- Professor
- SANRAL Chair of Transport Planning and Engineering
- Head of Department: Department of Civil Engineering
Room 4.46, New Engineering Building; UCT Upper Campus
- MSc(Eng), University of Twente, The Netherlands (1997)
- PhD, The Netherlands Research School for Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics (TRAIL)/ University of Twente (2005)
- South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE)
Undergraduate Teaching:
- CIV4046F (Transportation Engineering)
Postgraduate Teaching:
- CIV5071Z (Public Transportation Design and Operations Management)
- CIV5127Z (Discrete Choice Modelling and Stated Choice Survey Design)
- CIV5131Z (Research Design and Methodology for Civil Engineering)
- CIV5133Z (Transportation Modelling)
- CIV5135W (Research Project 1: Transport Planning and Engineering methods)
Research Affiliations:
- Centre for Transport Studies (CfTS)
- Choice Modelling Centre, University of Leeds
Publication Profile:
Research Interests:
- Transport in developing countries
- Transport modelling
- Transport-related social exclusion
- Transport geography
- Choice modelling
- (Public) transport network design
- Location – allocation optimization
- Walkability assessment
- Climate change, cities and transport
- Co-Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Transport Geography
- Associate Editor: Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering (SAICE)
- Deputy-Editor: African Transport Studies
Other Affiliations:
- Board director/treasurer: HealthBridge Foundation of Canada
- Board member: Mercy Ships South Africa