Publications and Presentations



A primary form of academic output is through publications in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings. The table below lists the number of publications from 2011 to 2016. The Minerals to Metals team has produced 34 peer-reviewed journal articles over the six years in question, at a steady rate without great fluctuations. Over the same period 30 papers were produced in conference proceedings.

In the technical field many research projects are undertaken for more than academic purposes. In order for interested parties, whether sponsors, industry, government or the public, to have access to the results of the research, technical reports must be produced. Some of these, such as those written for the WRC, are published widely, while others remain ‘in house’ reports. Eleven of these reports have been produced since 2011, with seven of these clustered into 2016 alone. It is too early to tell whether this represents a trend or not. Chapters in books is a much smaller arena for publication, with just one chapter associated with MtM over the six years.

Because MtM places such emphasis on collaboration and interaction beyond the core of the initiative, presentations of all kinds and academic conference presentations in particular are a cornerstone of the dissemination strategy. The years 2011 to 2016 have seen 56 oral presentations and 23 poster presentations bearing the MtM logo. 

It is important to note that the MtM philosophy ensures that at least half of the journal articles and conference proceedings have a student as first author, and most have representation from more than one research group among the authors.

Lately, a number of academics have been invited to speak at international and national events about their MtM related research, particularly in the areas of mine waste, education and sustainable development, and heap leaching.

The Number of Minerals to Metals publications and presentations 2011 to 2016








Peer reviewed journal articles







Conference proceedings







Conference oral presentations







Conference poster presentations







Technical reports






Book chapters




Journal Articles


Journal Articles 2016

Bonsu, J., Van Dyk, W., Franzidis, J.-P., Petersen, F. and Isafiade, A, 2016. A. A systems approach to mining safety: an application of the Swiss Cheese Model. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 116: 777-784.

Bonsu J., Van Dyk W, Franzidis J-P, Petersen F, and Isafiade A. Systemic study of mining accident causality: an analysis of 91 mining accidents from a platinum mine in South Africa. Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (in press).

Ghorbani, Y., Franzidis, J.-P., Petersen, J. 2016. Heap leaching technology – current state, innovations and future directions: A review. Minerals Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review. 37(2): 73-119. DOI:10.1080/08827508.2015.1115990.

Moyo, J. Petersen J. 2016. Study of the dissolution of chalcopyrite in solutions of different ammonium salts. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 116(6): 509-516.

Tranvik, E., Becker, M., Pålsson, B.I. & Franzidis, J.P., Bradshaw, D.J. Towards cleaner production - Using flotation to recover monazite from a heavy mineral sands zircon waste stream. Minerals Engineering. (in press).

Journal Articles 2015

Becker, M., Diyanti, N., Broadhurst, J.L., Harrison, S.T.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2015. A mineralogical approach to evaluating laboratory scale acid rock drainage characterisation tests. Minerals Engineering. 80: 33-36.

Broadhurst, J.L., Kunene, M.C., von Blottnitz, H. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2015. Life cycle assessment of the desulfurisation flotation process to prevent acid rock drainage: A base metal case study. Minerals Engineering. 76: 126-134.

Moyo, T., Petersen, J., Franzidis, J.-P., Nicol, M. 2015. An electrochemical study of the dissolution of chalcopyrite in ammonia–ammonium sulphate solutions. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly. 54: 268-277.

Opitz, A.K.B., Broadhurst, J.L. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2015. Assessing environmental risks associated with ultrafine coal wastes using laboratory-scale tests. Advanced Materials Research. 1130: 635-639.

Journal Articles 2014

Appa, H., Deglon, D.A. and Meyer, C.J. 2014. Numerical modelling of mass transfer in an autoclave. Hydrometallurgy. 147-148: 234-240.

Broadhurst, J.L., Franzidis, J.-P. and Cohen, B. 2014. Contribution of the minerals industry towards sustainable development in South Africa. African Journal of Sustainable Development. 4(3): 207-223.

Edraki, M., Baumgartl, T., Manlapig, E., Bradshaw, D. J., Franks, D. M. and Moran, C. J. 2014. Designing mine tailings for better environmental, social and economic outcomes: a review of alternative approaches. Journal of Cleaner Production. 84: 411-420.

Meyer, N.A., Vögeli, J.U., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J.L., Reid, D.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Mineral carbonation of PGM mine tailings for CO2 storage in South Africa: A case study. Minerals Engineering. 59: 45.

Ndlovu, B., Forbes, E., Farrokhpay, S., Becker, M., Bradshaw, D., Deglon, D., 2014. A preliminary rheological classification of phyllosilicate group minerals. Miner. Eng. 55: 190–200.-51.

Journal Articles 2013

Appa, H., Deglon, D.A. and Meyer, C.J. 2013. Numerical modelling of hydrodynamics and gas dispersion in an autoclave. Hydrometallurgy. 131-132: 67-75.

Becker, M.E., Yorath, G.A., Ndlovu, B., Harris, M.C., Deglon, D.A. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. A rheological investigation of the behaviour of two Southern African platinum ores. Minerals Engineering. 49: 92-97.

Chimbganda, T., Becker, M.E., Broadhurst, J.L., Harrison, S.T.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. A comparison of pyrrhotite rejection and passivation in two nickel ores. Minerals Engineering. 46-47: 38-44.

Ghorbani, Y., Becker, M.E., Petersen, J., Mainza, A.N. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. Investigation of the effect of mineralogy as rate-limiting factors in large particle leaching. Minerals Engineering. 52: 38-51.

Ghorbani, Y., Mainza, A.N., Petersen, J., Becker, M.E., Franzidis, J.-P. and Kalala, J.T. 2013. Investigation of particles with high crack density produced by HPGR and its effect on the redistribution of the particle size fraction in heaps. Minerals Engineering. 43-44: 44-51.

Ghorbani, Y., Petersen, J., Becker, M.E., Mainza, A.N. and Franzidis, J.-.P. 2013. Investigation and modelling of the progression of zinc leaching from large sphalerite ore particles. Hydrometallurgy. 131-132: 8-23.

Kazadi Mbamba, C., Franzidis, J.-P., Harrison, S.T.L. and Broadhurst, J.L. 2013. Flotation of coal and sulphur from South African ultrafine colliery wastes. Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 113: 399-405.

Journal Articles 2012

Cole, K.E., Buffler, A., van der Meulen, N.P., Cilliers, J.J., Franzidis, J.-P., Govender, I., Liu, C. and van Heerden, M.R. 2012. Positron emission particle tracking measurements with 50 micron tracers. Chemical Engineering Science. 75: 235-242.

Ghorbani, Y., Petersen, J., Harrison, S.T.L., Tupikina, O., Becker, M.E., Mainza, A. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2012. An experimental study of the long-term bioleaching of large sphalerite ore particles in a circulating fluid fixed-bed reactor. Hydrometallurgy. 129-130: 161-171.

Kazadi Mbamba, C., Harrison, S.T.L., Franzidis, J.-P. and Broadhurst, J.L. 2012. Mitigating acid rock drainage risks while recovering low-sulfur coal from ultrafine colliery wastes using froth flotation. Minerals Engineering. 29: 13-21.

Ras, C. and Von Blottnitz, H. 2012. A comparative life cycle assessment of process water treatment technologies at the Secunda industrial complex, South Africa. Water SA. 38(4): 549-554.

Journal Articles 2011

Bhikha, H., Lewis, A.E. and Deglon, D.A. 2011. Reducing water consumption at Skorpion Zinc. Journal of the South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 111: 437-442.

Ghorbani, Y., Becker, M., Mainza, A., Franzidis, J-P., and Petersen, J. 2011. Large particle effects in chemical/biochemical heap leach processes – A review. Minerals Engineering. 24(11): 1172-1184.

Ghorbani, Y., Becker, M., Petersen, J., Morar, S.H., Mainza, A., and Franzidis, J-P. 2011. Use of X-ray computed tomography to investigate crack distribution and mineral dissemination in sphalerite ore particles. Minerals Engineering. 24(12): 1249-1257.

Govender, I., Mangesana, N., Mainza, A.N., and Franzidis, J-P. 2011. Measurement of shear rates in a laboratory tumbling mill. Minerals Engineering. 24(3–4): 225-229.

Ndlovu, B., Becker, M., Forbes, E., Deglon, D., and Franzidis, J-P. 2011. The influence of phylosilicate mineralogy on the rheology of mineral slurries. Minerals Engineering. 24(12): 1314-1322.

Ndlovu, B., Forbes, E., Becker, M., Deglon, D.A., Franzidis, J-P., and Laskowski, J.S. 2011. The effects of chrysotile mineralogical properties on the rheology of chrysotile suspensions. Minerals Engineering. 24(9): 1004-1009.

Solomon, N., Becker, M., Mainza, A., Petersen, J., and Franzidis, J-P. 2011. Understanding the influence of HPGR on PGM flotation behaviour using mineralogy. Minerals Engineering. 24(12): 1370-1377.

Vogeli, J., Reid, D.L., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J., and Franzidis, J-P. 2011. Investigation of the potential for mineral carbonation of PGM tailings in South Africa. Minerals Engineering. 24(12): 1348-1356.

Volkwyn, T.S., Buffler, A., Govender, I., Franzidis, J.-P., Morrison, A.J., Odo, A, van der Meulen, N.P., and Vermeulen, C. 2011. Studies of the effect of tracer activity on time–averaged positron emission particle tracking measurements on tumbling mills at PEPT Cape Town. Minerals Engineering. 21(3-4): 261-266.


Published Conference Proceedings


Conference Proceedings 2016

Charikinya, E., Robertson, J., Platts, A., Becker, M., Lamberg, P. and Bradshaw D. 2016. Integration of mineralogical attributes in evaluating sustainability indicators of a magnetic separator. Sustainable Minerals 16, 22 June 2016.Falmouth, UK.

Fundikwa B.M., Broadhurst J.L. and Harrison S.T.L 2016. An environmental assessment on the use of froth flotation for coal recovery and sulfur removal from ultrafine coal waste. Sustainable Minerals ’16. 23-24 June 2016. Falmouth, Cornwall, UK.

Keith, A.C., Corder, G. and Jones, M. 2106. Strategic Sustainable Development – Creating Shared Value in the Mining Industry. International Mine Management Conference, 22-24 August 2016. Brisbane, Australia, 249-264. AusIMM.

Moyo, T. and Petersen, J. 2016. A Kinetic Study of the Leaching of Chalcopyrite in Ammonia-Ammonium Sulphate Solutions. SAIMM Hydrometallurgy Conference - Sustainable ydrometallurgical Extraction of Metals. 1 - 3 August 2016. Cape Town, South Africa

Ogunmodimu, O., Mainza, A., Franzidis, J.-P. and Govender, I. 2016. The development of a simplified system for measuring the passage of particles on and through moving screen surfaces using DEM. 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Method, 1-4 August, 2016, Dalian, China.

Opitz, A.K.B., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J.L., Bradshaw, D.J. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2016. The Biokinetic Test as a Geometallurgical Indicator for Acid Rock Drainage Potentials. In Proceedings of the Third AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet 2016), 15-16 June 2016, Perth, Australia, 183-192.

Opitz A.K.B., Becker M., Harrison S.T.L. and Broadhurst J.L. 2016. Characterising environmental risks associated with sulfide-bearing gold wastes. 2016 International Mine Water Association (IMWA) Annual Conference: Mining Meets Water-Conflict and Solutions. 11-15 July 2016. Leipzig, Germany

Opitz A.K.B., Harrison S.T.L., Becker, M. and Broadhurst J.L. 2016. Assessing the potential risks with elemental deportment from gold waste rock. Sustainable Minerals ’16. 23-24 June 2016. Falmouth, Cornwall, UK.

Sadan, Z., Ntozakhe, V., Amirudin, M., Moyo, T., Bradshaw, D. and Petersen, J. 2016. A Kinetic Investigation of Iodine Leaching of Gold Leaf from Electronic Circuit Boards. SAIMM Hydrometallurgy Conference - Sustainable Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Metals. 1 - 3 August 2016. Cape Town, South Africa. 

Conference Proceedings 2015

Broadhurst J.L. and Harrison, S. T. L. 2015. A desulfurization flotation approach for the integrated management of sulfide wastes and acid rock drainage risks. In: A Brown, C Bucknam, M Carballo et al. (eds), 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage & IMWA Annual Conference, Chapter 2: Applied Mineralogy and Geoenvironmental Units, Santiago, Chile, 20-25 April 2015, Gecamin.

Moyo, T., Petersen, J., Franzidis, J-P. 2015. Study of the Dissolution of Chalcopyrite in Solutions of Different Ammonium Salts’ in ‘Copper Cobalt Africa in Association with the 8th Southern African Base Metals Conference 2015. SAIMM Symposium Series S83. ISBN 978-1-920410-71-1. 217-228.

Opitz, A. K. B., Broadhurst, J. L. and Harrison, S. T. L. 2015. Assessing environmental risks associated with ultrafine coal wastes using laboratory-scale tests. International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium. October 2015. Bali.

Tranvik, E., Becker; M., I Pålsson, B., Franzidis, JP., and Bradshaw, D. 2015. Towards cleaner production - Using flotation to recover monazite from a heavy mineral sands zircon waste stream. Flotation 2015 Cape Town

Conference Proceedings 2014

Ghorbani, Y., Petersen, J. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Penetration depth and unleached core area within large zinc ore particles. Proceedings of Hydroprocess 2014. 23-25 July 2014, Vina del Mar, Chile.

Moyo, T., Petersen, J., Franzidis, J.-P. and Nicol, M.J. 2014. An Electrochemical Study of the Dissolution of Chalcopyrite in Ammonia-Ammonium Sulphate Solutions. Proceedings of Hydrometallurgy 2014. Vol 1: 375-383. 25 June 2014. Victoria, B.C., Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum. ISBN: 978-1-926872-22-3.

Nesbitt, A., Petersen, J., and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Decoupling intra-particle diffusion from lumped parameters to determine in-service decay of an acid ion exchange resin. Proceedings of Hydrometallurgy 2014. Vol. II: 213-222. 22-25 June 2014. Victoria, B.C., Canada: Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy & Petroleum. ISBN: 978-1-926872-22-3.

Conference Proceedings 2013

Amaral Filho, J.R., Weiler, J., Schneider, I.A.H. and Broadhurst, J.L. 2013. Using humidity cells tests to evaluate an ARD minimization approach in Santa Catarina coal field, Brazil. In A. Brown, L. Figuero and C. Wolkersdorfer (eds). Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Annual Conference 2013. 6-9 August 2013. Colorado, USA. USA: International Mine Water Association. ISBN 9780615793856.

Broadhurst, J.L., Bryan, C.G., Becker, M.E., Franzidis, J.-P. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2013. Characterising the acid generating potential of mine wastes by means of laboratory-scale static and biokinetic tests. In A. Brown, L. Figuero and C. Wolkersdorfer (eds). Proceedings of the International Mine Water Association Annual Conference 2013. 6-9 August 2013. Colorado, USA. USA: International Mine Water Association. ISBN 9780615793856.

Chiloane, L., Petersen, J., Von Blottnitz, H. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. Towards a framework for analysing co-location of utility scale solar power plants within metallurgical operations. In S. Winchester, F. Valenzuela and D. Mulligan (eds). Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on Environmental Issues in Mining (Enviromine 2013). 4-6 December 2013. Santiago, Chile. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin. ISBN 9789569393044.

Dyantyi, N., Becker, M.E., Broadhurst, J.L., Harrison, S.T.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. Use of mineralogy to interpret laboratory-scale acid rock drainage prediction tests - a gold case study. Proceedings of the World Gold 2013 Conference - Challenges in Gold Mining. 26-29 September 2013. Brisbane, Australia. Carlton Victoria: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. ISBN 9781921522963.

Harrison, S.T.L, Franzidis, J.-P., van Hille, R. P., Mokone, T., Broadhurst, J.L., Kazadi-Mbamba, C., Opitz, A., Chiume, R., Vries, E., Stander, H.-M., Jera, M. 2013. Evaluating Approaches to and Benefits of Minimising the Formation of Acid Rock Drainage through Management of the Disposal of Sulphidic Waste Rock and Tailings. WRC 2015/1/2013. Feb 2013.

Meyer, N.A., Vogeli, J., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J.L., Reid, D.L., 2013. Mineral carbonation of PGM mine tailings for CO2 storage in South Africa: A case study from Lonmin, in: Nasser, R., Santos, R., Cizer, O., Van Gerven, T. (Eds.). 4th International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Materials Engineering. Leuven, Belgium. 505–509.

Nwaila, G., Becker, M., Ghorbani, Y., Petersen, J., Reid, D.L., Bam, L.C., De Beer, F.C. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. A geometallurgical study of the Witwatersrand gold ore at Carletonville, South Africa. In Proceedings of the Second AusIMM International Geometallurgy Conference (GeoMet 2013). 30 Sept-2 October 2013. Brisbane, Australia. 75-83.

Simunika, N., Broadhurst, J.L., Petersen, J., Harrison, S.T.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. Predicting the time-related generation of acid rock drainage from mine waste: a copper case study. In S. Winchester, F. Valenzuela and D. Mulligan (eds). Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar on Environmental Issues in Mining (Enviromine 2013). 4-6 December 2013. Santiago, Chile. Santiago, Chile: Gecamin. ISBN 978-9569393044.

Conference Proceedings 2012

Lewis, A.E., 2012. Challenges and opportunities in precipitation, 19th Bremen International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC), Tianjin, China, September 2012, Keynote address

Conference Proceedings 2011

Ghorbani, Y., Mainza, A.N., Petersen, J., Kalala, J.T., Becker, M. and Franzidis, J-P.. 2011. Use of X-ray computed tomography to quantify the differences in cracks and pores in sphalerite ore particles when comminuted using an HPGR and cone crusher for heap leach feed preparation. 5th International Conference on Autogenous and Semiautogenous Grinding Technology. Vancouver, B.C. Canada; September 25 – 29.

Ghorbani, Y., Petersen, J., Becker, M.E., Mainza, A.N. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2011. Investigation of heap leaching at the particle scale using X-ray computed tomography. In Proceedings of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Symposium Series 69: International Conference on Percolation Leaching: The status globally and in southern Africa. 8-9 November 2011. Johannesburg. Johannesburg, South Africa: SAIMM. ISBN 978-1-920410-24-7.

Ghorbani, Y., Petersen, J., Becker, M.E., Mainza, A.N. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2011. Investigation of heap leaching of individual large particles using x-ray computed tomography. In S. Eskikaya (ed.). Proceedings of 22nd World Mining Congress & Expo. 11-16 September 2011. Istanbul, Turkey, III. Ankara, Turkey: Aydogdu Ofset. ISBN 978-605-01-0146-1.

Ghorbani, Y., Petersen, J., Tupikina, O.V., Harrison, S.T.L., Becker, M., Mainza, A. and Franzidis, J-P. 2011. Investigation of the bioleaching of coarse sphalerite ore particles by a mixed culture of mesophilic chemolithotrophs in saturated leach reactors. Proceedings of the 19th International Biohydrometallurgy Symposium. September 18 – 22, 201. Changsha, China; Central South University Press, Changsha. ISBN 978-7-5487-0356-3. 249-257.

Lusinga, D., Petersen, J. and Broadhurst, J. 2011. A multi-criteria analysis and comparison of primary copper processing options. In: M Sánchez, D Mulligan and J Wiertz (eds). 2nd International Seminar on Environmental Issues in the Mining Industry. 23-25 November 2011. Santiago, Chile, Gecamin: 14-15.


Conference Oral Presentation


Oral Presentations 2016

Amaral Filho J.R., Stander H-M., Firpo B.A., Broadhurst J.L. and Harrison S.T.L. 2016. Opportunities for soil-related applications of fine coal processing wastes in South Africa. Sustainable Minerals ’16. 23-24 June 2016. Falmouth, Cornwall, UK.

Broadhurst J.L, Harrison, S.T.L., Petersen, J., Franzidis, J.P., Von Blottnitz, H., Bradshaw, D.J. and Charikinya, E. 2016. A research and education framework to support the development of a sustainable and socially responsible mining industry in Africa. International Minerals Processing Congress, September, Quebec City, Canada.

Broadhurst J.L and Harrison S.T.L 2016. An industrial ecology approach to the management of acid rock drainage associated with large volume sulfide wastes. 2nd International Congress on the Management of Mining Wastes and post-Mining. Marrakech, Morocco. 11-13 April 2016 (plenary speaker).

Broadhurst J.L. 2016. Educating Managers and Leaders for Responsible Mining in Africa. Mineral Law in Africa Colloquium. 21-22 January 2016. Lusaka, Zambia (by invitation).

Broadhurst J.L. 2016. Mine waste: Challenge to opportunity. Presentation at the Mineral Law Research Chair Seminar on Mining and Waste: The Laws Responses to Solutions for Theory and Practice. UCT. May 2016 (by invitation).

Broadhurst J.L. 2016. Mineral Carbonation of PGM Tailings: An Overview of Research at the University of Cape Town. De Beers Mineral Carbonation Workshop. 22 August 2016 (invited speaker).

Broadhurst J.L. and Harrison S.T.L. 2016. Resource-efficient management solutions for solid mine waste. 6th International Conference on Sustainability Science (ICSS 2016). 2-3 March 2016. Stellenbosch, South Africa (by invitation).

Harrison, S.T.L.H and Broadhurst, J.L. 2016. An industrial ecology approach to sulphidic mineral wastes to minimise ARD formation and maximise value generation. Water Institute of South Africa (WISA) Mine Water Symposium. 9 November 2016. PTA, South Africa

Kotsiopoulos, A., Broadhurst, J.L. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2016. Handling the disposal of fine coal slurries for waste minimisation and prevention of acid rock drainage. Hydrometallurgy ’16. 1-3 August 2016. Cape Town, South Africa.

Opitz A.K.B., Becker M., Harrison S.T.L. and Broadhurst J.L. 2016. Characterising environmental risks associated with sulfide-bearing gold wastes. 2016 International Mine Water Association (IMWA) Annual Conference: Mining Meets Water-Conflict and Solutions. 11-15 July 2016. Leipzig, Germany.

Ram, R., Petersen, J., Becker, M and Bradshaw, D. 2016. Investigation of leach phenomena in large particles during heap leaching using X-ray Computed Tomography. SAIMM Hydrometallurgy Conference - Sustainable Hydrometallurgical Extraction of Metals. 1 - 3 August 2016. Cape Town, South Africa.

Oral Presentations 2015

Broadhurst J.L., Franzidis J-P, Harrison S. and von Blottnitz H. 2015. Educating Managers and Leaders for Responsible Mining in Africa: A Post-Graduate Degree Programme. 7th Sustainable Development in the Mining Industry (SIDMI) Conference. 12-5 July 2015. Vancouver, Canada.

Chitaka T., von Blottnitz H, Cohen, B. and Broadhurst J. 2015. Sustainability performance analysis and decision-making for minerals beneficiation: a South African iron and steel case study. 33rd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2015. Cape Town.

Fundikwa B.M., Broadhurst J.L. and Harrison S.T.L. 2015. Environmental performance Assessment of the Two Stage Froth Flotation process. 33rd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2015. Cape Town.

Manqoyi A., Duh D. and Broadhurst J. 2015. Between necessity and opportunity: Youth entrepreneurs in eSikhawini Township, Richards Bay. 33rd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2015. Cape Town.

Munyongani V., Von Blottnitz H. and Broadhurst, J. 2015. The role of life cycle based indicators to enhance eco-efficient processing of Platinum Group Metals. 33rd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2015. Cape Town.

Ncongwane M., Broadhurst J. and Petersen J. 2015. A Feasibility Study of the Minerals Carbonation of PGM Tailings. Paper presented at the 33rd annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2015. Cape Town.

Opitz A.K.B., Broadhurst J.L. and Harrison S.T.L. 2015. Assessing environmental risks associated with ultrafine coal wastes using laboratory-scale tests. 21st International Biohydrometallurgy Conference (IBC). 5-9 October 2015. Bali, Indonesia.

Petersen, J. 2015. Heap Leaching as a Key Technology for Recovery of Values from Low-grade Ores. International Congress – Processing of Urban and Lean-grade Ores (IC-LGO). 20-22 January 2015. Jamshedpur, India. (invited keynote)

Oral Presentations 2014

Becker, M., Dyantyi, N., Broadhurst, J., Harrison, S.T.L and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Application of mineralogy in the interpretation of laboratory scale Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) prediction tests: A gold case study. Process Mineralogy ’14. 17-19 November. Cape Town, South Africa. Paper also presented at the 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference, 7-8 August, Cape Town, South Africa.

Broadhurst, J.L., Franzidis, J-P, Harrison, S. and von Blottnitz, H. 2014. Educating managers and leaders for sustainable and socially responsible mining in Africa. Sustainability Symposium of the XXVII International Mineral Processing Conference. 22 October 2014. Santiago, Chile.

Broadhurst, J.L., Kunene M.C. and von Blottnitz H. 2014. Life cycle assessment of the desulfurisation flotation process to prevent acid rock drainage: A base metal case study. Sustainability through Resource Conservation and Recycling ‘14 (SRCR ’14). 12-13 June 2014. Falmouth, England.

Dlamini, Z., Petersen, J. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Evaluation of the HydroZincTM process to refine zinc sulphide ore at Gamsberg. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Harrison, S.T.L, Kotsiopoulos, T., Stander, H-M., Broadhurst, J. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Down-stream processing option for pyrite-rich tailings and benign tailings generated by desulphurization of sulfidic tailings and fine coal wastes. 20th Fossil Fuel Foundation Coal, Energy and Sustainability Conference. 27-28 November 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Iroala, O.J., Franzidis, J.-P., Harrison, S.T.L., Campbell, Q. and Le Roux, M. 2014. Comparison of froth flotation and gravity separation of coal ultrafines in terms of mitigating ARD potential. 20th Fossil Fuel Foundation Coal, Energy and Sustainability Conference. 27-28 November 2014. Cape Town, South Africa. Also presented at the 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August. Cape Town, South Africa.

Makaula, D.X., Huddy, R. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2014. Assessment of microbial attachment and activity associated with the bioleaching of pyrite. Minerals Processing 2014. 7-8 August 2014. Somerset West, South Africa.

Manqoyi, A., Fuh, D. and Broadhurst, J. 2014. Youth entrepreneurship in the context of minerals beneficiation in Esikhawini and Mzingazi. 20th Fossil Fuel Foundation Coal, Energy and Sustainability Conference. 27-28 November 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Meyer, N., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J.L., Reid, D.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. An investigation into the dissolution of pyroxene minerals. 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA 2014). 2-5 September 2014. Johannesburg, South Africa. Also presented at the 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August. Cape Town, South Africa.

Moyo, T., Petersen, J., Franzidis, J.-P. and Nicol, M.J. 2014. An electrochemical study of the dissolution of chalcopyrite in ammonia-ammonium solutions. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Nesbitt, A., Petersen, J. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Decoupling intra-particle diffusion from lumped parameters to determine in-service decay of an acid ion exchange resin. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference, 7-8 August, Cape Town, South Africa.

Ogunmodimu, O., Govender, I., Mainza, A. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. The development of a simplified system for measuring the passage of particles on and through moving screen surfaces using DEM and PEPT. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Opitz, A., Broadhurst, J.L., Becker, M., Harrison, S.T.L and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Assessing environmental risks associated with sulfidic mine waste: A gold case study. 21st General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association (IMA 2014). 2-5 September 2014. Johannesburg, South Africa. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August. Cape Town, South Africa.

Stander, H.-M., Cohen, B., Broadhurst, J.L., Harrison, S.T.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Impact of weighting methods on decision-making outcomes using multi-attribute value function methodology. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Von Blottnitz, H. 2014. Reflections on the need for a higher order skills-base to make growth and development in Africa more sustainable; Global Challenges: Achieving Sustainability. Congress of the International Association of Research Universities. 22-24 October, 2014. Copenhagen. (by invitation)

Oral Presentations 2013

Franzidis, J-P., Broadhurst, J.L., Von Blottnitz, H. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2013. New Master’s degree specialising in Sustainable Mineral Resource Development. 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Kunene, M., Broadhurst, J. and Von Blottnitz, H., Dicks, P. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. Life cycle assessment of xanthate salts: a comparison of new and old production routes, 6th SETAC (Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Africa Conference. 2-5 September 2013. Lusaka, Zambia. Also presented at 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Meyer, N. A., Vogeli, J., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J.L. and Reid, D. L. 2013. Mineral carbonation of PGM mine tailings for CO2 storage in South Africa: A case study from Lonmin. In: Nasser, R., Santos, R., Cizer, O. & Van Gerven, T. (eds.) 4th International Conference on Accelerated Carbonation for Environmental and Materials Engineering. 10-13 April 2013 Leuven, Belgium, KU Leuven: 505-509. ISBN 978-94-6018-655-4.

Moyo, T., Petersen, J. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. The electrochemical oxidation of chalcopyrite in ammonia-ammonium sulphate solutions in the presence of initial cupric ions. 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Nesbitt, A. Petersen, J. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. Decoupling intra-particle diffusion from lumped parameters to determine in-service decay of an acid ion exchange resin. 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Stander, H., Harrison, S.T.L., Broadhurst, J., Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. Evaluation of down-stream processing options for sulphide-rich coal waste tailings. 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Oral Presentations 2012

Broadhurst, J.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2012. Contribution of the mining industry to sustainable development in South Africa. Education for Sustainable Development in Africa Seminar. February 2012. United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan.

Franzidis, J.-P., Harrison, S.T.L and Broadhurst, J.L. 2012. Addressing acid rock drainage (ARD) from South African coal ultrafine wastes. Fossil Fuel Foundation 17th Southern African Conference on Clean Coal to Energy. 13-14 November 2012. Johannesburg, South Africa.

Franzidis, J.-P., Harrison, S.T.L. and Broadhurst, J.L. 2012. Beneficiation of South African ultrafine coals by flotation, with simultaneous reduction of the ARD potential of the tailings. Coal Processing Optimisation Africa. 30 May 2012. Johannesburg, South Africa.

Ghorbani, Y., Becker, M., Petersen, J., Mainza, A. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2012. Investigation of the mineral composition and association as rate-limiting factors in large particle leaching. 30th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 2-3 August 2012. Cape Town, South Africa.

Smuts, E., Deglon, D. and Meyer, C. 2012. Methodology for coupled CFD-DEM modelling of particulate suspension Rheology. 30th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 2-3 August 2012. Cape Town, South Africa.

Stander, H.-M., Harrison, S.T.L., Broadhurst, J. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2012. Evaluation of down-stream processing options for sulphide-rich coal waste fractions. Fossil Fuel Foundation 17th Southern African Conference on Clean Coal to Energy. 13-14 November 2012. Johannesburg, South Africa.

Oral Presentations 2011

Amaral Filho, J.R., Kazadi Mbamba, C., Franzidis, J-P., Broadhurst, J.L., Harrison, S.T.L. and Schneider, I.A.H. 2011. Froth flotation for desulphurization and coal recovery: A comparative study of South African and Brazilian colliery wastes. Flotation ’11. 14-17 November 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.

Appa, H., Deglon, D.A. and Meyer, C. 2011. Numerical modelling of an autoclave. 29th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 4-5 August 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.

Chimbganda, T., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J.L., Harrison, S.T.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2011. Pyrrhotite depression at Nkomati nickel and its potential environmental implications. Flotation ’11. 14-17 November 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.

Franzidis, J.-P. and Broadhurst, J.L. 2011. Defining a minerals-to-metals research agenda. 22nd World Mining Congress. September 2011. Istanbul, Turkey. ISBN 978 605 01 0146 1.

Johnston, O., Cohen, B. and Broadhurst, J. 2011. Analysis of energy efficiency within the primary metals industry: a focus on gold. 29th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 4-5 August 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.

Kazadi Mbamba, C., Harrison, S.T.L., Franzidis, J.-P. and Broadhurst, J. 2011. Mitigating rock drainage risks while recovering low-sulphur coal from ultrafine colliery wastes using froth flotation. 29th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 4-5 August 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.

Kazadi Mbamba, C., Harrison, S.T.L., Franzidis, J.-P. and Broadhurst, J. 2011. Mitigating acid rock drainage risks while recovering low-sulphur coal from ultrafine colliery wastes using froth flotation. Sustainability through Resource Conservation & Recycling (SRCR ’11). 10-12 May 2011. Falmouth, UK.

Kotelo, L., Broadhurst, J.L., Becker, M., Harrison, S.T.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2011. Sulphur deportment and related impacts during coal preparation in South Africa: A focus on acid rock drainage. 29th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 4-5 August 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.

Nesbitt, A., Maloka, M. and Petersen, J. 2011. Behaviour of acid ion exchange resins in strong electrolytes. 29th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 4-5 August 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.

Vogeli, J., Reid, D.L., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J. Doucet, F.J., Atanasova, M. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2011. Mineral carbonation of Merensky Reef PGM tailings in South Africa: A kinetic investigation. 29th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 4-5 August 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.

Vogeli, J., Reid, D.L., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J., Doucet, F.J, Atanasova, M. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2011. Mineral carbonation of Merensky Reef PGM tailings in South Africa: A kinetic investigation. The 2nd South African Carbon Capture and Storage Conference. 25th October 2011. Midrand, South Africa.


Conference Poster Presentation


Poster Presentations 2016

Ram, R., Becker, M., Petersen, J., and Bradshaw, D. 2016. Coupling tomography techniques for ore characterization in leaching studies. 35th International Geological Congress. 27 Aug-4 Sep 2016. Cape Town, South Africa. 

Poster Presentations 2015

Opitz, A.K.B., Harrison, S.T.L., Broadhurst, J.L. and Becker, M. 2015. Improving the characterisation of ARD risks from Ultrafine coal wastes using laboratory scale tests. Poster presented at the 33rd annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2015. Cape Town.

Poster Presentations 2014

Chitaka, T., Broadhurst, J.L., Cohen, B. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Sustainability performance analysis and decision-making for minerals beneficiation: a South African iron and steel case study. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Fundikwa, B., Broadhurst, J.L., Harrison, S.T.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. A pre-pilot feasibility study on the use of froth flotation for coal recovery and sulfur removal from fine coal waste. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Gyebi, P. and Franzidis, J-P. 2014. Technical feasibility of South African coal water mixtures (CWMs). 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Liu, C., Franzidis, J.-P., Cole, C., Dolley, S., Van Heerden, M. and Buffler, A. 2014. New technique of radiolabelling tracers with 64 Cu for positron emission particle tracking. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Manqoyi, A., Fuh, D., Broadhurst, J.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Company-community relationships in the context of minerals development: A Richards Bay Special Economic Zone (SEZ) case study. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Munyongani, V., Von Blottnitz, H. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. Life-cycle based indicators for eco-efficient processing of platinum group metals. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Ncongwane, M., Broadhurst, J.L., Petersen, J., Bradshaw, S. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2014. A feasibility study of the mineral carbonation of PGM tailings. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Van Heerden, M., Franzidis, J.-P., Cole, K., Liu, C. and Buffler, A. 2014. Optimization of the radio-labelling of ion exchange resin tracers for positron emission particle tracking. 32nd Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 7-8 August 2014. Cape Town, South Africa.

Poster Presentations 2013

Dyantyi, N., Broadhurst, J. L., Becker, M., Harrison, S.T.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. Use of mineralogy to interpret laboratory-scale Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) prediction tests: A gold case study. 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Iroala, O., Franzidis, J-P. and Harrison, S.T.L. 2013. Comparison of froth flotation and gravity separation of the Waterberg and Witbank coal ultrafines in terms of mitigation ARD potential. 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Liu, C., Buffler, A., Franzidis, J-P., van Heerden, M. and Dolley, S. 2013 New technique of radiolabelling tracers with 64CU for positron emission particle tracking. 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Meyer, N., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J.L. and Franzidis J.-P. 2013. A kinetic investigation into the dissolution of pyroxene: A precursor to mineral carbonation of PGM tailings in South Africa. 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Ogunmodimu, O., Govender, I., Mainza, A. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. The development of a simplified system for measuring the passage of particles on and through moving screen surfaces using PEPT. 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Simunika, N., Broadhurst, J.L., Petersen, J., Franzidis, J.-P. 2013. Predicting the time-related generation of acid rock drainage from mine waste: A copper case study. 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Van Heerden, M., Buffer, A., Franzidis, J.-P., Liu, C. 2013. Optimization of the radio-labelling of ion exchange resin tracers for positron emission particle tracking. 31st Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 6-7 August 2013. Cape Town, South Africa.

Poster Presentations 2012

Dyantyi, N., Broadhurst, J. L., Becker, M., Harrison, S.T.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2012. Application of mineralogy in the interpretation of acid rock drainage (ARD) prediction tests: A gold case study. 30th Annual Southern African SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 2-3 August 2012. Cape Town, South Africa.

Kunene, C., Broadhurst, J.L., Von Blottnitz, H. and Dicks P. 2012. Life cycle assessment of the production and downstream application of xanthate salts for ARD mitigation. 30th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 2-3 August 2012. Cape Town, South Africa.

Meyer, N., Becker, M., Broadhurst, J. L., Petersen, J., Reid, D. L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2012. A kinetic investigation into the dissolution of pyronene: a precursor to mineral carbonation of PGM tailings in South Africa; A precursor to mineral carbonation of PGM tailings in South Africa. 30th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 2-3 August 2012. Cape Town, South Africa.

Poster Presentations 2011

Mielke, C., Rogab, C., Broadhurst, J.L., Becker M., Franzidis, J.-P. and De Wit M.J. 2011. Application of hyperspectral remote sensing in the management of ARD from South African mine tailings. 29th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 4-5 August 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.

Namane, M., Petersen, J., Harrison, S.T.L. and Franzidis, J.-P. 2011. An initial electrochemical study inot the bioleaching of chalcopyrite. 29th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 4-5 August 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.

Smuts, E., Deglon, D.A. and Meyer, C.J. 2011. Numerical modelling of particulate suspension rheology. 29th Annual SAIMM Mineral Processing Conference. 4-5 August 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.


Technical Reports


Reports 2016

Broadhurst, J., Shongwe, B., Sibanda, L.and Nwaila, P. 2016. Resource Efficient and Socially Responsible Approaches for the Integrated Management of Mine Waste: Understanding the Opportunities, Enablers, Barriers and Risks. WRC project K5/2580 Interim report. August 2016

Cohen, B., Notten, P., Lewis, Y., Patel, I., Rambaran, N. Broadhurst, J. and Franzidis, J-P 2016. Development of a Minerals Beneficiation Strategy for KwaZulu-Natal Province: Assessment of the Iron and Steel Value Chain. Consolidated report prepared for the K-ZN Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, February 2016.

Cohen, B., Notten, P., Patel, I., von Blottnitz, H. and Franzidis, J-P 2016. Development of a Minerals Beneficiation Strategy for KwaZulu-Natal Province: Assessment of the Mineral Sands Value Chain. Consolidated report prepared for the K-ZN Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, February 2016

Cohen, B., Notten, P., Patel, I., Broadhurst, J. von Blottnitz, H. and Franzidis, J-P 2016. KwaZulu-Natal Minerals Beneficiation Strategy 2016: Final Draft. Report prepared for the K-ZN Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, April 2016.

Notten, P., Cohen, B., van der Merwe, AB., Patel, I., Broadhurst, J. and Franzidis, J-P 2016. Development of a Minerals Beneficiation Strategy for KwaZulu-Natal Province: Assessment of the Aluminium Value Chain. Consolidated report prepared for the K-ZN Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, February 2016.

Notten, P., Cohen, B., van der Merwe, AB., Patel, I., Broadhurst, J. and von Blottnitz, H. 2016. Development of a Minerals Beneficiation Strategy for KwaZulu-Natal Province: Assessment of the Coal Value Chain. Consolidated report prepared for the K-ZN Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, March 2016

Patel, I., Konz, J., Logan, A., Notten, P., von Blottnitz, H. and Broadhurst, J. 2016. Development of a Minerals Beneficiation Strategy for KwaZulu-Natal Province: Assessment of the Phosphate Value Chain. Consolidated report prepared for the K-ZN Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, February 2016.

Reports 2015

Harrison, S.T.L, Broadhurst, J.L., Hlongwane, P and Makaula, D. 2015. An industrial ecology approach to sulphide-containing mineral wastes to minimise ARD formation. Part 1: Characterising ARD potential. WRC2231 Interim report. June 2015. Pp 65.

Harrison, S.T.L, Broadhurst, J.L., Opitz, A, Fundikwa, B, Stander, H-M and Kotsiopoulos, A. 2015. An industrial ecology approach to sulphide-containing mineral wastes to minimise ARD formation. Part 2: Design for disposal and extraction of products of value WRC2231 Interim report. June 2015. Pp,112.

Reports 2014

Cohen, B.; Bole-Rentel, T., Mason-Jones, K., Notten, P., Patel, I., Rambaran, N. Broadhurst, J. and Franzidis, J-P 2014. Development of a Minerals Beneficiation Strategy for KwaZulu-Natal Province: Project Scoping and Backround Surveys. Report prepared for the K-ZN Department of Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs, June 2014

Reports 2013

Harrison, S.T.L, Franzidis, J.-P., van Hille, R. P., Mokone, T., Broadhurst, J.L., Kazadi-Mbamba, C., Opitz, A., Chiume, R., Vries, E., Stander, H.-M., Jera, M. 2013. Evaluating Approaches to and Benefits of Minimising the Formation of Acid Rock Drainage through Management of the Disposal of Sulphidic Waste Rock and Tailings. WRC 2015/1/2013. Feb 2013. Pp 175.


Chapters in Books


Book Chapters 2016

Broadhurst, J., Harrison, S.T.L., Petersen, J., Franzidis, J.-P. and Bradshaw, D. A. 2016. Research and Education Framework to Support the Development of a Sustainable and Socially Responsible Mining Industry in Africa. In Devasahayam, S., Dowling, K. and Mahapatra, M.K. (Eds.), Sustainability in the Mineral and Energy Sectors, Chapter 29, pp 563-576. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. ISBN-13: 978-1498733021.