Student Research Days

A highlight in the MtM calendar is the Annual Research Day, organised and hosted by the post-graduate students themselves. This research day is intended to showcase the work done by the MtM post-graduates, and to celebrate the group's successes over the year. Invited speakers complement the student's presentations, and invited guests include academics from other research groupings as well as representatives from industry. 

2019 Annual Minerals to Metals Research Day Programme

Theme: From Mines of the Past to Minerals for the Future



8:00-8:30 Arrival, tea, coffee
8:30-8:35 Welcome, safety, announcements
8:35-8:40 Commemoration
8:40-8:45 Program for the day; Introduction of the Guest Speaker
8:45-9:20 Guest Speaker: Ms Farana Boodhram
9:20-9:30 Questions/discussion
9:30-10:10 Session 1: Mineral Value Chains
  1. Mineral and extractive circuit modelling and analysis – Nicole Uys, Reuben Dlamini
  2. Geometallurgy – Marcelene Voigt
  3. Resource economics – Dr Elisée Isheloke
10:10-10:35 Session 2: Education programmes and Cross-disciplinary Research
  1. Education/Training: LEAD report-back, LaTFURE report-back – Elspeth Donovan, Dr Thandazile Moyo
  2. Cross-disciplinarity research – John Harrison
10:35-11:00 Tea/coffee break
11:00-12:30 Session 3: Licence to Operate
  1. ARD characterisation and mitigation of ARD – Alex Opitz, Olga Guseva, Dr Ágnes Ódri, Lee Mudenda
  2. Mine-environment-community relationships – Dr Megan Cole, Lelia Lelia
  3. Mine dust – Dr Johanna von Holdt, Conchita Kamanzi
12:30-12:35 Session 4: Strategic Minerals
  a) Rare earths – Jochen Petersen, Sfiso Mkhize
12:50-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:40 Session 5a: Value from Waste
  Repurposing mine waste and land – Helene-Marie Stander, Xihluke Mabasa, Tapiwa Chimbganda, Rumbizaishe Chipakwe, Elaine Govender- Opitz, Mike Solomon, Juarez Amaral Filho
14:40-15:00 Session 5b. Urban Mining
  Urban mining – Dr Thandazile Moyo, Patrick Prestele
15:00-15:20 Session 6: Decision Support and Innovation
  Sustainable performance assessment tools – David Viljoen, Prince Ugo, de Waal Hugo
15:20-15:30 Closing Remarks
15:30-15:45 Mid-afternoon tea, coffee
15:45-16:00 Play Guess the Metal
16:00-17:00 Forum discussion: The way forward