The following courses were presented in 2011.

1. Introduction to Radar Systems

Dates: 21-25 February 2011

Course code: EEE5104F

Presenter: Prof Mike Inggs (UCT)

Course description:This course presents the principles and techniques fundamental to the operation of a radar system. Radar Engineering is very much a system level topic, as the field requires at least some knowledge of a wide range of other engineering specialities. The course follows the recommended text book very closely. Specific course topics include: Introduction to Radar, the range equation, radar detection in interference, propagation effects and mechanisms, characteristics of clutter, target reflectivity, target reflectivity fluctuations, Doppler processing, Radar antennas, transmitters and receivers, radar signal processing, radar remote sensing.




Handout: Intro
to Radar  2011


2. Advanced Mathematics for Radar and Electronic Defence

Dates: 7-18 March 2011

Course code: EEE5108S

Presenter: Dr Robert Tough (Igence, UK)

Course description: This course provides a useful mathematical toolkit for the Radar Engineer. Topics chosen for their relevance to radar performance calculation are reviewed and extended to the point where they make contact with the research literature; emphasis is on practical calculation and useful ‘tricks of the trade’ rather than mathematical rigour. The mathematical principles underpinning detection and estimation, clutter modelling and simulation and performance calculations will then be discussed, to illustrate the application of the methods developed in the earlier sessions. A detailed set of notes covering the course material is provided.

Specific course topics include: Course overview. Real and complex numbers, their functions, and integral and differential calculus in one dimension. Matrices, vectors, operators and eigenvalue problems, Functions of several variables, including vector calculus, functions of a complex variable and contour integration, and the calculus of variations, Integral transforms: Fourier, Laplace, Mellin, Hankel transforms, and the FFT, ‘The special functions of mathematical physics’, de-mystified and accessed though Mathematica, MatLab and the internet, Probability, stochastic processes and information, Detection, estimation and feature enhancement, Compound modelling of non-Gaussian clutter, Simulation methods, Case studies demonstrating two ‘real life’ applications of the material covered in the rest of the course.




Handout: Intro
to Maths 2011


3. Fundamentals of Radar Signal and Data Processing

Dates: 4-8 April 2011

Course code: EEE5105F

Presenter: Dr Amit Mishra (UCT)

Course description: Fundamentals, threshold detection, constant false alarm rate detector (CFAR), Doppler processing, Radar measurements, Radar tracking algorithms, fundamentals of pulse compression, overview of radar imaging.


4. Antenna Theory with Applications in Radar and Electronic Defence

Dates: 15-20 May 2011

Course code: EEE5107F

Presenters: Prof Johann Cloete and Prof Keith Palmer (Stellenbosch University)

Course description: This course presents the principles and techniques fundamental to the operation of the antennas as used in radar systems (Basic concepts, Electromagnetic wave propagation and power flow, Linear dipole antennas, Antenna array techniques, Systems and characterisation considerations, Antenna matching techniques, Application to Radar and Electronic Defence).

The course may be divided into two halves with the first concentrating on general antenna fundamentals and the second half devote to specializing this knowledge to cover radar antennas and applications. Specific course topics include: Radiation mechanisms and key properties of antennas; Operation and design of simple radar patch antennas as used in imaging radar; Computer simulation of antennas; The design and test cycle; Automated design software; The radar antenna suite.




Handout: Intro to
Antenna Theory 2011


5. High Resolution and Imaging Radar

Dates: 18-23 July 2011

Course code: EEE5111S

Presenters: Prof Marco Martorella and Prof Fabrizio Berizzi (Pisa University, Italy)

Course description: The course is organized in three parts, which mainly cover aspects related to High Resolution Radar (HRR), Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR).




Handout: Intro to HR
Imaging Radar 2011


6. Clutter and Detection in Clutter

Dates: 5-9 September 2011

Course code: EEE5109S

Presenter: Dr Pieter de Villiers (University of Pretoria)

Course description: The course provides an overview of the most popular methods and techniques in the field of multiple target tracking and multi-sensor data fusion. It introduces engineers, scientists and military technicians to a toolbox of readily used key technologies that can be implemented with success in the field. The course is designed to cover fundamental topics in detail, whereas more advanced topics and extensions are dealt with in such a way that they remain easily accessible to attendees.




Handout: Intro to
Clutter 2011

7. Multi-Target Multi-Sensor Tracking and Data Fusion

Dates: 5-9 September 2011

Course code: EEE5109S

Presenter: Dr Pieter de Villiers (University of Pretoria)

Course description: The course provides an overview of the most popular methods and techniques in the field of multiple target tracking and multi-sensor data fusion. It introduces engineers, scientists and military technicians to a toolbox of readily used key technologies that can be implemented with success in the field. The course is designed to cover fundamental topics in detail, whereas more advanced topics and extensions are dealt with in such a way that they remain easily accessible to attendees.




Handout: Intro to
Tracking 2011


8. Introduction to Electronic Defence

Dates: 3-7 October 2011

Course code: EEE5106F

Presenter: Ferdie Potgieter (CSIR)

Course description: Electronic Defence: Threats, Requirements and Principles, Advanced Radar Threat, Modern Electronic Attack (EA) Systems—Architecture, Types, and Technology, EA against Modern Radar Systems, Digital Radio Frequency Memory, Electronic Defence Support, Expendables and Decoy Systems, Directed Energy Weapons and Stealth Technology , Applications of Electronic Defence.




Handout: Intro to
Electronic Defence 2011