 87-100
Z.Sadan, V.Ntozakhe, M.Amirudin, J.Petersen., D.Bradshaw., T.Moyo. 2016. A kinetic investigation of iodine leaching of gold leaf from electronic circuit boards. The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Hydrometallurgy Conference 2016. Sustainable Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Metals. Symposium Series S89. Pg 373-382
Moyo, T. and Petersen J. 2016. Study of the Dissolution of Chalcopyrite in Solutions of Different Ammonium Salts. The Journal of The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Pg 509-516
Moyo, T., Petersen, J., Franzidis, J.-P. and Nicol, M.J. An electrochemical study of the dissolution of chalcopyrite in ammonia–ammonium sulphate solutions. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, Volume 55(3), 269-278