Course Information

Dates: 06 to 10 June 2016

Course code: EEE5111Z

Venue: Menzies Seminar Room, 6th Floor, Menzies Building (Upper Campus), University of Cape Town

Course Description

The course is divided in two sections. A first section will consist of five days of intensive lectures over a week period. The second part of the course will have duration of three weeks with five hours per week. This part of the course will be organized by using videoconference tools, such as Skype or others.

The student assessment is organized into two tests:

  • Solutions of assigned drill problems
  • 3-hour examination

During the intensive five-day course, practical sessions, also with the use of MATLAB, will be interwoven with classic lectures. Practical sessions are intended to strengthen the understanding of the theory and are based on running routines that implement high resolution and imaging radar algorithms. The student will familiarise themselves with the problems and will learn how to set system parameters to achieve desired performances.

Follow up sessions will aim to

  1. provide support for solving the assigned drill problems
  2. provide further clarifications about course topics
  3. give specific seminars on topics related to assigned drill problems



Handout: High
Resolution and
Imaging Radar

Course Overview

The course is organized in three parts, which mainly cover aspects related to High Resolution Radar (HRR), Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar (ISAR).

Specific course topics include:

  • Part 1: High resolution radar topics, e.g. applications of the radar range equation in HRR, HRR design, HRR waveforms, synthetic high-range-resolution radar
  • Part 2: Synthetic aperture radar topics, e.g. SAR concepts, SAR signal properties, SAR processing algorithms
  • Part 3: Inverse synthetic aperture radar topics, e.g. ISAR concepts, ISAR geometry and signal modelling, radial motion compensation, image formation, interpretation of ISAR images, ISAR imaging using CLEAN techniques; polarimetric ISAR; recent advances.


Prof Marco Martorella received his Laurea degree (Bachelor+Masters) in Telecommunication Engineering in 1999 (cum laude) and his PhD in Remote Sensing in 2003, both at the University of Pisa.

He is now an Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Pisa where he lectures “Fundamentals of Radar” and “Digital Communications” and an external Professor at the University of Cape Town where he lectures “High Resolution and Imaging Radar” within the “Masters in Radar and Electronic Defence”. He is a regular visiting Professor at the University of Adelaide and at the University of Queensland in Australia.

He is author of about 150 international journal and conference papers, three book chapters and a book entitled “Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging: Principles, Algorithms and Applications”. He has presented several tutorials at international radar conferences and organised a special issue on Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar for the Journal of Applied Signal Processing. He is a member of the IET Radar Sonar and Navigation Editorial Board, a senior member of the IEEE and a member of AFCEA.

He is also chair of the NATO SET-196 on “Multichannel/Multistatic radar imaging of non-cooperative targets”. He has been recipient of the 2008 Italy-Australia Award for young researchers, the 2010 Best Reviewer for the IEEE GRSL and the IEEE 2013 Fred Nathanson Memorial Radar Award.

His research interests are mainly in the field of radar imaging, including passive, multichannel, multistatic and polarimetric radar imaging.


Prof Fabrizio Berizzi (senior IEEE) was born in Piombino (Italy) in November 1965. He received the Doctor Engineer and the Research Doctor degrees in electronic engineering from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 1990 and 1994 respectively. He became a University researcher in 1992, and was promoted to Associate Professor in October 2000.

He has been a full Professor in the Department of Information Engineering at the University of Pisa since December 2009. He teaches “Radar Techniques” and  “Signal Theory” at the University of Pisa, and “Digital Signal Processing” at the Italian Naval Academy. He has been an IEEE senior member since 2006.

He has been involved both as a researcher and as the principal investigator in several national and international projects funded by the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e della Ricerca (MIUR), Italian Navy, Galileo Avionics S.p.A, European Union (EU).

His main research interests are in the fields of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR and ISAR) and fractal radar detection and modeling.

More than 150 papers and three chapters in international books have been published. He has organised special and invited sessions at international conferences and workshops. He has also given lectures and seminars in several research institutions in Australia and Europe, and has presented tutorials on SAR at IEEE Radar Conferences. He reviews submissions for several prestigious international journals (IEEE Trans. on AES, on AP, on GRSS, on IP and IEE Proceeding of Radar, Sonar and Navigation). He is the co-chair of the NATO Task Group on “Multichannel/Multistatic radar imaging of non-cooperative targets”, a member of four other NATO SET Task Groups.