Vacation internships in the RRSG

10 Apr 2014
10 Apr 2014

Are you considering a Masters or PhD in research?

Modern, high-technology industry requires staff with advanced skills. We are offering opportunities for upgrading your skills in research, and in some cases, have funding available.

We, at the Radar Remote Sensing Group (RRSG), Electrical Engineering Department at the University of Cape Town, are looking for internship students to work with the group over the winter and summer vacations.

Below are some of the ongoing projects in which a student can work. The list only shows the broad area – details can be discussed over an informal meeting. Nominal research assistantship will be provided.

If you are interested, please forward your 1-page resume and unofficial transcript to either Dr. Amit Mishra (akmishra [at] or Prof. Mike Inggs (mikings [at]

  1. NextRAD is a multiband multistatic radar system being developed at the RRSG. You can hone your RF, microwave, digital skills.
  2. FM Commensal Radar is another flagship project of the group in which we detect and track aircrafts using scattered waves from FM transmitters. (More information available here.)
  3. DroneSAR (compact, imaging radars for drones).
  4. Communication System based Sensing is a new project in which we try to use the existing communication network to sense the environment.
  5. Cognitive Systems based work aims at developing brain based architectures and algorithms for machine learning.
  6. White Rabbit timing system for Radio Astronomy and Radar.
  7. GPS stabilised clocks for Radio Astronomy and Radar.