Student Research Awards
The students in the MtM Initiative regularly present their research in a variety of forums. Several have won awards for their work as outlined below.
First prize for Sustainability in the Minerals Industry was awarded to MSc student Mpendulo Ncongwane for his paper on "A Feasibility Study of the Mineral Carbonation of PGM Tailings"
Second prize for Sustainability in the Minerals Industry was awarded to MSc student Bridget Fundikwa for her paper on "An Environmental Assessment on the Use of Froth Flotation for Coal Recovery and Sulfur Removal from Fine Coal Waste"
The Outotec Post-graduate Scholarship was awarded to Alex Opitz for his PhD project on "The Development of an Integrated Approach for ARD Prediction from Waste Rock"
Makhosazane "Chucky" Kunene won the best student presentation award at the SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Africa 6th Conference in Lusaka, Zambia, in September 2013. Her presentation took first place in the session category 'Human health effects of environmental pollution'
Helene-Marie Stander won the Outotec "Sustainability in the Minerals Industry" second prize at the SAIMM Mineral Processing and Hydrometallurgy Symposium (MinProc `13) in Cape Town in August 2013. Her student oral and poster presentations were entitled: "Realizing value from waste in the coal mining industry."
Dr Megan Becker won the award for best presentation at the World Gold 2013 conference in Brisbane, Australia, in September 2013. She presented the work of her student Noluntu Dyantyi (MSc) in a paper entitled, Use of mineralogy to interpret laboratory-scale acid rock drainage prediction tests - a gold case study.
Alex Hesketh (MSc student) won the Vega Instruments SA Joint Postgraduate Research Paper of the Year, 2011 for his paper titled "Mitigating the generation of acid mine drainage from copper sulfide tailings impoundments in perpetuity: A case study for an integrated management strategy", published in Minerals Engineering.
Minerals to Metals postgraduate students shared the 'Best Poster' prize at the 29 th Annual Minerals Processing Symposium of the SAIMM, Jacques Vogeli for his poster entitled "The scale of mineral carbonation occurring in mine waste", and Christian Kazadi Mbamba whose poster was entitled "Applications of froth flotation techniques for the mitigation of acid rock drainage risks associated with coal ultrafines"
Angus Morrison won a Promising Young Author Award for his paper on "Using positron emission positron tracking (PEPT) to investigate industrial systems", at the XXV International Minerals Processing Congress (IMPC), held in Brisbane Australia in September
Bulelwa Ndlovu won the Travel Award, from SAIMM, to attend the XXV International Minerals Processing Congress (IMPC), held in Brisbane Australia in September
Jacques Vogeli won the poster prize at the 7 th annual Inkaba yeAfrica Workshop, held in Potsdam, Germany, 1-5 November, and was hosted by the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. His poster was entitled "Investigation of the potential of mineral carbonation of South African PGM tailings".
Case Bakker won the poster prize at the 28 th Annual Mineral Processing Symposium of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy held at the Vineyard Hotel. His presentation on CFD modeling of cavern formation in a mechanical flotation cell showed how Computational Fluid Dynamic modeling can be used to provide insight into the effect on non-Newtonian slurries on the hydrodynamics in mechanical flotation cell.
Angus Morrison won the award for best presentation in the Masters category at the South African Institute of Physics of PEPT and its application to industrial system