Construction projects require specialists with appropriate management skills, a command of cost planning and cost management techniques, and a thorough understanding of the administrative and legal aspects of building developments. The department aims to produce graduates with theoretical, entrepreneurial and business skills that will ensure their leadership positions within the construction, property and built environment industries.
Recognised as one of the leading academic departments of its kind in the country, the department offers two three-year undergraduate programmes leading to a BSc in Construction Studies and a BSc in Property Studies, with the option of a fourth year of study to obtain a BSc (Hons) in Construction Management, Quantity Surveying or Property Studies.
The curriculum is balanced between academic and practical disciplines, ensuring that graduates meet the requirements of the various professional councils, and acquire skills that will remain useful throughout their careers. Through assignment work and dissertations students also become involved in a wide range of funded research projects undertaken by department staff.
For detailed information please visit the Department of Construction Economics and Management website.
What is construction economics and management?
Construction Economics and Management offers degree programmes accredited both locally and internationally by professional institutions. The study of construction studies, quantity surveying, construction management and property studies at UCT typically entails a combination of fields associated with the built environment, namely management, law, economics, science and technology. Graduates of the department play a vital role in the process of planning, designing, constructing and managing all types of residential, commercial and industrial developments.
Is it for me?
Construction projects require the expertise of specialists such as architects and engineers, but their successful physical execution depends on the expertise of those with the appropriate management skills. These include a command of cost planning and cost management techniques and a thorough understanding of the administrative and legal aspects of building developments.
Career opportunities
Graduates of the department play a vital role in the process of planning, designing, constructing, and managing all types of residential, commercial and industrial developments.